
CRank: 5Score: 10000

The main reason why you shouldnt compare games like

Crysis - Killzone 2
Uncharted 2 - Alan Wake

is because Uncharted 2 features more like a cartoon graphics where as Crysis delivers photo-realistic graphics..

People make a mistake when comparing totally different games.

5336d ago 4 agree12 disagreeView comment

I think Microsoft wants to find out how many people will buy that since Kratos is in there. Maybe they are trying to find out what kind of anticipation lies there for Kratos and God of War 3 ?

5346d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Take this b..... bubbles.

Even if those games you mentioned were "flops", then Uncharted 2 will be additional motivation for developers to go above that standard, which is even better news for PS3 owners, because we will get much better games, never before seen. Whereas 360 owners get the kind of games like Halo 3 ODST.

5357d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

Since day 1 I had :

- A reliable console
- A next-gen console which has the best games (Uncharted 2 on the lead)
- A console which wasnt outdated when it came out
- PSN which is improving all the time, next firmware updates are just going to get better.

good luck xbox owners..

5362d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't remember the E3 2009 ?

When Kaz Hirai said that the whole presentation of demos is run by a PS3 connected to the whole big screen ??

He also said that only PS3 is capable of creating such resolutions.

I think by March new technology is also going to come out, 2160p TVs...

The game will probably be 720p,1080i,1080p,2160i,2160p compatible..

Which is a good thing :|

5364d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Google Chrome is actually the fastest browser.

Opera is the safest from all (you can tell because most of the hackers use Opera not to get caught for something naughty they do)

If this is true, im really looking forward to Chrome on PS3 :)

5405d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats what you get for 200 bucks.

I always said, the 360 is a cheap piece of sh1t.

5418d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

TheMart is trying to say PS3 games are cheap thats why they are worthless..

So what should the industry say about XBOX 360 ?? The cheapest is almost the same price as PS2.

Worthless piece of ....

Thats where I end my discussion with this id1ot. He proved his thinking, i dont need to say more.


5423d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Missing out on great games ?? I dont see any great games from Valve, apart from Counter Strike 1.6.
I can have Left 4 Dead games on my PC, which runs better and looks better on my PC.

Great games can only be found on PS3 this year, next year and year after that. Exclusive line up for PS3 is unbeatable.

Even sh1tty multi plat games score higher on the PS3 now.

XBOX 360 is history, unless Microsoft proves to release something which looks at least...

5423d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

Do you people think that Activision gives a .... about those 9000 people that signed up for the petition ???

Those 9000 people wont buy the game, at least 1/3 of them will do so eventually.. but later on they will end up with a 9 mil number for MW2 sold..

Activision wont even feel anything by those 9000 people.

5424d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He is a jew. Thats why.

5431d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

Obviously Mart couldnt find a job and he still hasnt got a job and life. Thats why he is sitting in front of his computer all day and tries to pi.ss people off ;)

Sad life..

5432d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

We can see you play too much Halo 3. Your 360 has taken your brain.
I cant find the words to explain how fuking retarded you are.

Take this idiots bubbles.

Cod4 servers should be turned off, for the time being until they get the patch live.. Or there will simply be a rollback.

5433d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

At the beggining the PS3 was criticized for having less exlusives, and poor multi platform releases. Now when PS3 have overtaken the 360 in terms of the thing which i mentioned above, people are still trying to put the PS3 in the coffin.

Jealousy is the main problem in the gaming industry.

5449d ago 11 agree4 disagreeView comment

Activision said that the price of the PS3 is too high.

Look at what they did now. They increased the price so the game is more profitable for them.

So they expect SONY to lower the price of PS3 and not get any money from the console ??


5452d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS3 doesnt have less ram. This is for those uneducated retards :

Check the link noobs, get your facts right before you come here and talk sh1t.

PS3 can process 2x more than the 360.

5480d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

People wonder why some multi-plat releases dont sell as good as the 360 version, its because no one buys crap games like this. Developers cant be even bothered to take advantage of the hardware. Bunch of lazy dikheads.

5480d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thats why I dony count for multi platform releases apart from Modern Warfare 2. The rest of the games for me are exclusives like Uncharted 2.

5480d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Does anyone see that the 360 screenshot is lacking detail ?

For example, piece of rocks or whatever it is ? That is present in the PS3 screenshot, while 360 screenshot shows stickers or those rocks ?

5483d ago 54 agree18 disagreeView comment

No XBOX 360 or PS3 exclusive will ever be a GAME OF THE YEAR.
Why ??

Because when they say that PS3 exclusive is the GOTY, fanboys will say that they are biased and favour the PS3 more. The same thing would happen if 360 exclusive was nominated a GOTY.

Thats why sh1tty GTA4 was a GOTY.

5484d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment