
CRank: 5Score: 5700

I also thought it was going to cost $20 the most. Theres no point for me of buying it there. The only good thing about Games on Demand is that I don't have to carry the game disks where ever I go out and also I don't have to worry about the disk getting scratch. How come are they charching us $30?

5525d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have freedom of speech you idiot and I can say whatever the F I want. People in power better give a damn in what I say because Im part of the community that buys games. Don't compare FPS with rape games because theres nothing similar about. Does peole who support these rape games are just fkin pervs that dont have a life.

5527d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

You are stupid dude. Mario is not killing for fun, its killing to survive. Same goes to Gears: you are not using the chainsaw for fun and killing people: you are using it to survive againts enemies. GTA is one big example of influence. You can kill people for no reason, and many kids have do that and have influence them to do bad stuff in the real world.But you still have an option not to do those stuff in GTA. In these rape games, u are raping for fun and it can influence some idiot people t...

5527d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

those japanese devs need to get a life and stop making those kind of games for pervs. it influence some idiots that its ok to rape.

5527d ago 11 agree22 disagreeView comment

Can you people stop blaming MS. Do you all even read all the comments before posting yours. That article is wrong. The first pic is from the new build and the second pic is from the old build. SE use the old trailer on the ACC movie, so stop all of your Sony fanboyism nonsense, read, and do some research.

5529d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

I rather get Rage for 360 and I don't mind swapping disk. I prefer multi-console games on 360

5532d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Awesome:) I think this is a cool thing. Its gonna be like a tamagochi style. I like that

5540d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I had got many problems with my PS3 and i still do with freezing problems that im so fu**ing tired of it. It makes me wanna hit my PS3 with a hammer. I also have a 360 and havve no problems since I got it.

5547d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

some of you fanboys are just jealous this game is coming out in the iphone/itouch. deal with it :)

5547d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

multiplatform games work and look better on 360. They are made for 360 and then port to PS3. Many port tent to have minor problems in PS3. Even the multiplatforms that were made on PS3 have a few problems. I would just recommend to buy exclusives on PS3.

Please take note that Im not saying that the PS3 sux. Im just trying to tell everyone that doesnt know, that many devs dont know how to make games on PS3. Im not sure if its the devs`s fault or Sony's fault for making the consol...

5549d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I cant agree with you that PSN has more friendly ppl playing online. PSN is free, so many jerks take advantage of this. After playing in both consoles, i met alot mean ppl on PSN. PSN is not well protected from jerks. Live has many features that can protect your kids that PSN doesnt have at all. Many parents dont know about it, so they they keep talking sht about Live.Dont be lazy and explore your Xbox 360 settings more, so you can see what Im talking about.

5549d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

All consoles are great and they all have great games. Who ever says a certain console has crappy games, its an idiot. If you cant get both, just get the one that offers more to you. I like them all , so I bought them all. My first was the 360. I like the games and the Live features. Then, I bought the PS3 because i want it BluRay and the exclusive. I always like playing games on their native console, so thats why I play most multi platform games on 360. Ports sometimes have minor problems in...

5549d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

5563d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

First, she is a good looking girl. Many guys are jelous that she is number one in WaW just because she is girl. It doesnt matter who u are. Guys, we r not in the past anymore. Everyone is starting to hav more opportunites. Im just glad a girl is number one, so guys cant respect girls even more. And No, im not a girl. im a guy,just in case u ask.

5563d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

no matter what LIVE will always be ahead. PSN is still to far behind. LIVE has better servers and whole lot better features. I dont care about Home. Home is just a place to waist time and where a bunch of no lifes go and start been jerks one another.

5569d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

They made one of the greatest shooter ever. Even if MW2 didnt have co op i wouldnt care cause we dont need it to hav fun. I still think 4 plr Co-op is better, but i trust IW and I bet they know what they doing. I know theres many KZ2 fanboys here and talk **** about COD4 and MW2. I know,in my opinion, that COD4 is a better game than KZ2( Yes, i have KZ2, I wouldnt be saying this if i didnt have it or play it.). KZ2 is one of the games with too many problems(9 patches in less then 3 months, wo...

5569d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Im not sure about Killzone2 voice actors. KZ2 has one of the worst voice acting games.

5569d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I bet GG will use another CG trailer and say that that's in-game graphics. whe KZ3 comes out it will use a lower resolution from the trailer just how they did with KZ2. I just hope they dont focus to much on graphics this time and leave other important features out just how they did with KZ2. I will probably rent KZ3 cause I dont want to make the same mistake i did with KZ2.

5569d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

the train is not new to online maps. They got the idea from Gears of War 2 train map.

5643d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


5652d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment