CRank: 5Score: 4720

Ive had drug addiction's most of my life. I would only play games when high cause it became more of an escape. So yall are all right in every answer. Im 37 ,, and believe it or not the average gamer is 33 years old. As a recovering addict i am more of a compulsive collector now owning 300 on my ps4, ps vr. Alone. Bought a pro and 4k just recently cause i remember my damn atari. Lol. Kids today see games and roll their eyes saying wow. I see the evolution today and say fucking wow!! I dont...

2730d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love my ps4, pro and vr. Xbox wont make it this year, but i hope they can climb as best they can. First xbox is still my favorite console of all time : ) $$$$$Buy American $$$$$$ whatever haters

2824d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I bought it along with battlefield. Respawn said all dlc will be free to keep the ground running. Why cant people still buy it a few months from now? I hate to tell people but there are too many great games at once for most to afford them all at launch. Titanfall is more in competition with COD than battlefield. Because neither fanboy perfered fanatic of battlefield or COD will switch either. Titanfall is the better fast twitch shooter, not COD anymore. And that is EA's point of release ...

2884d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It was developed with psvr in mind and actually used with some pro driver testing the psvr alongside the rift. The developer recently stated they dropped it and are currently working on pc2 with the psvr. Ground up to get it as perfect as possible. Slightly mad said theyre very excited. I read it on n4g a few months ago. Wont be a long wait im sure :)

2903d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont get into cod to be honest. This is cool though. Definitely a grab down the road. These guys put some effort in. And im diggin no stupid hit mark indicaters when you shoot an enemy.

2984d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok i rambled. I just want this game badly

2991d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thank you sony for spiderman . Cause if this weren't exclusive and another company paid for the license they would have to cut corners and more than likely hurt my feelings again. It being sony owned gives hope. And possibly great hope for a future port,, taxing their rivals. Win win. God i hope its great. I understand investors gotta get theirs with past spiderman games. And i guess rocksteady did awesome being owned by warner bros with DC. And treyarche were just talented back in the da...

2991d ago 14 agree2 disagreeView comment

Thank you. Yes im making sure my sons gonna be ok. His eye spacing is exactly measured with mine. And i like the short games at launch for ,, ya know,, and not letting him jack in for hours lol.

2991d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thank you

2991d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have the 500 psvr bundle preordered. But just now i am seeing dang near every game supported by the oculust ,, id rather it tbh. I might be dumb for thinking this cause i dont feel like researching right now,, but arent the xbox and ps4 remote play on pc's now? And could the rift be incorporated ? It kind of feels like the best choice. But i can not afford a high end pc for a long time. The psvr is for my son's birthday / xmas gift. Idk,, any opinions for my post?

2993d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Please for the love of God i hope they do not dumb down and simplify the mechanics of this game for children ,, and understand adults like spiderman also. I loved treyarches spiderman 2 long ago. There was at least controller options for easy and more technical web slinging. We are used to control scemes now dangit ! Even my 9 year old has better coordination than i did as a young man. I was hoping sucker punch also. Bummed . But its cool they dont have to pay a lot of money for licensing and...

3008d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah almost bought fat princess a few times in the past month. Looks fun. Im beginning to get reluctant on purchases because dang near each one i want im already paying for with my psplus : ) figured that bs out since buying Strider. no clue what Furi is though.

3008d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tom Clancy wrote about airplanes flying into buildings. Why are video games to be blamed for psychological disorders? Uni bomber was against technology . He had a disorder. Serial killers.._ blah blah blah. Only thing i can blame games for are just a few cocky young men '' ive met a few '' btw,,,, that join the military glorifying war. For God sake a portion of our own government have to meet the MENTAL CRITERIA of a SOCIOPATH. To make certain decisions. Probably never really ...

3009d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We all know fallout 4 started as a skyrim remaster to learn this gens architecture ,,, they only mentioned xb1 in the statement. But the new one isnt too far off i hope. If it is there are tons of other games releasing to play? VR coming,,,, Neo and Scorpio. Im back logged ,,, and overwhelmed lol

3010d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I own a ''spy vs spy'' side slot game chip wtf ever it is for the sega master system. Game was awesome back when. : ) i think only one other game was made in that format,,,some cool fighter jet sim

3010d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Saving to get my first gaming pc. Im very ignorant to tech. Life long hardcore console gamer. How often does the average gamer replace cards? Is it around a 4 year cycle depending on software? Thnx if anyone answers

3010d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why does one have to top the other?

3015d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well...Id revisit some great games from my past and not bitch and moan once about their graphics . Because they are great. I also love indie games not because of graphics . Im buying it

3015d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope i dont catch staph infection because so many foreheads will stick on it. Better yet mine is preordered. Fuck that. Advice is yall bring wipes. Seriously im not trying to be funny.

3025d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


3031d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment