
CRank: 5Score: 31450

Dam that ugly compared to the other console..Look like crap up against the other PS3

5512d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know that Pirating Music, Movies, and Games are illegal but come on, people out there kill someone and walk free in 2-3 years.. there putting people away for 5-10 years for pirating software, Whats wrong with this Country.. 90% of America would have a known Murderer sit at their dinner table with them, other then Micheal Vick... This Country needs to start focusing on some of the more important things...

5516d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

WWE is Dying off, THQ should put all there Focus on UFC games... I haven't touched a WWE game in 5 years, BORING!!!!!!

5517d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yes he's in it, but it sounds like they pieced it together, it's not smooth at all

5522d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A Buddy of mine at a Local game store let me play this early, I do have to say they are Finally moving Forward... All though.. Here we go:

-No Play Challenges
-A lot of missed tackles because players go right Through each other
-For some reason the game start freezing up during the 4th Quarter
-Madden A.I Still Dump as Ever. (miss blocks, not even blocking)
-The Halftime show is Horrible (still not up to NFL 2K5's Halftime show)
-All the sideline pl...

5522d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Modding a console is not illegal, It's downloading or pirating games that is illegal, This guy must have been selling games to. If this guy gets charged for modification then Ben Hack better look out, it's all modding.. Whos the guy that made the Grill out of the PS3.. We need to stop this NOW!!!

5526d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Windows 7 blow XP away, It's the true update that should have came instead of Vista.... If you can I'd update the day of launch.. I have a High end Computer and I have had know problems at all other then driver support from 3rd party but there has always been away around it... I'll be picking up the Ultimate day one

5528d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

All This Means is that Everyone owns a Xbox 360 so now they need a PS3, the Same Reason Xbox 360 is out selling the Wii, Everyone owns a Wii now

5529d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whats the Point, If I Pay for Netflix Ican watch a movie, with the update I should be able to invite people to watch with me... Also If I Pay for netflix and you pay for netflix and we want to watch a stars movie in a Party then why is it not letting us, We would be able to watch it alone?. it makes know since, Netflix would not be giving anything away for free, but letting me branch out shows other what netflix is about, alot most like having everyone over your house to watch the movie... L...

5532d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I got the update today as well as many. I feel the netflix part of the was the most pointless
when they talked about this update they said you be able to invite your friends to watch movies with
well what you should know is this is not the case. In order to watch netflix, everyone you invite most have
the netflix service. So to me there iS know reason for this. They could have spent this time pm other things
also I've notice is the props are not on the friends list ....

5532d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

They better come out a NFL Jerseys.. thats all i'm saying

5536d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

and these people keep asking them self's, why do people pirate are Games.. when they split the content up between what store you buy it at becomes a joke... It's like buying a car but you can't get tires unless you go to this one dealership...As far as madden goes to the guy at the top..Ever since EA got the rights to the NFL they have done nothing with Football.. this madden game is just now getting to what NFL 2k5 was back then.. exclusive content should be stop buy the developers.

5537d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My 8 year old son ran through the First one in 2 days, Mario and Hardcore shouldn't be in the same Sentence.

5551d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is a crap story, They even say all over the game that they are adding servers... Tell you the truth I've played in 5 game never finished one because they have to keep disconnecting the servers to add more...

5553d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This guy can mod some crap... I'm still waiting on my PS360 Controller.... I Wish.... all those Smarts and he still sets the Disc read side down... BIG NO NO

5556d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I've said it before, This guys has hopes but just sucks at what he's does, All his Info is from Internet, I mean the guy wears a WWE belt, and gave Transformer 2 Game a 8/10 are you kidding me.. I think everyone that buys this game on Hiphopgamer's review should get a Full refund from him, Halo recon Beta is going to blow everything out of the water this year, PS3 Slim may help Sony but what are they taking out to make it cheaper, Don't you think people are tired of seeing new consoles come o...

5556d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

So what like it hurts anyone, I hate EA for there ways more then anyone, but in game ads, don't mess with me, If i'm playing you online I hope your looking at the Ads so you get Knock out

5557d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is a joke because Xbox live Voice and sony's voice are to different things, you telling me the this company invented Both????
first the Dual Shock and this Sony's in a hurt locker right now, I hope Microsoft blows these guy out of the water and not pay out just to move on... whats next the founder of glass is going to sue the World

5559d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

What Stops these guys from releases the outside the app store??
Apple needs to Lighten up..

5560d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is a Weird Console Run for Sony and MS... back in the day it was here's your console.. Now you should almost wait a year or two just to get the better model... I think there are 5 different xbox, and 5 PS3's I mean WTF... On the next console I hope they Overdue the Machine so we don't we this happening again

5566d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment