CRank: 5Score: 900

The guy playing in this video sucks bad! I would not want to play on his team.

4934d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah that's what I got from the guys complaining. They are COD fans or either 360 fanboys who are trying to hate on this game. I loved MAG, I need to pick it back up after I get tired of Killzone 3 but I will be buying this game because it looks like it will have a lot of weapons and you can carry two weapons. Having a Sniping Rifle and a machine gun is going to be awesome!

4940d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

At least we get to see gamers in the streets as opposed to listening to a damn 2 hour podcast. He hardly ever trashes games on his review which I think he should put a little more effort into because some of the horrible games he believes their the bomb. Let's take Ninja Blade for example, this game will average around 7-7.5 on metacritic. I haven't seen anything from the game that say's it will be on the level of Ninja Gaiden.

5664d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I seriouslly doubt anyone will be buying Final Fantasy on the 3fixme because it will be on 3-4 disc. Who would want to get up over and over again when you can have it on 1 disc. I'm sure the majority of people who have both systems will get the PS3 version even if they get DLC later. DLC isn't that big anymore, especially with people finishing games and trading them in.

5664d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah Valve has made good games, but come on. Who cares about Left 4 Dead or a new Half Life on a DVD-9 disc? Let Microsoft have Valve, the PS3 has a bigger gaming development studio than Microsoft so losing Valve even though the majority of their next gen games are Microsoft exclusive means NOTHING! I'm willing to bet that Sony has better developers on staff that makes PSN titles than the people at Valve, look at the awesome small titles they are producing and whose willing to put up a Valve ...

5672d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Before I got Killzone 2, Socom was all I played. This game is really addicting, and it's one of the better 3rd person shooters out on the PS3. I find it hard to believe people are still crapping on this game even though they had several patches to fix bugs. If you haven't played the game, ignore the reviews. Socom is a must have if you own a PS3, and I guarantee you it will hold you over after you get tired of Killzone 2. I have both and I haven't been playing Killzone 2 as much as I use to p...

5672d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

LMAO, maybe you're looking at the screen shots on a 1980's CPU monitor. The PS3 shots look waaaaaaaaaay better.

6185d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

PS3 looks better, the level of detail and the smoke effects look amazing. I won;t be buying it though.

6186d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment