
CRank: 5Score: 1670

The problem is a lot of the BIG PS4 exclusives on the list are not 2017 games, more like 2018-2019 games.

2832d ago 7 agree36 disagreeView comment

It was the logo that was green because it was the only colour marker designer had, not the console. :)

3002d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The article tells the story all wrong, if you listen to the interview Ed Fries says that their was 2 different Xboxes being worked by 2 different teams, one with Windows and one without, the one with Windows got the green light by Bill Gates and both teams become one and worked on that console, over time that console became more like the one that got rejected and didn't run Windows, so when the team had a 2nd meeting with Bill Gates and they told him it didn't run Windows he got angry...

3002d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo 4 for me, I was lucky enough to play it at a convention over the weeken and it was awesome!

4358d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment