I am the Company's Physician and Annalist.


CRank: 5Score: 2370

Nor did I ever imply such a thing, Incipio.

What I find funny is that the screen captions off of LoT are not accurate to what I see on my TV. When I said
brighter, I simply meant that the colors looked more alive to me. Funny how you claim I am "imagining" this, despite not sitting next to me and looking at the game as I play it.

Self shadowing is there, I can see it. It's not as prominent as it is on the 360, in fact the lighting...

5023d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't see MS backing off of the console market. What I think is that they foresaw an easy win in the console market, like you said, they throw money around to make their problems go away. No, I see MS sticking in and slugging it out. They've seen how they've gotten the US market, mostly. I do agree that MS does not have a clear strategy.

It'll be interesting to see what happens here, but I thought that MS was to do this with win7!?


5024d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would like to see this too. Though I won't hold my breath for this to happen.

5024d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Says the kid with three bubbles all used up making pointless comments...I'll keep that "denial" in mind.
The fact that you come out and call me a fanboy out of no where, shows that you're the fanboy. I find this word to be so...lacking.

The 360 doesn't look better, either. I'm sorry, kid. But BioWare got this one right. This is one of the few ports that look better on the PS3. I don't understand why you're so hurt over this anyway?...

5024d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

Why you just go and download the demo and see just how good the PS3 version looks? I did, and I did my own comparison because I trust my eyes over some websites comparison.

To me the PS3 demo looks better than the 360 retail version. (I bought the LE of ME2 for 360 last year) Go on and see for yourself before chastising BioWare!

5024d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

I see all of these comparisons, but what matters to me is what I can see on my HDTV. And what I've seen is that the PS3 demo looks quite a bit better than my retail version of Mass Effect 2 on 360.

The PS3 looks brighter and sharper to me. The textures look better to me as well. So imo, I think the PS3 version looks better. The lighting is certainly better. Thre frame rate is much smoother too. The only gripe I have is some screen tearing that I've never ran into on...

5024d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

That was...retarded. They were boosting and it wasn't "cool" as the one guy in the video claimed.

5025d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game seems to be aimed at the tweens. Pass.

5028d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My boycotting works. I don't buy any of their products, I don't even rent them. The last COD I bought was COD4. The last Blizzard game I bought was Diablo II.

Though I do plan on getting Diablo III!

5028d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

No, I watched the video. I heard very clearly. I didn't misunderstand, either. He's still implying that they have no limits and they do. Everyone and everything has limits. There is no such a thing as limitless. The PS3 has it's limits as well as Sony and ND.

Anything else?

5028d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Actually, Karooo. The U.S. is still in a recession. Yes, we've passed the worst of the storm, but it's still not over yet. Things can still go really bad, the potential is there.

Though, I am hoping that in 2011 we'll pull out of it completely, realisticaly speaking it probably won't be until 2012. And with the price of oil going back up ever higher and higher, that right there could throw us into another recession, given how much oil we American's consu...

5028d ago 16 agree2 disagreeView comment

Uncharted 3 as ND will be using a stonger color palette. Plus, I imagine there will be more variety to the locations in UC3, both games will look fantastic!

5028d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

God doesn't exist..

5028d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

Looks good!

5028d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sithfreak, would you be able to come up with anything better, I wonder?

5028d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sorry, while I can appreciate their confidence in the system that they work on, every system has it's limits. The PS3 has it's limits. Now, I think that the Uncharted series is not only one of the best but it has always been one of the best looking console games to date.

This statement may come back to bite them in ass...Though I doubt it would. Still, the PS3 does have limitations, like everything does. It is a machine after all.

I'm ...

5028d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

Don't forget PC releases like RAGE..

5029d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here's my take on this.

The Author doesn't really have any valid reasons for why we shouldn't bother with Skyrim. None. His comparisons are between Marrowind and Oblivion. Those two games are not Skyrim.

He's basically making a strawman argument at this point.
There is no information on Skyrim. He should wait and see like the rest of us have to do. There is alot of potential for this game, if it's done the way it needs to ...

5029d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Uncharted 3 is looking very impressive.
As other have commented the fire particles look really good, but what had me was the lighting effects, simply outstanding!

5029d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now what was the point of this list? Other than to bait someone, I suppose?

Why is it that everyone can't just set aside such petty behaviors and enjoy gaming for what it is?
Isn't this article about Uncharted 3 and not all of those games you've listed?

5029d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment