CRank: 5Score: 2320

Key words, no end in sight

4072d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I also see no end in sight to the people that complains they will never ever play it again.

4072d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't know if the author knows it or not but he mixed up the call of duty reference. Although Activision own the rights, the true creators of the game are the ones sitting over Titanfall's side. Not Destiny. These are the guys that made those great CoDs from years back. Titanfall should be no less spectacular.

4072d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

GTA 5, will NOT be releasing on the Wii U but only on 360 and PS3. That game is expected to sell above 20 million copies.

Mario Galaxy 2, sold 7.5 million copies.

New Super Mario U sold as of March 31st 2013......2.15 million copies.

Zelda twilight princess....8 mil sold on both wii and gc
Zelda skyward sword.....3.68 mil sold

PS3 games,
God of War 3.....4.5 mil copies
Uncharted series, 6 mil copies...

4073d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

As it stands currently, Wii U isn't even doing better than the PS3 or 360 let alone the One and PS4.

4073d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Why would any hardcore or dedicated gamer be willing to spend $350 on a system that is technically 3 years outdated when a new system like PS4 is coming out that is far more advanced for $400? The ability to play Nintendo's first party games has always been it's main attraction but through the years, Sony and Microsoft have built up so many lasting IPOs and franchises that gamers have started to not care if they can't play the next Mario or Link anymore.

A $300...

4073d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

Bicftness you obviously have no common sense and that extra edited portion of still trying to prove your comment right just made you look even more of a moron.

4075d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've never heard of such a thing. There are only two ways you will get disagrees on these boards, talk bad about Sony's console, or talk good things about Microsoft's console.

4076d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, to put it bluntly, this really puts an egg on the face look to every fanboy that trumpeted this we have better ram than you ms fanboys huh??

The battle continues............

4079d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Could this sniper nerf have anything to do with the recent influx of wannabe quickscopers?

4082d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Reading the author's bio states that he is a self proclaimed Sony fanboy. I call bullsh*t on the whole 6 red rings with a wait total of 8 weeks each. Thats a whole year. I had the red ring once and it took 10 days and that was after 6 months of using it. MS sent me the slim version and I never had a red ring again.

Whatever, I am not a MS fanboy and already have my PS4 reserved. I am keeping away from the One simply because i do not like the fact that a broken Kinect w...

4083d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Pretty ironic in this day and age where video games have to evolve in order to hold an audience captulvated the ONE series where gamers are begging for nolstalgic yet the company can't seem to deliver. Please have a world map, please let me wander ainlessly all over the world so I can accidentally trigger the next stage of events like I remembered 15 years ago playing ff6 and then ff7. If Ff15 plays out like the recent shallow fantasies that SE have been pushing out then I will have los...

4085d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yet another article trying to create a story. The author is making this out to be some sort of 50/50 civil divide. No dude, don't take opinions from 2% of the comments and making it out to be this huge controversy. GTA 5 is going to be fantastic if it lives up to it's hype.

Oh and a good majority of GTA fans HATED the stupid RPG elements of San Andreas like having to stop what you're doing every half an hour just to bench press????? There's a reason why ...

4087d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

High production value games, in my mind, should cost no more than $30-$40 million. If the average HD console game could have a budget closer to $10-$20 million with most expenses I don’t think we’d hear about so many games failing to meet sales expectations.

This is easier to say than do, of course. How can publishers make good games in less time with less employees and less money? I don’t know exactly, I’m no expert.



4088d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope getting 100% completion in this game requires half a year of total play time.

4089d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

My friend went out and brought a $700 desktop last year to play diablo 3. After seeing that it wasn't up to par to the screenshots he saw, he was informed that he still needed to buy graphics card for the full 3D rendering he went and got one for $600. The graphics were awesome and slowdown was non existant. Meanwhile I learned to be content with playing d3 lowered to a window on my laptop with the occasional lag. D3 ended up being a disappointment and Im glad I never wasted any money...

4092d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

As excited as I am for the One's exclusive, the system itself and the need for a mandatory Kinect baffles me. No choice but to go with the sure thing with PS4 on day one for the next gen games although their exclusives are not to my liking. Whenever MS clears up this Kinect mess they put themselves in, I'll pick up a One to enjoy Titanfall and their other offerings.

4097d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

@Sonic 200

spoken like a true fanboy.

4097d ago 11 agree5 disagreeView comment

Yeah such a ripoff only mp, I guess Skyrim is a ripoff too since it have no MP.

4097d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

ok I understand some people don't like to part with their money too soon but what is the damn difference dropping $60 now on a game and dropping $5 now and paying $55 later? The game is still worth the damn same where is the ripoff? $60 for a game with no campaign? How about $60 for a game like god of war finishing it one single weekend and never playing it again??? As long as the content gives you 50+ hours of enjoyment then it's worth the money. MP or SP who cares. Idiot fanbo...

4097d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment