Sigh Demon souls is no joke hard as hell need a break from it before I break my controller
CRank: 5Score: 19020

Some how I think Resistance would just be better in 3rd person for some reason idk. Anyway I liked both Resistance 1 and 2. Just wish more people used Mics =( Excluding the kids

5169d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Baltis thats the worse trolling I ever seen in my life. I think thats the process of where you get your trolling ideas from... and since your a idiot you tend to think everyone does what you do.

5169d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

LMAO was funny when he teabagged him after he poked his eyes out LOL.

5169d ago 17 agree2 disagreeView comment

Why must we have duplicate articles sigh.....

5169d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well thats what they prefer so oh well. Same situation with Valve with the PS3. They will probably work on kinect when they figure a way out to use efficiently.

5169d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

LMAO why are people getting disagrees for saying jak and daxter ? Wow idiots must not know about Jak and Daxter and how much importance that franchise is to some of us ps3 owners.

5169d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think its to quick to release Uncharted 3. I rather naughty dog release a new Jack game then do uncharted after. I'm still enjoying Uncharted 2 as it is.

5169d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Because Lost Planet 2 had annoying mechanics. Demo Souls was flat out hard because of the Gameplay and the game itself. While LP2 is just annoying and not hard they just put stupid mechanics where you get knock down and a whole bunch of nonsense.

I seen a whole bunch of people played it on my FL when it first came out they all think the first 1 was overall better and more fun. They were huge LP fans also played the first 1 almost everyday.

5169d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

In reality Cole will lose......... Unless Cole is surrounded by a area with Massive amounts of electricity he would lose. They made Alex just to strong for Cole.

Although if he fought the Cole at the end who drained the ray sphere then it would be a whole different Ball Game. Also to add Infamous 2 is coming out so I'm sure Cole got way stronger then infamous 1.

Remember Cole is so called weak against water..... All Alex needs to do is take a fire hydran...

5169d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed. I never had a problem with camping because eventually you will die. Most of the campers though are Grenade launcher idiots hence why people hate campers.

Since I don't play team deathmatch ever I tend to not care because I play objective game modes which sometimes require camping and sometimes you have no choice but to come out. You can easily tell real gamers from the fake ones. I will say a REAL GAMER will care for kills but not make that stop him from achievin...

5169d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed with the list I would have also added Call of duty Modern Warfare 2 also. Because a lot of people including me think Call of duty 4 was overall better then MW2.

5169d ago 16 agree2 disagreeView comment

No my PSN is Lt-Colonel-Snake......

5169d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats by far the biggest and most ignorant piece of crap I ever read and seen on N4G and trust me dude I seen the worst but you my friend are the worst of the worse.

Not only are you a double standard weak minded hypocrite but on top of it you couldn't even respond with a post that makes sense. First off thats a opinion about PS3 games make wii owners and xbox 360 owner buy a PS3.

A pc is not a console regardless of what you wanna say. And I remember fan...

5169d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sigh time to shut the ignorant fanboys. I'm really tired of the ignorance on this Site. I hate and I MEAN I HATE when the damn fanboys try to use the dictionary term of exclusive for the way of talking bullshit.

Listen In terms of a CONSOLE!!! There are 3 major consoles out this generation guess what they are ?????

Playstation 3

XBOX 360

Nintendo Wii

Now lets ask this question on which console can Mass ef...

5169d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment


Seriously its the same situation with Agent being develop on the PS3 and PC. And its not available on the 360 hence it being a PS3 Console exclusive.


I know people double standards are ridiculous. Anyway I don't consider PC a console. Its in a league of its own in my opinion.

Edit: ...

5169d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its a Console exclusive... If I can't play it on my PS3 and its available on the XBOX its still a exclusive that we can't play on a console other then the XBOX hence why I'm sticking to its a exclusive.

5169d ago 16 agree7 disagreeView comment

I don't understand how you put Crackdown 2 but not Mass effect 2....

5169d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

Nothing to complain about. Also its nothing to praise about neither. Cool feature for those who wanna change their name.

5169d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

I will say this... Society is all brainwashed and nothing else.... There is nothing FTW really about America except the so called "freedom" people believe we have. Listen wake the fuck up. The amount of Freedom you have depends on how much the government choose to give you.

Anyway my view on religion is this. Majority of the people who practice Christianity don't know shit about it. Me personally I don't practice any type of religion what so ever. I believe...

5169d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Um I think because some people felt your bashing the PS3. I wouldn't say its more competitive in terms of players ability. The PS3 can be equally competitive if people would actually try and support the PS3 for competitions, but since nobody really supports the PS3 community then there can be no say whether or not it can or cannot be competitive.

Anyway I know you was just being diplomatic about what you said so I give you a bubble.

Edit: Agreed. Well I ...

5170d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment