
CRank: 5Score: 2960

Move is the pathetic "hail mary" of a dying company without new or innovative ideas. Natal, while not for everyone, is a legitimate and exciting step forward. Move will be "moved" into obscurity in a matter of months thanks to poor sales and zero interest. Natal will be a huge success this holiday season. Strong sales will lead to a wide range of developers supporting it with new and innovative games. The good news for Sony is PS3 will always have strong support on N4G. Un...

5306d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

just like PS3 is with the 360" You sir are more correct than you know.

5306d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

SIKBETA: did you just offer to change your avatar to a picture of a penis so I could "mess with it"? Come now boy. You're the one who likes to play with Sony dildo wands.

TREBIUS: You have a picture of spongebob as your avatar and one bubble. You could not be a bigger loser if your life depended on it.

KARAN8624: I'm a tool with a douche haircut? Wow, such hostility. Did this article hurt your feelings?

5307d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

You think its racist to say Japan dosen't count!? That is laughable. Even Prolific japanese developers like Hideo Kojima see rapidly decreasing relevance in japanese consumers and even more importantly game developers. How's this for racist you big crybaby? The Xbox is raping Playstation worse than Japan received it from our American Soldiers in WWII. And BOOM goes the dynamite!

5307d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

Are you trying to prove this article correct in its assertions about ignorant and annoying Playstation fans or am I missing some joke?

5307d ago 9 agree11 disagreeView comment

Well if nothing else droids, at least your moms will have fun with it.

5309d ago 4 agree11 disagreeView comment

Actually it's not. Because no one is going to buy it.

5309d ago 4 agree16 disagreeView comment

This is the most pathetic thing in gaming since that Nokia Ngage thing. A wii-mote clone complete with nunchuk ripoff, and a slew of crappy ripoffs of wii games like Wii sports. With crap like this SONY deserves to be in last place. Xbox and Natal are going to crush PS3 and move this holiday.

5309d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

and they wonder why they have made the "MOVE" from first place last gen to last place this gen. This is a disgrace.

5309d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Hideo Kojima, Steven Spielberg, countless game developers and companies now including Suda51 all excited for the revolutionary Project Natal. So who's excited for the Sony dildo? (i mean besides Richard Simmons)

5315d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

in Sonys stupid motion controller thing. That said (if this rumor turns out to be true) you have to give "props" to the Guerilla Guys for innovation. 3D and Arc support would certainly not be a case of far too similar sequel-itis that so many devs suffer from.

5316d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

I'm still getting this for PS3. JRPGs may feel outdated by intricate action-packed games like Fallout 3, but I will always have a special place in my heart for Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. Does that make me a P***y?

5320d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

posted spoilers on this game in the open zone and now I know who the Origami killer is. Would I still "have fun" playing thru the game?

5321d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I think we have a great current generation of consoles from Sony, Nintendo and yes Microsoft. Competition is a good thing and Microsofts mere existence makes Sony and Nintendo better companies. As for your claims of "faulty hardware" and "over priced accessories" and "generic gaming franchises" some are legitimate grievances, others are trivial nonsense. My Point? All three companies have deficiencies. The Wii suffers from massive overloads of shovelware and your...

5324d ago 14 agree27 disagreeView comment

Oh you mean like the PS3?

5325d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

you were trying to be witty and sarcastic with your bad grammar and racism. Clearly you are not that stupid. clearly..

5327d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

obviously the PS3 version is superior and is the one you should get. I own all 3 systems ( but I am an admitted xbox fanboy) Sometimes multiplat games turn out better on ps3(ffXIII etc) sometimes 360(bayonetta, orange box etc) sometimes they come out pretty even (Assassins Creed II etc)

5327d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

as the hype continues to build for the revolution that is Microsofts Project Natal, Sonys "arc" just can't get any attention. Oh, how the once mighty japanese Giant has so spectacularly fallen on it's face. First, the disastrous launch of an over-priced PS3 console desperately lacking in software that to this day is still in last place, and losing money. second the humiliating PSPgo that has been brutalized by the Nintendo DS, and finally this fall it's greatest failure yet: the lau...

5329d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

Sony fanboys argue that NATAL has been subjected to little hands-on scrutiny and could suffer "lag" issues. At least Microsoft had the courage to try something different, and will probably be rewarded for it this fall when gamers flock to NATAL and avoid this wii-mote clone like the plague. Or the PSP Go.

5331d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

it's nice to see since you were fired at SONY for the disastrous PS3 launch that you keep busy by trolling N4g and making off-topic, barely-coherent posts. It's no wonder the Playstation brand went from first to dead last under your brilliance.

5331d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment