
CRank: 5Score: 23430
5514d ago

holy jeebus!!

5514d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

did they just write an article and not mention more than 1 good game so far for 2009 but instead focused on the stuff coming and thought they could give it a fair rating? sir.

No good games so far and you shout a bunch of multiplats and exclusives you won't see till 2010 and that's a 9? i seriously hope these aren't the guys rating our games.

5516d ago 10 agree6 disagreeView comment

i know the #1 to know if they will or not...............see if the world implodes when the slim drops at 299 or less...if that changes nothing, i don't know what will.

5516d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

thanks....i didn't know that.

5516d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mine just died last week, and im dying without it but i'll never not back it up again....its gonna get backed up on a weekly basis. THANK GOD FOR SONY LETTING ME DOWNLOAD MY GAMES 5 TIMES FOR FREE!!!!

5516d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

so i just hit the x button to start up fat princess and my ps3just yeah.

5525d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

i doubt that.....i've been playing fat princess for about 20 hours now and i would have paid 20 for it easily.

also, does anyone know if qore subscription is worth it? i wanna get it but 25 bucks in qore could easily be 25 in games.

5526d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

someone plz answer the qore question!!!!!!!!

oh and is it just me or are the downloads for the psn faster now? usually i only get like 1mb a second but now im getting like 3

5526d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

uncharted 2 should definitely be in there.

5526d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

if its for something that's "premium" then why the hell not? as long as it does what it does and then some (compared to others) then of course ppl would buy it...but im sure if ppl decided not to pay for it in the masses then they would either drop that price heavily or eliminate the fee altogether.

5526d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

they've already had consoles at 200,300,and 400, only impressive thing to do is add something new or drop the lowest price, it's pretty clear this generation that ppl don't pay attention to VALUE, hence the "ps3 is super doomded" articles everywhere, but its been in the media like hell, which proves one (yes all of you) are waiting for the price to drop SO YOU CAN BUY ONE TOO!

5526d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

american show + xbox selling more in america x fanboys= DUH!!!!!!!!!1111!

i don't care what anyone says all i know is that since i finished gears2 (pure awesomness) i haven't even seen an exclusive of worth for it.

but to stay on topic i have a question for the xbox only owners. not to flame or troll or w/e, but in all honesty, what on exclusives have you been playing that isn't already a year old? all the bashing and fighting among the ppl on this site, and frankly im...

5526d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

why bite the only hand that will feed you since you basically caused all of the ps3 owners to hate you? suck up to ms ko-w/e your name is, you knows which audience is smarter.

5526d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

i hope bron gets 2k11

5526d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

so retailers themselves can't tell how many they've sold to consumers and report back to sony? cuz if they can, then its very possible and very simple math. but i'm just a silly fanboy right? get off your horse and pay attention, whether they do it or not is one thing,fine, but to say its impossible, it's not, improbable maybe, but not impossible.

5529d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

you probably didn't see the article from a few days ago, but of the 3 companies, sony is the only one that counts units sold to customers, not shipped. the number is right, but if u wanna say shipped, i suggest you add 1-2 million to that.....its reality

5529d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

play through the credits (who's your daddy)........its freaking CLASSIC.

5531d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

but u know what that means right 1-1.5 million more means that sony sold 25-25.5million consoles to date so unless the 360 is at 33 million shipped, it means that the ps3 is chipping away at that lead again, even without the price cut.

5531d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

what i want to know is.....since sony counts system sold to the public and according to kotaku ms and wii use shipped numbers, what do the real numbers look like? and more importantly how big is that gap between ps3 and 360 really?

this is for those of you who didn't read the article.

In 2006, Sony decided to start tracking how many consoles and games they sold all the way through to customers, not just to retailers (which is how most other companies record "sa...

5531d ago 17 agree1 disagreeView comment