
CRank: 5Score: 23430

i dare anyone to say that sony doesn't care about their consumers

5879d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

that was a tiny fail... it should be rentable.

5879d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"get this nigga some widgets an all that sh!t."

5879d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

finally someone who gets it.

5880d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

u ppl don't read well do u? the first post to see how i arrived at the 300,000 units for makes 360 had a rare win in japan wooptifrickindoo....again on the hardware thing...failure rate, the end...u stupid stupid mf....are u calling gow2 a system seller?....are u out of ur chromosome ridden mind? im a gow fan....the first one may have been, but no way in hell gow2 is gonna push consoles most of it is gonna be us who already played the first f...

5880d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

1. 600,000= overall lead + supposed average sales for january which was omitted
2.Japan? really?...seriously dude..don't be a retard.
3.ps3 is having a price drop as well
4.making a hardware point (sku) on a 360 is an automatic fail idc if its not out yet.
5.note u said "plenty up its sleeve" and names gow2, granted, im getting it and fable2...but as far as calling that plenty...learn to count im not gonna list the lineup for u...u know what it is.
6. d...

5880d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

300, that rate it'll be about 8 years b4 it catches up to the 360......(oh wait.......their missing the sales numbers for january) so since they only checked from february, the ps3 has averaged 300,000 sales per month. which means it is probably ahead (as of 2008) by 600,000 for about half the year, if it keeps this pace up by itself that's 1.2mil for the year which also means that even if the 360 kept up its blistering pace (which won't happen due to the fact that it doesn't have ...

5880d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

anyone else realize.......this article is old...i've seen it b4 on this site.

5880d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that first pic is racist.

5882d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

if that g.o.w. bundle was real.....i'd buy it......just to have it....even though i have a 60gb.......kratos owns thoughts.

5882d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

ppl may be buying the cheapest blu ray player they could find if they don't already have one.......*co-ps3-ugh*

5884d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"how u gon leave me hangin?" lmfao

5884d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i guess if sony started charging for it now i wouldnt care either..but mostly because i totally abused having it for free and if i know sony.....they wouldn't charge too much (not 50) and it would most likely be bcuz they would be adding something soo huge that if they didn't charge the ps3 would eventually cause the whole company to tank...but they won''ll be the greates hypocritical move ever.

oh....and its nice opening the ps3 store and not seeing mcdonalds/toys r us ad...

5885d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

they pulled out all their big guns at e3....which means sony actually purposely held back...the thought that they could do that is just plain boastful...and a bit scary...deny it all u want...but ur a little dissappointed...u wanted something new...but there is nothing...either that, or they just don't care about eu...which i know isn't the case since they're not leading there...and again to all u math in over 2years 9 months...ps3= almost 15 mil in 1 year and 9 month...

5885d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

ms is just plain greedy i think.

5885d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

after a 6.75...who cares?.....i wasted time almost finishing that demo.

uhh quick the hell did ign give heavenly sword a 7?....granted the game was short but it was actually pretty fun...i thought it was awesome would have gotten an 8 from me at least.

5885d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

they should be outselling the ps3.......but note...the 40gb are missing... and most likely will be until september...there should really be no competition until then.....still...25,000 isn't a big margin though.

5887d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

gears,fable,mass effect,saints row,ninja gaiden (u must be a beast urself to play this game).......there's 5.......ps3 fanboy i am, i do believe ps3 has the best quality and quantity of owned exclusives but i could never say the xbox doesn't have some really good games...nintendo included...hate them as much as i do for obvious reasons (crappy hardware and crappy graphics respectively), i show respect to the library, not the quantity, but the quality games a bigger fanboy than u ar...

5887d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

instead of ignoring gonna spam u till u dieeeeeee.

5887d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

u sir...are deepest apologeeeees

5887d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment