I farted.


CRank: 5Score: 1500

Really, advertisements should not count as news articles.

That said, the articles states $230. It doesn't mention that it's a $230 Amazon gift card. Not cash. Jus' sayin'.

4873d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Since when are advertisements "news?"

4876d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Because developers don't get any share of the profits of used sales. Used sales is the only reason why GameStop exists in the first place -- it's their primary source of income.

That's a bit screwed up in my opinion.

Like I said below, I would recommend renting games (like Gamefly) and buy new games that you enjoy (even if it's from GS).

If you need to sell the game, there are much better places to do it (although it requires ...

4878d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's pretty much all of retail.

They simply do what they think is best to get the most dollar from every customer in any way legally possible.

That's just the system we're in.

And (I would hope) there's a big difference between communication between a company and consumers as opposed to user to user online.

4878d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I didn't renew my PowerUp card based solely on GS saying I'd be a loser otherwise.

They're going for a very specific audience (kids/teens) with it. And they'll beg their parents to renew their card. If the parents are smart, they'd tell their kids, and Gamestop, to eff off.

You need to buy/trade in $150 of used games/accessories to offset the annual payment of the card each year. If you do that already, then get the card (if you still want...

4878d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

1. PS2
2. NES
3. Atari 2600
4. PS1
6. XB360
7. Genesis
8. PS3
9. Dreamcast
10. N64

4887d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice to see news can be so judgmental.


4999d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dunno. Seems misleading to me.

If the PSP2 as a whole was "as powerful" as a PS3, I would imagine you'd be able to run an HDMI port to a TV and it would look exactly like a PS3. In which case, why sell a PS3 when you have one that's portable. Blu-ray I guess?

I don't buy this "as powerful as a PS3 when adjusting for size" stuff. If that's the case, then they should say it as such.

In fact, if it was just ...

5003d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I farted.

5003d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I enjoyed the read. Take it for what it is. If you don't like it, I highly recommend NOT reading anything on N4G. It's just not for you. Unless you get off on complaining. For which I say, "Carry on..."

On topic, my g/f shows a mild interest in games. She prefers to watch me play, but will occasionally pick up the controller once in a while. I got her hooked on Zen Pinball on PS3. She fumbles big time with CoD because she has no experience with the controls,...

5017d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Let's have a contest where we stop bitching and post something that hasn't been said before.

Hard mode: no mention of GT5/Forza or Move/Kinect.

God mode: no console fanboying.

5046d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment