
CRank: 5Score: 3910

Its a good idea and it might work well for strategy games (which really is one of the few genres consoles have had difficulty breaking into because of control issues).

For shooters, i think it will run into the same problem controllers run into in that the muscles in your thumb, biomechanically, can't be as precise as the mouse which uses muscles in your hand/wrist/forearm.

Hopefully it proves me wrong, because I would much prefer to sit at my couch and...

3920d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its an honest review (certainly better then polygons garbage review) but I find it odd the reviewer had issues with the combat system and the chaos on screen when other reviewers havnt mentioned that as an issue.

3978d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

The reviewer didnt even finish the game!

If you have only played 12 hours, you have maybe finished normal mode with 1 character (which puts you roughly at level 30ish out of 99). There are 2 more difficulty levels, PVP and the Chaos Labrynth after that.

While every one is entitled to their opinion, it doesnt mean that said opinion isn't horribly uninformed.

3978d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

The SFIV and Injustice announcements were 5-10 minutes max, the KI announcement/set was a solid 20-30 minutes of ridiculous combo breakers and general boredom at the end of a long day and right before Marvel was supposed to start?????

KI was what was getting booed there. It had nothing to do with Xboxone.

3994d ago 4 agree26 disagreeView comment

Did that American general look all that pleased to see that British general take an arrow to the chest? Hardly.

1 trailer highlighting 1 battle doesn't mean we will only be killing British soldiers.

4400d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is why Dota2 is going to have a hard time in the North American market. The original Dota never got really big over here, but League has gotten huge. People who come from league are going to try one or two games of Dota2, realize just how steep the learning curve is, then go back to LoL.

Both games are fantastic games, but Dota's learning curve is so steep that tons of players are going to get scared off.

4531d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Title should actually read "hipster gamer's lame opinions"

4556d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

You certainly need a thick skin to play this genre of game. Even League of Legends, which is a much simpler game, has a massive learning curve for people who are unfamiliar with the genre.

Im hoping Valve has really put time and effort into the bots and tutorials because they are going to be essential if Dota is going to break into mainstream North American gaming. Its not going to be easy to crack LoL's hold on the moba scene here though.

4581d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Demons Souls online was a million times better. Hosted server>>>>>p2p.

4639d ago 15 agree1 disagreeView comment

People are overhyping the difficulty of Dark Souls imo. If you watched the IGN 24 hr live stream, you would have seen them beat a good 4-6 of the bosses on their first attempt. Now sure they had played them before in reviewing the game and making the guides, but the fact remains that once you learn a boss or creatures patterns, they arn't that hard to beat anymore.

Now you look back at some of the scrolling shooters or platformers of yesteryear, no matter how much you pra...

4647d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Need some Shadow of Rome in there. 2 words, bloody volcano.

4654d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

No Dark Forces/Jedi Knight games? Really?

4655d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Riot is a great company because they constantly interact with their community and they listen to feedback (even though it can take some time for certain things). All you have to do is find a forum red tracker and you will see dozens and dozens of developer posts each day. That is the mark of a great game company and the relationship Riot has with their community is nearly unrivaled for a large game (Eve possibly being the only game with devs who have even more community interaction)

4679d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LoL will survive Dota2 just fine via being free to play and not having one of the steepest learning curves in videogames today.

Put a moba newbie into a game of LoL against bots and watch the bots massacre them for 20 minutes. Now multiply that by a million and you have Dota's learning curve.

LoL will be fine as it has its own niche, Hon on the other hand is pretty much doomed.

4687d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yah they havn't thought about making money from it,,,,thats why its going to be 50-60 dollars....

4691d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Most of Marvel vs. Capcom 3's advanced combos are presented in its Mission mode (similar to SSFIV trials)"

That is completely not true. There have been tons of combos found already that arn't in the trial mode and its only been a few days since people have gotten their hands on the game. Dante alone is going to take a few years to figure out all the possibilities for his combos given his extensive move set and assist possibilities.

4877d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think they could have done Loki really well. Give him gameplay based around mixups and deception and you could have a unique character that fits well into the game given thors inclusion.

Doc Ock could have been good replacement for Spencer.

Adam Warlock could have been a cool Captain Commando style character by having team summons (Pip, Gamora and Drax the Destroyer) along with having some soul gem moves/hyper combos.

There are lots of...

4880d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Bishop has potential because he would have to be a counter based character given his powers, but that is already partially covered by Wesker/Taskmaster/Ammy who all have powerful counters already. Plus, how many xmen/xmen villains are in this game already? 5?

Beast is another flavor of she hulk/rushdown character.

Punisher - gun guys already covered by Chris Redfield, Deadpool, Dante

Apocalypse - meh I don't really...

4880d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I totally agree with this post. If you make an effort to match your car with the race, the game is much more competitive and fun. That being said, its a mark against the game that it isn't readily apparent that you have to do that to avoid just demolishing your opponents. In a way, it punishes players for spending money on improving their cars/buying top end vehicles. In the next game, something should be done to encourage players to use vehicles that are appropriate for an event (more th...

4909d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good article that makes some valid criticisms about gt5's single player experience. Having no penalties for cutting corners and asking you to overtake a field of racers in two or three laps encourages cheating and reckless driving that has no place in a realistic racing sim. The ai does do some silly things at times. That being said, this is still the best racing sim out there and going online solves many of these problems.

4909d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment