CRank: 5Score: 6000

Yay! Another chance for dev-bashing!

@all upset ps3 fanboys:
If you LOVE your ps3 so much, and you HATE that this guy does not like developing for it... Then go buy a PS3 devkit and make a PS3 game yourself...

"lolz i dun need dat i haff lilbigplannet roflz makes it a goty game and makes goty gaemz rofl oh and gabe fat"


5241d ago 1 agree12 disagreeView comment


So then I suppose you are from the wii crowd. You love Mario Galaxy and Mario Kart and Rayman Raving Rabbits!

5242d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The demo was not fun. I guess Im not a real racer. I prefer Need 4 Speed games.

5242d ago 2 agree13 disagreeView comment

Wait, I think I remember an article where Sony says it will not be arrogant anymore...
What happened? Does Sony feel threatened by Apple? Thats pretty low.

5242d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

"boo hoo ms downgradin uz gamerz boo hoo dvd sux i hate crapbox360"

Yes I strongly agree, Microsoft holds Square at gunpoint and force them to make games on 360.

5242d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

OR I could buy a PC with a bluray drive...
Superior games. Miss out on UC2, but oh well, still got Gears with mods. Miss out on GOW3, but its ok GOW 1 and 2 on ps2 are no different. Miss out on KZ2 but it does not matter, Crysis is better.

Hmmm... A BlurayPC vs. a PS3.... I wonder what I should choose...

I choose ps3 because it is a PS3!

5242d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

And PS3 isn't downgrading potentially great games for PC gamers?

Everyone knows PS3 < PC. Even fanboys admit it, by going for the "its not a console" routine.

If Square wants to make a potentially great game, it should be on PC. Why should it be on PS3? Typical fanboy response: Its a Sony brand.

5242d ago 4 agree25 disagreeView comment

Yes and also FF15 and Just Cause 3 and RE6 and UC3 and GT8 and Mario 9 and Halo 4!

5242d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How about, instead of a new Siren, we get English version of Siren 2?

5242d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"masterpiece like LBP"

I lol'd.

5242d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

As much as another "why littlebigplanet 2 will be greatest game evar" article.

5244d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

I wish there was a classic-style mgs game for psp, (mgs, mgs2).

Sony is at least 2 years late of giving us a real PSP2. Dual Analog please...

5244d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

So this guy is a real analyst. haha.

5244d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

American comics are WAAAAY better than manga.

Ghost Rider(flaming skull guy) vs YuYuHakusho(14 year old ghost detective).

Sinister Six(team of awsome villains) vs Ginyu Force(team of bunch of aliens)

Manga seems to be written by lonely guys who wish they had better life, so they put it all on paper.

5244d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

Just don't insult the PS3 group. They are known to pull the race card in desperate times. You'll be fine, bro.

vvvvv No.

5244d ago 3 agree17 disagreeView comment

Jesse Divnich is an unheard name. Yeah, his predictions will TOTALLY come true.

5244d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

LOL everyone in N4G hates activision.

5244d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hello weabo.

5244d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think they are on hold right now. I hope so...

5246d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Looks like in this case, sales = quality.
I bet if it sold 3 mil, sales =/= quality lol.

5246d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment