
CRank: 5Score: 120

Everything I saw in that gameplay trailer exhibits a growth in their creativity. As the Ionic Vortex has proven, they will obviously give us even more to do with electricity. And frankly, between the first game and this gameplay trailer... Sucker Punch has not given us any reason at all to doubt their vision. It's more likely that yours is more limited than their's is.

5193d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ummm, hell yea I'd be cool with him becoming a superman-like character!!! And it is VERY unique... considering that this is the first such game to ACTUALLY BE GOOD.

But more importantly, your comment is totally irrelevant since no one ever alluded to Cole "becoming superman". #1 - It's obvious that his powers are evolving in inFamous 2. #2- It's obvious for anyone that played the first game that his powers HAVE to evolve in order to fit the story. Reall...

5193d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment