
CRank: 10Score: 48070

so definitely expect 7m-8m lifetime sales

as for June expect 3.5m copies being sold out of 3.94m shipped

5893d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

LBP won game of e3 from Xplay, 1up, Ripten, whatifgaming, psu and numerous websites

Gamecritics awarded LBP best game on consoles at e3

kids games are Viva pinata and Banjo Kazoooie

5893d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Resistance sold 4m copies worldwide . R1 averaged at 87% on GR
Motorstorm sold 5m worldwide. Motorstorm averaged 82% at GR
HS sold 1m worldwide

real flops?
Ninja gaiden 2- flop in sales and reviews
too human -even worse than Lair
Banjo Kajooie
Viva pinata
Pefect dark zero

those are real flops for you

5893d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

[PSP] Phantasy Star Universe - (Sega) - 342,000 / 342,000

I think PSP sold over 100k last week in Japan
I think SC4 might have given ps3 a small bump too

5893d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Not one to blow his own trumpet, Teramoto also expressed his pleasure to offer RR7 in 1080p, at 60fps and in 5.1, something he claims is only possible on the PS3."

no game on x360 runs at 1080p, 60 fps
PS3 has 6 games which run at that rez, fps including GT5p --1080p 60 fps

5893d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

nothing rivals it sorry

5893d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

23 games on ps3 run at 1080p native
6 games including Gt5p,rr7, wardevil , wipeout HD run at 1080p, 60 fps
However 0 games run at 1080p native on x360

as for graphics?
x360 will never have anything to rival Uncharted so not to mention GOW3/KZ2 etc

many ps3 exclusive games including GT5P, RR7 run at 1080p , 60 fps

No x360 game will ever run at 1080p native lifetime

ps3 showcased 1000 enemies on scree, 300 feet bosses, 8 play...

5894d ago 10 agree4 disagreeView comment

I gave u the link

the link showed the powerful processors in use today and benchmarked them

as anticipated CEll trounced everything . Xenon was never even becnhmarked after 2006. Capcom said that it is even less powerful than EMT64 of 2004.

for arguements u have to come up with benc...

5894d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I brought up Ridge racer 7 cuz it ran at 1080p, 60 fps on ps3.
Rr6 which is just the x360 version ran at 720p,30 fps

@ApocalyPS3 below

which of Rare games are impressive against Uncharted/KZ2?
Gears 2 looks good but unimpressive against the above games.

not to mention MAG/Resistance 2 with 300 feet bosses/60 player online, 8 player online co-op and 2 SP missions, 1000 enemies on screen in HS---not the liliput enemies like in Gears2


5894d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

they might who knows since they gave Ninja gaiden 2 a 9/10

However too human is just too bad a game to escape fate

5894d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

They gave MGS4 a 8/10 and Ninja gaiden 2 a 9/10??

However check the metacritic scores of both games.
MGS4 -94 , 10/10 from GS,IGN
Ninja gaiden 2 -81 - 8.7 and 8 from Ign, gS
enuff said

5894d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment


show me something like Uncharted on x360?
show me something like killzone 2?
show me an x360 game that runs at 1080p,60 f like RR7,GT5p,wipeout HD

5894d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment
5894d ago

Cell is way more powerful than Xenon
devs have maxed out Xenon ages ago.

Cell is easily 10x Xenon

Xenon is never benchmarked against powerful processors cuz it is not powerful. However Cell beats anything out there

5894d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

However NG2 got bad scores from many websites and averaged at 81% at metacritic

5894d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

ps3 has 512mb of Ram -256mb Xdr and 256mb Gddr3
RSX has full access to XDR. also XDR runs at 4x the speed as GDDR3 - 3.2ghz

5894d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

DLC doesnt matter cuz Fallout 3 wont sell as much as LBP
Fallout 3 isnt a game for all
aslo Fallout 3 competes against behemoths like LBP/GEARS 2/RESISTANCE 2/FABLE 2/MOTORSTORM 2 this fall

u can easily determine its sales figures. Not everyone likes a Fallout game

5895d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

for sure

5895d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

from 1up/ Whatifgaming/game critics and XPLAY.

most websites gave LBP --goe3 award

5895d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

2 accounts right there for u

plus i dont even think u are a quebecoise/s . You might well be an immigrant living in montreal cuz the french canadians dont like ms products like the french

ninja gaiden 2 metacritic average -81 /100

u can see the review scores there . It got 6/7/8 from many websites

5895d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment