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all PS3 exclusives

LBP is the biggest game OVERALL of Fall 2008

5847d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

ps3 has outsold x360 this year. 2m vs 1.7m
ps3 sells as much as the x360 in usa.ps3 could win the XMAS based on their strong fall lineup

also ps3 will win in usa by the end of this gen. You are clearly delusional if you believe that x360 will win in USA at the end of this gen

However in europe its ps3 all the way. same goes to Japan(ps3 and wii only)

5847d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

by the end of this year
WKS will also give ps3 a monumental advantage and surge in Japan
I guess SONY isnt focusing too much on USA at the moment cuz ps3 already has a super strong lineup for Fall in USA spearheaded by LBP and Motorstorm 2

5847d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

no offense but it is very logical to do that in europe and Japan --places where apparently the console war is confined to just ps3 and wii

in europe ps3 and wii are agonizingly close in terms of monthly console sales

5847d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

will happen in future

5847d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ps4 and x720 will incorporate it no doubt

5847d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

we all want free stuff

5847d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

can anyone confirm?

5847d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


5848d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

all ps3 and x360 owners should get the game

5848d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It sports better colour depth
good job Namco

The gameplay is scorching

5848d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah Gamekyo's streaming is very slow often

5848d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


5849d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

everyone please do it

I would love to POST weekly sales charts when they are in here in 5 days time

I would love to see his action when x360 HW sales drops to typical 3k per week

cant believe that this guy/Breakfast trolls in the Game zone and are never reprimanded for this

What can someone expect from a 1 year old port especially when the Original RPG was a flop just like all x360 RPGS in Japan except Blue Dragon ( only rpg for x360 that ma...

5849d ago 11 agree11 disagreeView comment

sinobi added that X360 sales have dropped to normal this week

Ok and he also said that expectations for the title ES was low since it was a year old port and it was never advertised that well

WKS will outsell all x360 RPGS in Japan combined

WKS first day sales = entire gaming SW libary of X360 in Japan

WKS's first week sales will be like 500k-1m

also this week's HW will be like

x360 =3k
PS3 =12-13k
Wii ...

5849d ago 20 agree11 disagreeView comment


queers of war 1.1 ????


5850d ago 11 agree4 disagreeView comment

and without RROD

plus gamer can get games running at 1080p native at 60 fps on PS3 too

unlike TRASH BOX 360 which has no games except multiplat and crappy PC games like Mass effect/Gears etc


u owned a TRASH BOX

it doesnt matter whether u own one or not

X360 will be third this gen too. PS3 will beat x360 based on just EU sales this gen

oh wait what are u playing this Fall???there is no game ...

5850d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is over for x360 in Japan.

that surge was due to price cut+IU+new SKU launch and still IU flopped iwth just 87k copies and x360 HW rose to just 28k

Next week it will be all normal again

PS3 = 13-15k with ES PS3 at 100k-150k
Wii = 35k

hahhaaaaaa the BOT still thinks that x360 has a chance in console war and especially in Japan and europe??

5850d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

X360 is a lost cause in both europe and Japan. No retailer in europe sells x360 except for some UK retailers

No one likes x360 anywhere in the world except for some BOTS in US.

After WKS announcement x360 is fully finished in both Japan and Europe

In USA too PS3 will outsell x360 this Fall

PS3 has outsold x360 in 2008 so far --2m consoles vs 1.7 m consoles

5850d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

marked as SPAM

everyone please do the same

5850d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment