
CRank: 5Score: 7540

Can't argue with that. The villain of XIII was pretty weak imo, while Caius was the best part of XIII-2 and LR.

2743d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

When I looked at a video of it, I thought that was the most insane dungeon-puzzle I've ever seen in a video game. I bet it would take me way longer than 6h.

2744d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's weird that she's being perceived in that manner. Not the first time a woman takes the leading role. How about Terra from FFVI, formerly known as FFIII in the West? That's the oldest example I can think of.

2744d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is certainly the first time I see anyone tagging Overwatch, Darkest Dungeon, and FFXV as overrated, but especially FFXV. While people have been praising it, I don't recall one review that didn't point out its flaws, which weren't few for a Final Fantasy that's supposed to take the franchise out of the mud. I guess No Man's Sky was far more disappointing than overrated. Sure, a few fans had overrated opinions (according to Google, "have a higher opinion of (someon...

2744d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

And I think you're missing the point, in response to your other comment. Yes, I have talked to people like that many times before. The more I try to say the nicest way possible "would you care to try and understand", the more they say "no, get the fuck out of here". And no, I didn't pursue them. If I see a hateful comment, I do what's in my family's blood and try to teach the person something. Yet, all I get is hate. That's not to say EVERYONE is like t...

2745d ago 6 agree13 disagreeView comment

You're missing the point entirely. The part where it's educational. No one's saying representation in games has to be JUST for one single purpose. If anything, you're the one who's implying that. Video games can be educational bc as I said, it helps the majority relate to the minority. I'm not saying games SHOULD do that, but that they CAN. There's a huge difference there.

And I don't think you read the whole article? I'm focusing on LGBT...

2745d ago 8 agree15 disagreeView comment

It's a tricky subject. At one side we have people who welcome these changes with open arms and even praise developers for the inclusion. At the other we have people saying stuff like "I won't buy Mass Effect 3 because it has a gay sex scene that I don't have to watch". Whether people actually didn't buy ME3 bc of that one scene that was entirely optional is beyond me, but the backlash happened. And that for optional content. Now imagine the kind of comment an exclusi...

2745d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

It's a tricky subject. It took me years to have an opinion on it and I'm still constantly adding up to it, the more I meet new people and learn from them. Perhaps the article could help you talk about it. Unlike many other informative pieces on the matter, I tried to write it so everyone could take something from it. So you won't see me calling anyone out on being straight or whatever other activists do :P I don't agree with an aggressive approach anyway.

2745d ago 4 agree15 disagreeView comment

It has nothing to do with ego, but education. Like it or not, placing minorities in prominent roles helps expose their issues and inform those who didn't have an opinion, or thought that every black person was a criminal, or that women should be in the kitchen instead of the office, or that only gay people have AIDS.

Don't get me wrong. I understand what you're trying to say. But unfortunately, we don't live in a world where discussing these issues isn'...

2745d ago 8 agree21 disagreeView comment

The first was alright, I guess. Except it was more Shadow Over Innsmouth than Call of Cthulhu. And escaping the Shoggoth was ridiculous. I still don't understand how people did it without the speed cheat.

2745d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree that people should understand that we're human before anything else, but unfortunately people wouldn't understand that. In the same way that "they are incapable of relating to people who aren't like them in some insignificant manner", the majorities refuse minorities their rights because they can't relate to them. Not that a lot of people care, but the inclusion of these different characters in video games can help the majority understand that these minoritie...

2745d ago 21 agree38 disagreeView comment

What happened to Terra? Or Tifa? Or Rinoa? Or Lightning? Or my favorite, the rebellious Princess Ashe? Final Fantasy women are anything but damsels in distress. The only such example I can remember is Serah from FFXIII, whose strong SISTER and idiotic fiancé are on the run to save her.

2745d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

SotC and Deus Ex also have their flaws, though. There's no product that's perfect and that's a fact. Everything, be it a game, a song, a shirt, or whatever, will be flawed one way or another, so using that as an argument is pretty weak. I doubt it was critically acclaimed bc the media likes to kiss Kojima's butt. I've never played a Metal Gear game before 5 and was impressed by the gameplay and storytelling. Is the story great? Certainly not, but the way it's told is n...

2747d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Commented in the wrong space.

2747d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't know it well since I'm fairly new to N4G, but I can see from just one post why that tells everything. Do they generally not care about feedback? It's really a shame, btw. There are so many journalists (or aspiring, or whatever's beneath that) here with so much potential and slick websites, but a massive amount of them don't write well. Not that I'm J.K. Rowling myself, but at least I'm open to feedback so that I can improve my skills. And if I see mistakes ...

2748d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seriously, N4G should let us reply to answers made to answers. Anyway, it was critically acclaimed bc it's fun. REALLY fun. Yeah, Ueda's games and Deus Ex might also be fun, but MGSV and plenty other MG titles are lots of fun. Games are not like films where the art matters more than the fun provided and as much as a lot of people will hate me for saying that, it's true. I would also be careful with suggesting that any Ueda games are thought invoking. They provide emotional experie...

2748d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well, to be fair, MGSV is a pretty good game. Is not just a "cutscene fest". It has pretty solid gameplay and a style of cinematography not often used in video games called one shot. The game does have its flaws, but so does any other open world game these days. Most of them have tired quests that make you do the same thing over and over again, just as a filler.

2748d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Just a hint, though. If you want to succeed in any way (which the website design suggests you do), avoid emoticons/emojis and other kinds of expression that don't exist in journalism or literature, such as "*deep sigh*". They're not words, nor punctuation. This isn't Facebook/Twitter and we're not your buddies, but rather fellow journalists (or aspiring journalists, or something). I would also suggest you install Grammarly and make use of and thesaurus...

2748d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's exactly what I was trying to say. Since I don't live there, I didn't want to risk saying every company, but I trust when someone who lives there confirms that that's pretty much a thing.

2748d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Pornhub is also a gay porn hub. Plenty of porn websites these days focus on both straight and gay content, as well as everything in between. Straight people don't see it bc the front pages are meant for them unless is something more obvious like MenHDV.

2749d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment