
CRank: 5Score: 15490
5318d ago

@ PimpHandHappy

"the system still turns on and will play movies and games offline "

no it's not , i can't use netflix or play any game with trophies, i'm not kidding

EDIT: yeah i lost my heavy rain and MW2 trophies too, i hope they're not gone for good, i like collecting trophies

5318d ago 22 agree58 disagreeView comment
5318d ago

seriously all this time and they can't fix it yet, this sounds bad.

only people with ps3 slim is fine ,lucky bastards :(

5318d ago 7 agree34 disagreeView comment

yup, most of my trophies are gone, am i the only one ?

my trophies,aaaaaaaaah, i'm done for today

5319d ago 2 agree27 disagreeView comment
5319d ago

"we're looking into it"

oh boy it's going to take them a long time

how about saying we're working on it

5319d ago 6 agree58 disagreeView comment

Heavy Rain isn't working cuz trophies wont load .anybody knows when will they fix it .

5319d ago 10 agree37 disagreeView comment
5319d ago

nah, that's just shows that everyone will need a 360 in their lives

more sales for M$ = Win for the 360 = More awesome games = happy 360 owners

5319d ago 11 agree28 disagreeView comment

it's Ok no one can remember all these exclusives,they're just too much

OMG how could i forgot Crackdown 2 and Mechwarrior , silly me.

oh crap, Natal is coming this year too !!!


5319d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment


you forgot Mass Effect 2 ,Fable 3 and Splinter Cell Conviction

seriously there's a reason why the 360 is the number 1 HD console in the market

just look at all these games ,OMG i'm going to be broke this year :(

5319d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

like it or not

destructoid is right

5319d ago 9 agree85 disagreeView comment

Ouch , truth hurt

5319d ago 2 agree12 disagreeView comment

i don't think it Failed , it wasn't that awesome

i'll say it's decent at its best

5319d ago 5 agree45 disagreeView comment


ROFLMAO you cracked me up dude

@ thegood33

Halo 3 already did that

5319d ago 3 agree30 disagreeView comment

lol 400 people play it world wide yay

5319d ago 4 agree22 disagreeView comment


do you really think Reach will be worst than Halo 3?

KZ2 got compared with Halo 3,and got called a "Halo Killer" and now look which one got killed.

as for grafix from what i and many other gamers seen, Reach surpassed KZ2, nuff said

5319d ago 7 agree69 disagreeView comment

Ooooh snap

no they didn't

5319d ago 4 agree19 disagreeView comment

i always thought KZ2 will beat Halo 3
but i was disappointed

maybe KZ3 will beat Halo 3 this time ?


nope not sales , i was talking about quality

i know KZ2 is a quality game it's just not as good , that's all

5319d ago 5 agree29 disagreeView comment