CRank: 5Score: 10800

It only plays dumbed down, lower scoring, gimped multiplats.
It only plays Blu-Rays (but not nearly as well as other BD players that cost less).
It only plays visually appealing games that have crap for gameplay and substance.
It only offers an online experience thats laughed at by the online gaming community.
It only has a gimped controller with a design from the 90's that makes it impossible to play anything but GOW3 style button mashers.
It only reads may...

5282d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

They want a half decent shooter SOOO bad it hurts but instead they get nothing but flops and dumbed down multi plats. I wouldn't even attempt to play a shooter on my PS3 with its outdated controller and crap online. I'll keep watching movies and playing button mashers on it.

5294d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Seriously dude? Enjoy the one game we have?! hahah, we sure will with the pretty much unlimited re-play value and constant updates, patches, events (like dbl exp weekends) thanks to continued support from one of the best devs ever..Have fun beating you games in 8 hours and trading them in for another hunk!

GOTY2010 has been locked up by Reach

5294d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Intentional attempt to get people to buy a slim? I think so.


5318d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Lex Luther is bang on in his post. Nice job..glad someone can see through the Sony logo and the nice KZ graphics.

@ morganfell - the way you talk about Halo makes everyone believe you don't know what you're talking about. Thanks for trying I guess

5665d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Looks pretty sweet but, this site is run by Sony fanboy noobs who play games that take no skill (COD, KZ2) so you probably won't find many people who will even open this thread let alone check out your website

5674d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

what a brutal waste of time that was..just like the article they were responding to..I miss the old days when fanboy blogs were not passed off as "news". everytime I log into N4G its the same 5-10 reasons the playstation or 360 is doomed, failing, succeeding etc.. NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR REASONS FOR ANYTHING!!

5674d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

They really crack me up..Kids that suck at shooters are strangely similar (actually the same people) to the people who hate Halo..
They scream power rangers and pink lasers all day..well guess what, the FACT of the matter is, that HALO IS the most complete, most competative shooter to date on any console. If you took the campaign off the disc itself the game would still be just as good. Halo is not about the the Story , its about MULTIPLAYER. There are no other games with the amount of...

5679d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with most of what you are stating as Pros and Cons but can someone tell me what the heck you're talking about when you say the 360 battery pack is getting in the way? GETTING IN THE WAY OF WHAT?? surely it's not getting in the way of the fingers that curl underneath..I can palm a basketball and in now do they come in contact with my fingers. And if thats the case, then how could you even use a DS3? it' half the size!!

5686d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

While the 360 dpad is terrible, so is the DS3's...it's just slightly better. I bought SF4 last night at Eb games for the PS3 (all 360 copies were sold out) and I would have bought a joystick if they had one in yet. It's playable on the PS3 but it is still frustrating. All that aside, the 360 controller is the best controller for a console that I have ever put my hands on. The DS3 on the other hand, well, lets just say I am in the process of putting the guts of a DS3 in a 360 controller shell ...

5686d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

check the Media? I'll leave the screen shot and video comparisons to you bro. I can just touch that little icon on my PS3 and see those games up close :P

5693d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Try harder at what? I saw some fanboyish statements made so I highlighted or fixed them for you.

go that way >>>>>> if you feel like posting with the kiddies. I like to once in a while ;)

there are visiually stunning games for both consoles and games that are fun to play for both..whats your damage dude?

5694d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

27 - PS3 - 360
1.) Controls, PS3 wins for games that are focused on use of the Dpad. otherwise 360 wins by a long shot (also, if you're any good at all at SF you'd buy a joystick so this is a useless argument. Most important!
2.) Special Edition, PS3 wins. Blu-ray and Ryu FTW! I also think 360's lime green is totally ugly for most box arts. (useless argument as well..don't you already own a PS3? I do.
3.) Sound, no need to crank it loud cause PS3 is quiet and 360 is nois...

5694d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

"these xbots does not have enough IQ to play a real RTS"

"Well said"

5695d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I guess we'll have to wait until something crappy comes out with the name Halo on it for your statement to be true. Has yet to happen so...YOU FAIL

5695d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yea ..it happens to me too..i'll go on a break from Halo and play gears, fall out etc but I always come back to Halo because it always delivers and bungie continues to support it. Gonna play tonight I think.

5710d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i like facts :)

Droids/haters don't :(

5710d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

biggest idiot i've seen today.

people play halo because its the most complete online experience a console can deliver so far. Nothing has topped it.. I have lot's of cash and lot's of games..what should I buy that is better hmmm?? stop posting and killyerself now droid

FACT - People make hundreds of thousands of dollars playing halo 3.

eat it.

5710d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


it's alive and well. the biggest FPS tournaments in NA have a flagship game called HALO3 so it must be dead.

"As far as we are concerned, Halo has been dead for quite some time, pushed out of the way by better and more successful games" -- Halo 3 will be here longer than any of those games and people will be playing halo when those games are forgotten..

you guys are prime examples of the "I hate halo cuz I suck" coaliti...

5710d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is, if you order the Halo Wars LE you get orbital, sandbox and assembly with the game..if you choose not to buy halo wars you can buy these maps a week later on the marketplace.

for the other 3 maps (you thought there 6 and there are) Heretic, longshore and i forget the last one but anyway they should be coming via the same package deal with HAlo ODST..
hope that clears it up for you

ADD me if you want to play (get owned) Gt: SPAZMATTIC

5710d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment