Waiting for feb 15 so I get my Ps Vita


CRank: 6Score: 64670

nice like the sound of that ...

o well like all done by sony it will take its time but in the end its good in my view so its ok .. and its not something im dieng for so its ok ..

they will alsow be puting out a facebook like website for all memebers of HOME ..

5779d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All i can sai is GREAT .... finally and there more coming none of you make an idea .. just something people are leting go by with out thinking ... the Playstation underground news are not bad "wink" is something big coming for us playstation underground memebers and some stuff for all gamers

(did any one forget a press conf that some one toke a pic wuith a cellphone and some how posted it on something named home .. and for a small second there was a humm what can i cal...

5787d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

humm just in case some people are talking an dont know the Playstayion underground is not going any where is gona have a kick asssss update something to do with a new site i can not talk about and Home i can not talk any more and so people dont think im making stuff up here a paint out (because i can not say or show whats gona hapen) about the new thins but is something big really gona make a damn big push for us old Underground memebers....

thats how good they are lol the came to my house then they went to urs turns out if u round my numbers and urs is 75% but to make it nice they just said 50% lol...

nut now for reall is a good thing to have the 2 of them the psp and the ps3 are 2 amasing machines

5789d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i know i have it my cusin alsow has it .... ... psp and ps3 is a good conbo ...

5789d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol damn HD copys of FULL HD movies .. damn these guys ar geting good at what they do heheheh lol....

oo well is just like every thing it gets copy its normal ..even tho is not good forthe movies (or what ever else they can copy) is just normal now and makes a part of our every day life ... or u guys think every one walks around with Airforce 1 DG glasses ... and so on ...

o well nothing we can do if we belive in the movies ro games we just got to make a choise pay...

5790d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

humm if you go to europe u would not say that with ou being the UK were the ps3 and 360 adds ARE on PAR
IN ALLL other countrys sony and the ps3 take it and same goes for all of asia ..

we got to see what we watch and where we do it .. true here on spike and esp in north america we get xbox360 adds all over but hey its north america and microsoft has the cash...

5791d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

yes it is fun .. but some times people take it to a point that they are able to take all fun out of gaming (news and info) and that right there is sad for me ...

Hellangelzx :

I know what you mean .. i mean is not like at some times at some point during games i dont say stupid things wen playing fifa online nba online or killzone2 beta online .. but thats normal all of us do it ..

the sad part is some people we see and like u said and very right about...

5791d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

agree with the 2 of you alot ..

its kinda stupid how far some people can take the fact that they are CRAZY about one console and not see what others have of good ..

i like with ANY one got one i like more than the other but i dont (and would never) go to the point of forcing my likes on any one ..

and pass 1hour in a website calling names to another gamer just because he likes gears and not resistence 2 ...

people need to start taking it ...

5791d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

im the one thats right im the one with the money so sony and microsoft answer to me and my wallet

damn is geting sad with news like these now .. i mean EVERY one has a console they like more its that easy theres only a few people that tke it to a level that is stupid ...

FACT ps3 does some thing better than the Xbox360 (in my view a bettaer all around machine)
FACT the 360 does some stuff better ..(in my view only the online for now)

people nee...

5791d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

good point it does say the ps3 is in 3rd but it would be foolish to think its gona stay there lets not forget some company i wont name right now had ONE year head start with 5 to 6 Mil units out there wen Sony came out with its 600Bucks console 1 year after

people like us have to think befor talking ..(meaning u its in 3rd ur right no one wil say other wise but u got to think a bit)

but next Xmas we all know the ps3 will have second place Maibe not by alot but it wi...

5794d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

humm dont get the disagrees on my coment i mean im just pointing out something that is TRUE and reall .. but W.e but can think what they like ..

So i make it a lil bit easier is like these ... a 3 year old console has a 3 or 2 Mil consoles sale ahead of a 2 year old condole it had about 5 to 6 Mil head start .. but what ever thats not inportant ..

point is In world wide sale these year the year of 08 the ps3 and sony have out sold the Xbox360 ..

(o an...

5794d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

hey sup guys well im not gona be here trying to fight other IDEAS but just in case u guys dont know the ps3 has still out sould the 360 ALL year (and by that i mean world sale for all of 08 so far)

and in a all SONY is doing great psp ps2 (wow there) and the ps3 ..

5794d ago 9 agree17 disagreeView comment

and by bad voice acting i dont mean what they say thats true to the anime (even tho i dont watch the inglish one Japanese is 1000x better) but the way they move thei mouths here and the sounds is not right .. but ya look kool true to anime thats allways good ...

5795d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

humm all in all kool video im a huge naruto fan ... But i was hoping alot more i mean i did like the first one alot but the voice acting on these is bad and the game play is bad i mean after seeing and playing the naruto game on the ps3 even thop i think these is a good game i dont see me wanting these over the ps3 one ...

but ya kool to se videos the ps3 one is much bettaer

5795d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow these is turning stupid .. i mean its good that the price goes down (specialy there the 360 here in canada AkA North America) is 199 so yeahh ...

But is stupid now i dont know aobut the othe gamers (people) but i kinda dont like wen i go on a store and theres lets say an mp3 player for 50 bucks and one ofr 150 and people tell me is the same ( it cant be the same the 150 one will last longer and would have more to it id think) so ya for a company to keep doing what microsoft i...

5796d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow these is turning stupid .. i mean its good that the price goes down (specialy there the 360 here in canada AkA North America) is 199 so yeahh ...

But is stupid now i dont know aobut the othe gamers (people) but i kinda dont like wen i go on a store and theres lets say an mp3 player for 50 bucks and one ofr 150 and people tell me is the same ( it cant be the same the 150 one will last longer and would have more to it id think) so ya for a company to keep doing what microsoft...

5797d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

These game so far had done all right things ... im (and alot of gamers) hoping so much form these game .. .. FF after FFx didnt have the same felling any more so hope these makes me fell what i did wen i played FFx ...

o well all in all looks good .. is a day one buy for me ..

5799d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fox ur right it is one of the most played online even i play it some times ...

but to me a game cant be ABOUT online play only so thats why i agree with him i LOVED halo 1 on the xbox but halo3 dosent have that IT thing any more .. the single player in halo3 dint do it for me ..

but online is a fun game ( just ask soulja boi hehe) naw but for reall its a fun game online ...

lets see what they can do wen they come out with the next one ..

5800d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment