Waiting for feb 15 so I get my Ps Vita


CRank: 6Score: 64670

wait until u see the psp 1.5 ( lets call it 1.5 for the sake of my point )

Its still a psp1 u got to see the font ..

and in case no 1 notice thats just the top casing nothing in there yet...

but hey it can be fake but 4 now il say im 60-40 to real ..

5613d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

... its real .. thing is in case none has notice thats just the top part of the full thing .. look at it ..

the box kinda look way 2 real .. but then again it can be fake .. but sence the box looks 100% and the pics are clearly only the top casing il just say .. e3 may just gotten HUGE ....

in the next 2 weeks we are going to see some crazy things from some sites *cough* Sev .....

PS. thanks user LoveGames amazing pics and info on that thing

5613d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

oo snap is FF7 ...

hope is a NEW IP they need a new ip and hoping its a good game too ..

but ya new IP i hope

5625d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

oo snap is FF7 ...

hope is a NEW IP they need a new ip and hoping its a good game too ..

but ya new IP i hope

5625d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i didnt like last years nfl ... man and online soe people would do some really weird cheats it wasent fun at all .. so even if these is the best madden im not buying it ..

thats just what I THINK ...

but il be buying another EA game tho FiFa10 ..so the money gos to the same guy lol..

5625d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

ok just finish playing the demo ...

ok the opening CG is GREAT love the gore .. the game is not that bad ,, love the heli part i push the guy out of the heli and then put his head on the blade to fuking kool ... .. id say id give it a 7/10 looks like u can have fun with the game .

5626d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

is these not on the NA psn cus i go on and i dont see the demo any were .. ???

EDIT: there toke care of it went to europes store and got it Downloading it right now 18% lets see how good it is.

5626d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

id say ur right ... il go for 2 but we will see soon enuff...

5626d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont get it ... home all these sites say they got info on these thing and none are right .. SEV is right about what he said .. amd ots a psp1 so all other news about coming with touch screens 2 analogs and so on a re bull .. but any who ..

only one month left for some crazy storys to pop up and on june 3rd we get to see it ... kool E3 is going to be nice

5626d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

8Gig and 16Gig 2 colors ... 1 analog sliding screen biggest upgrade the online part of it .. and an amasing looking machine

5627d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i hear you ..

But as u can see on my post i dont say umd in any part and i use the % .... the new psp1.5 ( lets call it 1.5 for the sake of my point) is not the death of the 50Mil psp's with umd's in them ...

E3 will be fun these year .. and as you can tell by my last post i know what im talking about some 1 who has seen it ( you ) wud know im 100% on the money ... but any who .. theres something bigger than psp1.5 coming from sony at e3 Sev .. as u mai know ..

5628d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

il be geting the new looking psp .. note the LOOKing ..

these new psp is not the psp2 it has a slede screen there is no touch screen and theres only one analog ...

you ask why ? ok i tell you why its not the psp2 its the psp one with a new look harder to hack (think ps3) a new look (looks like wont fell good in the hands to play but it fell great) .. about 16Gig Hdd and the BIG upgrade if we can call it that will be on the online part of it .. think more of iphone...

5628d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Super Mario Bros - Check
Doom - Check
FFVII - Check
Command and Conquer - Nope .. until not to long ago i wasent a pc guy
Sonic the Hedgehog - Check .. HELL yeah one of my Fav
World of Warcraft - Nope
Metroid Prime - Check .. a few hours..
Halo - Check .. and is my Fav of Halo games
Resident Evil 4 - Check .. Finish half of the game up to the oil rig
Shadow of the Colossus - Check

Didnt do to bad if that was REALY the top 10 ...

5629d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

No it does not Flair but dont you think in the end these is the type of thing that HHG.com wants ?

these is just another way to get hits .. but in the end it comes to N4G something has to be done about all these blog like "News" we see around here i was thinking these was about news for gamers but thats not what we see we see What some guy thinks is going to happen ..

EDIT- @morganfell i agree with you .. its about time something is done about it .!

5640d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who ever said theres no GT on psp ?

even the guy the maker of GT5 said we will see news on GT mobile soon .. so to say that is because there is a GT mobile right ?

but any ways im off to play some fifa online

5640d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

We already knew that ....

damn why is it that 80% of "news" on n4g is blogs and fights from one site to other ...

even tho HHG site sucks with all the blog like storys coming from it .. these others sites(blogs) love it because they make an anti HHG story an get hits so they are all for HHG ...

if people dont have something to report on then just dont !!

5640d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

The game looks to be more to Co-op than anything else ..

i love the MP on FTB1 and i still play it never like FTB2 but the first one got so bad because of all the hackers and cheaters ..

if they do the MP like the first and get anti cheats il be on it .

(EDIT- at the reposts yes there is already a post but as u can see it wont get aprove its inconplete the video is not in the post it has reposts and 0 approved so these is a more complete so want to tell ...

5640d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

DNAgent ... you reported it because its lame ???

wierd i went to check ur posts and u kinda look like youd be happy to see these game in hd ..

but any ways from the game play ive seen looks like it would bw a fun one but i got to see more about it ..

Even tho i want Vs 13 more because of the darker look it has ..

5640d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Maibe these is sony opening the store to other IPs ..

what im trying to say is maibe sony is about to open it to every one so thats why people can already use european ips to go there .. only that at the time is tru a US psn ..

E3 will be nice these year ...

5640d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i agree .. cut gold in half (that will make the silver get gold) and make these V.I.P the same price as the gold now or cheaper so you can get more users ...

but even like these what i get from my psn and live (yes live is a bit ahead) i think im not going gold again until i see a big jump and i can play my multy plat on he ps3 for free so im ok ..

but looking to see how these V.I.P thing works out ..

5640d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment