
CRank: 5Score: 3420

I agree with MGS5, but Just Cause series have never been GOTY worthy, and i doubt this year will be any different. Always Over the top fun, which is great, but Witcher 3 Fallout 4 and BLoodborne have it for me. With Witcher tipping it at the minute, just need to wait another week to judge Fallout.

3246d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're an idiot... I'm sorry nothing else for it but idiot. I have 40 inch Sony tv, and 32 inch AOC tv from a few years back which has 1080i as the highest resolution, and there is a clear difference between it and my 40in Sony tv. Not saying the make of the tv doesn't have an effect, but to say you don't see difference between 720p and 1080p, how can anyone believe anything you say. It's not an opinion you know, it's basic facts!!! 60in and more is where you would see...

3260d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@sammarshall102 Well if that's the case does that mean the ps4 is more next gen than xbox one, since it can play games at a higher resolution and frame rate than xbox one?? These games can't be played on xbox one at the same resolution so by your logic the ps4 is a more next gen console...

3298d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

In what way. Pre launch was a disaster which pretty much destroyed the xbox one sales. Also it turned loyal xbox 360 fans to sony. It under performs when playing multi-platform games when compared to the other next-gen console the ps4, in terms of frame rate and resolution, which has been confirmed by numerous developers. Also confirmed when games are running at 900p on xbox and 1080p on ps4. I don't understand what this next-gen term means, does it mean a slightly better resolution than ...

3299d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

Well do exclusives define a next-gen console or how the console performs. With every game that has been released on both consoles, the ps4 has either outperformed or equaled the xbox on every one graphical wise, meaning it is a superior console hardware wise. So as far as a console goes, next-gen is the ps4.

3299d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

I'm sorry but "finally becoming a next gen console" two years later is nothing to be proud off. If it wasn't a "next-gen" console it should not have been released. I'm not a fanboy of either consoles, but I'm afraid the xbox one has been a disaster since it was announced and now they are trying to sugarcoat this by saying it's finally good. Well done it took you two years after launch to finally release a console that can be considered next-gen. I know ...

3299d ago 10 agree15 disagreeView comment

Witcher has got it all day long. I doubt Fallout will beat it.

3332d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Greatest open world game ever..... You sir need to have a sit down and put that bottle down. Red Dead Redemption is amazing but certainly not best open world game. Unless you are disregarding RPG's in that, but even then GTA V is much better.

3335d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This has honestly got to be one of the most stupid pieces of sh!t i have read in a while. I mean who the hell is going to want to skype your mates while watching the football. If that's the case bring them round or go to theirs, or a pub. If they are all still out of you're reach then are you really that desperate to watch with your friends you have to skype them. This with the misleading title. Absolute balls.

3762d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think this game will be a great shooter with many new ideas, a great game overall. The only problem I have with this game is that First: it isn't an exclusive. I mean it's on Xbox One, 360 and PC. How does that count as exclusive, and secondly when the game looks the exact same on a 7 year old hardware console(360), and plays the same. Why the hell would you dish out 400 or 500 quid for a brand new "next-gen" console to play it. It's idiotic. But as for the game i thin...

3869d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm not disagreeing with your fanboy comments, however the games you have stated are both 5-6 years old. I mean come on this is meant to be "next-gen". Surely next-gen could be able to incorporate both great gameplay and more than 12 players at once on a game. I think this game will no doubt be great but I can see where people are coming from when they feel this is slightly low. Most of my best multiplayer gaming moments have come from major wars with 20 odd players. Well thats ...

3910d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment