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3676d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Your feedback matters" -- Microsoft's translation == "This idea is costing us millions and we are loosing our ass right now. Noone is going to buy our console. -- End of translation... LOL

4022d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

think about it people...... if ur respawn.....ur gonna make all the statements u can to sell the sysyem ur game is being sold on right? ur not gonna make the platform sound bad.... any game can be made on any system if you want to....

4023d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ LOGICWINS -- That's awesome, the WII U is a great console, thanks for recognizing this, if for some reason your just being sarcastic, do you own a WII U ? Do you know anything about it other than what you have read, or what you played for 10 mins at your friends house ? Or do you know nothing and spewing your lack of knowledge on here to make yourself look dumb, if you know nothing about it, don't talk about it.

4032d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment


Your views of the law are distorted, maybe by age, or social standing. George backed down in court and took a settlement because he knew he was wrong and he got caught. If you do not like it, write a book, post data about companies and the view you share. Instead you hide in the shadow, and yell and scream. You are the same as a terrorist in my view, you hide in the shadows, and when you do not like something you commit terrorist like activites to spread your ...

4798d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

FACT -- what he did was a crime, he should be punished like anyone else who commits a crime.

Hopefully he makes it to jail, and his ass gets more action then a test bench at a plunger factory...

4904d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

this is a crime, hopefully sony sues them for tampering with their software and hardware, since theyre so snide about in... theyre just criminals who think theyre not.... They are criminals, and they should be prosectued...

4924d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

If HOME, 3D GAMING , and free internet was on the xbox, the XBOX people would claim victory in the game wars.....

IM glad it couldnt be done on any other console....... 1 ruined technology is enough...

5036d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont think anyone cares to be honest.... They have nothing new to show and would have just embarrased themselves...


Gabe found out the escalators and elevators were going to malfunction and he didnt want to walk his Fast food ass up the stairs... Im gonna pick C.... All of the above..

5126d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Valve is insignificant... When they figure out how to program a computer with more than 3 cores I will pay attention to them, they are lazy developers and therefore I am lazy to give them any money.

5129d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Guess noone read the TOS or AUP, it says sony can remove,add, alter their system software at anytime as the see fit... Did you hear those words, THEIR software...Its not yours... Everyone agreed to that when they signed into the psn or utilized the system. This is a lost cause, all these cases will loose if it is based entirely on the removal of the other OS feature. Anyone can sue anyone for anything, it doesnt mean you will win. This is a waste of time for the court systems, trust me I know...

5145d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We would like developers to not make excuses for not making quality products. Infinity ward, Insomniac, and countless others are not having any problems, 4x anti aliasing, 60 fps with no tearing.. Valve couldnt program their way out of a paper bag.

5149d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I have a PC and a PS3, your lack of knowledge of newer technology explains your inability to learn anything new, I will never buy any more valve products because your lazy. Your lack of motivation to learn a newer technology says alot about your company, only 1 of hundreds who refuses to learn newer tech...

If I cried and gave up when I didnt understand something, I would be a failure.... You do it and you think its ok... What if a surgeon said, " Oh I cant do brain surge...

5427d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I saw someone doing this on you tube while I was in home... I was thinking it seemed weird to enter an email address. I couldn't see the screen, so i didnt pay too much attention to it.

Now I know the people doing it are screwed... LOL

5772d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this site is obviously not reputable, its probably someone running it out of their back room in their house... How would YOU know what sony did during their maintenance..? Stop, your silly little boy.

5779d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Multicore processing ? Ever heard of it.. Is it just to hard of little Valve to learn or do ? Sounds like EA when they made Madden 08, and look what happened to them.

another lazy company afraid of learning something new and different. Should spend the money and learn it, Multicore processors are here to stay.

Im not a fan of Valve, so it works out the same. I tell all 3000 members of our community not to buy valve products... Love ya Valve...

5784d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It wasn't a post, it was the title of the story. And by listening to you write, you need to stay in school and study harder.

5791d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How about we not listen to some kids opinion with a video cam and a boom box for our video game news.

Oh yeah, and when your trying to say "there" as in ownership, you spell it "their" not THERE like you did in the title of your post, you illterate one...

5791d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have been a loyal BF fan since the first one on the pc, cant wait.

5868d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Uhhh, this game is broke, everyone I've talked to since it came out all say the same thing, they can not connect to games, or stay connected. They assume a patch will fix it, that is if they do patch it, they never patched the first vegas on the PS 3. Save your money, or go buy something else.

Are you serious, a 4/5 rating ? It's BROKE and they haven't even commented on it, How much did they pay you ?

5936d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment