
CRank: 5Score: 120

Pretty smooth on my middle of the road I5-750 and gtx 970 . There are some problems with the game but fps isn't one of them in my case .... Running it at 1080p very high setting ..v-sync enabled

3603d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Honestly ... it runs pretty smooth on my I5-750 and my gtx 970 which is middle of the road PC stuff ... Did you ever think this FPS stuff is not because of the software and more a problem of the weak hardware in the consoles this generation ? I mean yeh there may be a some problems in this game of course but I think you all got duped on this next generation stuff and bought in to this weak hardware problem . Takes quite a bit graphic horsepower these days to run 1080p and above and its pretty...

3603d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment