
CRank: 5Score: 59680

It's not the GOTY they hyped it up to be though and all the reviews i have seen so far say outside of gun combat it does a worse job at the things that made previous Bethesda games great. So for Bethesda at least it's better than Fallout 76 but not a return to form.

296d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

It would be funny though to see Armored Core 6 somehow come out of nowhere and win to piss off the devs who were mad about Elden Ring.

296d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is not surprising if you look into Activision they work with/for the CIA and their CEO is part of the Epstein club which means he has connections to people in the Government. They have active CIA agents employed at Activison but not as contractors for game advice but full time which makes no sense for a game publisher as cheap as them. The Government is trying to get rid of free speech and the CIA is known for running experiments on the population. I would reckon SBMM is an experiment pe...

296d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think that's the issue. If that was the issue they wouldn't send out any review copies but they seem to be excluding non US reviewers. Also as the article points out they have been weird with review copies in the past only sending them out 1 day before launch or just not sending any out like Dishonored 2. Dishonored 2 turned out well so i don't think it's a quality issue i think they just don't like early reviews.

297d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's a combination of poor optimization and UE5 just being too taxing for current gen GPUs. I remember the end of last year or early this year there was an indie dev trying out the new features on UE5 and he made a video for people to see. He built a forest area and was getting like 45fps at 4K on a 4090. Remnant 2 came out recently and it too gets 45-50fps at 4k on a 4090. But Remnant 2 does not look as good as the forest area that indie guy built and they said they built the game with U...

298d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

According the the article to reach the boundary you have to walk for 40 minutes in real time which is long just for exploration in a game so even if they don't have the entire physical planet to look around it's still larger than other games. Having a large area filled with stuff to do is better than an unlimited area with emptiness in my opinion.

But that aside it could still actually be fully explorable like Pete Hines said if it's divided into landing regions...

299d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

For the UE5 games i have seen they are either unoptimized or UE5 is just too demanding for current gen. I remember earlier in the year watching a indie dev mess around in UE5 to show off the features and he built a forest area and was getting 45fps with a 4090 at 4k. Remnant 2 just came out using UE5 and it also gets about 45-50fps with a 4090 in 4k. But in Remnant 2's case i think it was also unoptimized because the devs straight up said they designed the game with upscaling being a nece...

300d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@jznrpg i took care of all my headsets only the Sony ones broke maybe you don't use them as much. I switched to Astro A50s because they were made of metal and they never broke.

301d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have bought the top model of the Playstation headsets for the PS3 and PS4 and while they all sounded great they were not durable and the cheap plastic always broke. Hopefully this acquisition leads to more durable headsets made of metal. I saw the new Pulse Elite they announced and i can already tell that bend they added will be the weak point where it will break.

303d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

16 times the detail!

310d ago 21 agree3 disagreeView comment

It's a Bethesda open world game i wouldn't be surprised if there were game breaking bugs at launch. I would just go to to work.

311d ago 9 agree10 disagreeView comment

MW3 is just gonna be MW2 with some of the shit they messed up like perks fixed and a new story for another cash grab instead of just fixing MW2 for free.

314d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

I never played one too and it seemed confusing from the vids but i bought it and it's actually not that confusing. It's a little slow but the story choices, characters, and cinematics make up for it.

319d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Remaster the first 3 and then make a 4th one where we get to go to the Chimera home world like we should of in 3.

331d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The article is talking about exclusives Ragnarok was a cross gen title.

337d ago 17 agree46 disagreeView comment

I agree most regular gamers don't care about metacritic scores but these game publishers do so when they get review bombed it gets their attention.

338d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Smart people would avoid Blizzard games.

339d ago 21 agree4 disagreeView comment

7 out of 10 people are casuals who don't know how to use the mute function.

343d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment

I would hope the story is done by now it's been at least 3 years. It should just be the actually making the game that's unfinished.

343d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

It makes sense the Judge's son literally worked for Microsoft so she had a huge conflict of interest and shouldn't have even been given the case or recused herself. Hopefully the Judge for the appeal is less corrupt.

346d ago 43 agree28 disagreeView comment