CRank: 5Score: 1020

bubbles up my friend.

4756d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

@ thc cell lol, as if anyone could take what you say credibly??

you're nothing but a pathetic sony fanboy. go away

4756d ago 14 agree9 disagreeView comment

if you need hits for your shit web/blog-site, then you only need to write a quick blog about ps3/360.

it's so simple to leech hits from n4g.

even though this very same topic gets discussed day in day out,there is normally a blog about this every two or three days, and in nearly every 360 article there are numerous n4g faithfuls who say this. this shit is still almost a daily feature.

dont just disagree, be honest, is there anyone on here...

4756d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

@ king slayer. really? my launch nov 05 360 lasted nearly 4 yrs!

i am not watching or buying revisions..... and my 360 sees 20x more usage than my ps3.

4757d ago 4 agree23 disagreeView comment

@the myst. hypocrisy is just one of the facets of fanboyism. just adapt and overcome.

we all know n4g is a hotbed of fanboyism...

on topic, cant wait for halo remake either

4761d ago 4 agree11 disagreeView comment

@petko, like darth said, they are both impressive sales figures.. but, sony was pumping out 20+ mil with the ps2, when the xbox was doing 4 or 5mil.

when you look at it from that perspective, you can then take the whole "marketshare" perspective more seriously.

4761d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment
5542d ago

ssshhh...dont tell anyone im a geek. i have a reputation to think

but just quickly, come on, you cannot deny how awesome resi looked? if your talking about killzone and uncharted as flag-ship titles graphically, then no resi doesnt beat them(i never said it did though!) and i never said lp2 beats killzone...but it's a close second in graphical lovliness. but f^*k me you cant deny just how awesome that game is looking? and like we both's only a multi-platfor...

5545d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

killzone2 and mag....and ofcourse gt.

5545d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol "neither Uncharted 2 or MAG has been delayed or pushed up as far as I know" please, how does one of the worlds biggest fanboys aquire his inside information??? come on enlighten us.

anyway, please get this game out this year!!this and forza in 09 would be amazing. the two best driving games on the market available in a matter of months is a mouth watering prospect!

i've said it before and i'll say it again. imo this gen is easily turning into the best...

5545d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

to those that are claiming that infamous is the better game: did you actually buy both to come up with that statement? or is it the usual fanboy rubbish? or was because some reviewers said so, even though reviews and meta critic dont count rite????

anyway, i only got infamous! why? because the demo was top-notch, the graohics were pretty decent, and for me it was an unmissable title. i didnt get prototype because for now infamous is enough, and i've still got a shed load to fin...

5545d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

wow, how much did sony just pay you for that??? what nothing? really?? you need to get out more mate. seriously.

now dont get me wrong, i love my ps3. and i seriously love killzone. but i dont think in any way shape or form that it's in some league of it's own that many people try to claim on here.

greywulf you sit there and write a load of fanboy non-sense and try to sound like you know what your talking about, when in reality i doubt that you have 1 second of d...

5545d ago 15 agree2 disagreeView comment

gwave lost his bubbles because he is a rampant unashamed fanboy, and a pathetic troll.

seriously, it's him and the people like him that make b4f such a terrible place to visit.

5545d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

i'm sure microsoft or sony would love to be shifting wii type sales figures month in month out.

i can easily see them shifting another 30mil consoles before this gen is finished. whilst all my wii does is collect dust.

5546d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

except when playstionlfestyle or psextreme says things like this, every sony fanboy on here goes crazy and start waving flags like it's something factual.

amazing how it works on here isn't it.

5546d ago 10 agree6 disagreeView comment

are you seriously going to sit there and say that there's never any blogs wrote attacking the 360?? seriously?

what about the frequent rubbish from thegameraccess, badassgamerblog, mikegotgame, gamer.blorge and all the other sh!t-owned-by-a-fanboy blog sites??

now i know your very much a champion of sony and loyal soldier(even going as far as writing a blog about microsofts very sad) but even you cant deny that n4g is a hotbed of flameware blogs with...

5546d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

are you seriously going to sit there and say that there's never any blogs wrote attacking the 360?? seriously?

what about the frequent rubbish from thegameraccess, badassgamerblog, mikegotgame, gamer.blorge and all the other sh!t-owned-by-a-fanboy blog sites??

now i know your very much a champion of sony and loyal soldier(even going as far as writing a blog about microsofts very sad) but even you cant deny that n4g is a hotbed of flameware blogs with...

5546d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

say goodbye to your last two bubbles for saying that....i gave you a bubble by the way. you're going to need it

also, if you want people to believe you really are a dev, perhaps you should let us know what studio you work for, and on what games??

anyway, i own both systems, and if i do pick it up. it will be for the 360. achievements and so forth.

5547d ago 5 agree29 disagreeView comment

but the 360 is definately doing well! it's good to see three consoles thriving.

5547d ago 22 agree13 disagreeView comment

leave it out.

sony aint no angels ffs. all their pr bullsh!t and arrogance over the years...lets not forget them shoe-horning blu-ray into the ps3, slapping an absurd price tag on it, then expecting history to repeat itself.

aint no company in the business that are try and claim otherwise speaks volumes.

5547d ago 5 agree23 disagreeView comment