
CRank: 5Score: 7890

behind the scenes theres frantic microsoft excutives going sh!t Sh!t damn that there sony and there vision for the future get me their fortune teller i dont care how much they cost!

6060d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

reports from bbc today showing RROD at microsofts conference is news,big news because after all the hardware revisions its still happening and for it to happen at your conference is embarrasing.

you really need to read my comment 'number 5',you have too much anger which is not normal

we aint curing cancer,or aids, we are playing video games so relax a little huh? its not life or death!

6060d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

please stop being a fanboy,microsoft are to blame because they should have done their research instead of rushing the 360 onto shelves.

yes take pride in your console of choice but im sick of you always pushing the blame away from microsoft it screams FANBOY

and what about RROD?with all the hardware revisions its still happening even at their OWN conference today and it just so happens the bbc were their this morning to report it,its embarrasing.


6060d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

vision thats how

6060d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

though im not one to gloat we ps3 owners had to put up with pure negative press for all of 2007 now seems like everyone is licking ps3's ass in 2008 due to its surge in sales,exclusive line up and bluray

360 owners we are all gamers at heart so just ride the negative press we ps3 owners had to it shows character,and nomata what 360 had a outstanding 2007 so kudos for that

6060d ago 18 agree0 disagreeView comment
6060d ago
6060d ago

microsofts next console will include a bluray drive and play bluray games?

you just described the here and now its called a ps3!

now do you see how late microsoft are?

microsoft are imitators,sony are innovators!

6060d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

toshiba and microsoft are 'dastardly and muttley' chasing sony (the pigeon) with the theme tune and them going 'drat,damn that sodding pigeon!'

6060d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

really are alot of jealous people who maybe supported the wrong format now venting their anger!

bluray and its trojan horse the ps3 are the real winners

and further more statistics have shown an 80% increase in bluray sales since!

6060d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

dude are you serious? have you learnt nothing since we touched into 2008?

sony never lost touch from gaming,they were ahead of the GAME which consumers and industry insiders are now realising!

sony had a bad 1st year,yeh by their own high standards and without their big hitters of games,without a clear high def format winner,without playtv and without home the official numbers STILL show ps3 still outsold the 360 overall!

now we are barely into 2008 and ...

6060d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

from ps3 to psp sonys on a roll!

6060d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

bluray inclusion not just for movies but also for games in the ps3 was in a word 'genius'

sony once again you prove the doubters wrong, ps3 sales are rocketing

i am pleased i stuck with my purchase even when 360 fanboys (not 360 gamers theres a big difference between the two!) were rubbing it in

he who laughs last does indeed laugh best! damn my ribs hurt

6060d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

imagine the conferences going on at microsoft HQ now ' sh!t sh!t sony have gone and done it again i told you not to rush the 360, RROD now this bluray has won but not only that their games come on bluray soon developers are going to broadcast that DVD9 is not enough look at lost odessey,imagine all the people who will now buy a ps3 because its the most cheapest and future proof bluray player plus they get MGS4 and little big planet sh!t sh!t sh!t'

6061d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

is it just me or can you hear the party poppers going off at sony HQ?

ps3 will be more successful than ps2 without a doubt now give me playtv!

2008 just started and ps3 is causing serious damage, damn!

6061d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

i remember a couple months ago you were all saying microsoft doesnt need hd-dvd, bluray was sonys downfall,it wasnt worth it,its crap

now reading your comments shows how you now want to jump on the bandwagon with news that microsoft MAY include an external blu ray drive, this really has put egg on the faces of microsoft who would have to pay sony royalties but what does this show about you?

you condemned bluray but now you getting excited if microsoft includes it? fi...

6061d ago 36 agree0 disagreeView comment

read and i like the article at the end about evolving and embracing new technologies developers really need to read that part,you only get out what you put in nothing in life is easy.

ps3 is in its infancy and the amount of battles it has won in 2008 and were only in february really makes me wonder is this going to be as successful as ps2?call me crazy but i think ps3 will surpass ps2

its not just a gaming machine its an entertainment hub with cutting edge technology...

6062d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

crap in the woods

6064d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

green with envy dont worry about him.

6064d ago 13 agree9 disagreeView comment

COD4 already did that,it was actually a very bloody slaughter, where have you been not to have noticed?

6064d ago 15 agree13 disagreeView comment