CRank: 5Score: 6620

wow thats great natali ;) you said err something about the erm? iphone?

6040d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well i can see you speak it fluently, ur telling me no brill games have come out for the ps3? thats just plain ignorance

6040d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i like the sarcasm, hang on!!? thats the master cheif in your picture?!

6040d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

i agree, But he does have a valid point with regards to system software, the ps3 is technically brilliant but the software still needs work, thats in comparrisson to the xbox360, but microsoft is the worlds most successful software company in the world, so what do you expect. With time the ps3 software will improve and i don't have many doubts that the ps3 will surpass the 360 both in software and hardware quality. but you have to admit so many things in 1 box will be more difficult to write...

6040d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

damn! how did i loose a bubble for that?

6044d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and oosing from bill gates A$$, and its you xbots which are waiting with your mouths open to guzzel down that sh!t like babies.

green pudding tastes like sh!t anyway

(my first open zone post, bubs up)

6044d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

i think R* would be shooting themselves in the foot if they made one version noticably better than the other, R* want balanced sales over the ps3 and xbox360, so in terms of strengths and weaknesses i think we'll see the two games quite well balanced. (aside from content, which is not free). it wouldn't make sense from a business side to make one superior to the other. this turd on that forum just needs to be patient and play the game we're all so eagerly waiting for rather than spewing this ...

6044d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

maybe bill gates needs some better engineers at his factories who could do a more efficient job..

6047d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

bubbles for cali and tfur.

6047d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"in order to remove permanent marker one must have access to harsh chemicals such as gasoline, bleach or acetone. I doubt those materials are readily available in the XBOX repair depot."

thats gotta be the funniest thing i've read all day. you're telling me that at the microsoft repair centre they would have no intensive cleaning substances?! its a repair centre, they refurbish consoles aswell!! get a grip!!!

for god sake, its a sad story, whats B.S about a...

6048d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

it doesn't mean its meant to happen though, MS has the power to take the software business almost in its entirety yet they can't atleast read 1 kids letter and satisfy what seems to be a very very simple request. sounds like vista to me!

if any other company was to do the same i'd be just as rattled, i dont hate on ms it just makes me angry when companies sh!t on people. i mean first his console breaks and then they rub away every mark of centement which it had. *sniff* its jus...

6048d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

sinner that just sounds like some lame excuse or well it wasn't really our fault response that microsoft are likely to send in a letter to him. don't defend MS by saying it was an accident, look at the facts. Its poor customer services plus it was enough that his console broke in the first place, which it shouldn't!!! we should start a petition and get this kid an elite with white signatures from the team that made xbox live or something.

6050d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

man i wouldn't want an xbox signed by bill gates, rather some developers at bungie again, that speaks much more for me. rather have bill gates blood on it. but then id have vampires at my window worshipping my 360 as the devil.

6050d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol drekken killed you there my friend, the way ms dropped the xbox was quite dispicable. BUT i can't see ms dumping the 360 in the same way, only if they can't fix these hardware issues. then again if they can't fix these hardware issues then i can't see ms dropping a new console any time soon.

6050d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah making a killing on faulty hardware. yes the sales are high but the rep is covered with sh!t. albeit i love my xbox360 but the statement about ps3's not selling is abit outdated, they sell more than 360's now.

6050d ago 13 agree8 disagreeView comment


guess its not about ms simply doing better than competitors, the case is about MS monopolising the industry and using business practice which makes it difficault for competition to arise. without a competitive market, development and innovation will die. this will definately hurt ms's rep in the EU market (on the business side more)its not about making some money its about protecting the consumer and giving smaller developers own software a chance to make the market a ...

6051d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol hell no

lets hope whoever steps in his shoes has the business and creative prowess he has, he'll be missed that's for sure.

6053d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i do agree with you to an extent, but sony does have the oppertunity to make it very simple as well, say having gold silver bronse trophies, one thing with acheivements is that although your score increases much of that could just be easy acheivements, played on a vast libriary of games, wher as with trophies having gold silver bronse would give an indication of merit and real acheivement in showing your mates what stupidly difficult and rare trophies they scooped. say X gamer has 3 plat, 4 ...

6053d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

who gives a squirt if its released for the 360, what final fantasy fan in the their right mind would buy ffXIII for the 360, knowing it was primerilly developed on the ps3 and is essentially a ps3 franchise. get a grip!

6055d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i think it comes down to this whole, whos buying which scenario,the trend is that ps2 owners and generally casual gamers go for the ps3 (very much so in europe) while hardcore gamers and more pc users go for the xbox360. that being the case, hardcore gamers are more likely/ willing to have live, and a large hdd so therefore i dont hink the dlc will have a bigger impact as those have said. Its aimed at getting those who own both consoles to buy it for the 360. it isn't enough to sway people on...

6056d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment