CRank: 5Score: 4210

I heard they are going to reboot it though in a few years and replace Nathan Drake with Chris Pratt! = )

3395d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope it doesn't push its boundaries too far! The damn thing barely fits in a home entertainment center as it is.

3496d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Critic 1 said "back in the 90s this wasn't a thing, the internet has changed things."

I'm pretty sure this has been a thing since journalism started across any media and on any topic. The internet didn't start people getting paid for ads. That has been that way in print, radio and tv since they began. Also one critic said this is driven by low or mid size sights to get traffic,...but yet IGN did it as well?? I'm sure this is true in some cases but I ...

3496d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

All though this game is doing something truly ground breaking and amazing...I have yet to see them draw the lines to..."and it's fun too". I'm still in the dark about the gameplay mechanics and what to expect. Regardless though I am aboard the hype train and looking forward to seeing it!

3582d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I will say though who in the heck is buying that lonely console for 399.99 when you can get the bunduroos in store for the same price and 2 games!!!

3597d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most remarkable comeback? Not even close. Your buying into the marketing machine here. Recently MS announced as a result of the price cut sales are up 300% this November! Wow huge comeback! What they don't tell you is that every year since 2011 they have sold 300%+ more in November! It is the holidays! Actually the lowest in 4 years thus far has been 328% which puts this year on the bottom of 4 years of console sales! Of course Microsoft is going to run this data out to the media to send ...

3597d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agree, Xbox does have a better outlook for new exclusive games launching this holiday season only. I don't think anyone is going to be buying a console this Christmas though based off of that alone. At best you are going to get the 360 hardcore fans off the bench and into next gen with MCC. The rest are going to go the way things have been going at this point....PS4. The existing game library, features, community, price, and future exclusives are all combined likely to keep the sales abou...

3622d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So Michael spoke about the PS Now Service earlier this year and said that it was basically dead on arrival. No one wants this service and it's Sony making another bone head move in the wrong direction.

Now he says that MS buying Majong and some of its other steps are them carefully and strategically planning for a future without consoles. Basically they are genius master planners!

Those that might not know PS Now serive is the first step from Sony in offe...

3661d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Welcome to MS! We don't really make anything or have original ideas we just throw money at people that do!

3663d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I just couldn't disagree more with this article. Sure in "some" cases...less than half of the library you can buy the game used somewhere for near or the same price. The point you are missing out on is much of the world has no interest in doing that anymore and it is a growing trend. Movies and music disc sales are down through the floor from projections as to where they should be. People are streaming! Steam is thriving on PC gaming! Some people want the instant access now and ...

3706d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did you even read the article man or just the header? You are so off point. It says Sony turned them down so why are you wondering what the deal was? EA approached them with it and they said no. Now you are probably right though it was most likely due to PS Now...not b/c of focus though but b/c they want to keep the money flowing in that direction and not cannibalize their own service.

3708d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I call bull crap. If you were concerned about it not being a value for the customers then why don't you leave it up to customer choice and make it available. Is it costing the MS and Sony money to make it available. Lastly I think this would compete with the PS Now service and possibly deter subscriptions and renters from going straight into Sony's pocket thus....they don't want to compete with them.

3708d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You know what ticked me off was the uninformed supervisor that is saying stuff that he clearly has no clue about. How am I more educated about Sony products and services that a guy in their tech support / customer support division? And a supervisor at that!

3712d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm so glad I read this was a joke. Don't get me wrong I like all these people mentioned but not for this movie in anyway. And I understand they really spoke to Williams about the role but no I have no desire to see her play it. She is already seeming too old for GOT and to be honest she is not pretty at any age.

3713d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have said it before and I will say it again. Too many gamers are whiny over privileged people looking for a hand out. Games are an art and when you buy them you are supporting a culture and community in which you enjoy.

3719d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

So Im enjoying the video but this gamers commentary is horrible....he cannot stop blathering on for less than 2 secs at a time. Shut the f up. Say something funny but you don't have to just say random stuff every second. Ugh cannot stand him I had to mute it. He needs to tune into the RadBrad....there is guy that can balance gameplay with commentary and real humor. This guy is a joke.

3720d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This article is very annoying in so many ways but primarily it comes off feeling entitled and wanting everything for free. In no way is this a slap in the face to those that got the game a year ago. Just like xbox's price paid $500.00 day 1 so you could play day 1.

And one more pet pev to comments below....NO, you did not skip out on the last of us a year ago b/c you "knew" it was going to be re-released. If you say you did your a liar. No one ever s...

3734d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man those tickets moved quickly. STL sold out and I am wait listed. I can't imagine anyone not going.

3771d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am just wondering if there was a time sensitive sales quota to hit on the x1 for MS to keep the exclusive agreement in place. Might make sense why they tried so hard to push copies of the game. You saw it come bundled and then with price cuts from retailers on top of the bundle. Then you saw the delay on the 360 as well.

Further I think publishers in general are going to stray away from these types of agreements in the future. I don't think there is as much money in it...

3789d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh my goodness man. None of what you said is accurate at all. Check out VGchartz or something...and telling other people they should do some research...ouch!

3789d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment