CRank: 5Score: 2200

it is funny how we all think we have great [or the 'best'] screens. just wait till OLED tvs hit the market!

5991d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i have a panasonic indistrial series plasma. i would highly reccomend it to anyone looking for a tv. check out CNET or AVSFORUM. the panny industrial series always rank with the top displays of the list. my th50phd8uk looks incredible and image retention is never a problem. the plasma can do a deeper black and produce more color and even luminance than any lcd. the industrial series displays have as many changeable settings as you could ever want if you are really into calibrating. the pictur...

5991d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

is it just me, or does it look like they fixed the targeting reticule? it now goes open wide to indicate 'less accurate' and closes tight when you are still, meaning 'more accurate'. [bullet grouping]

6046d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


6049d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i didnt know this was already a topic. i saw it coming a mile away though. the first time i downloaded the hd trailer over xbox live my friends and i all agreed " wow- those graphics look beautiful so far!" after that it hit me and i said that there would be alot of stupid people that will be enraged that a white 'police-type guy' is shooting alot of black people. i figured that it wouldnt matter that this virus thing is infecting the people in this location and...

6049d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

sounded good, until you find out just how weak the green party is with the military. we live a world that requires us to take decisive force of action against evil whenever and wherever it suits or strategy. war sucks but is unavoidable.

6063d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

libs love it.

6063d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

take it from a cop- gun control does not work. i take that back- it worked great for the nazis and other tyrants all through history. kevin is right. its too easy to blame a gun or video game for an individuals free will. blame the individual. one thing they keep talking about is the fact that the recent college shooter played alot of violent games. too bad they forget to point out that most every young man does. enforcing the laws you have would be a good start. stoping revolving door justi...

6063d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this was a great game. the message was true. total freedom is not the problem. its the choices we make. we all have free will. like it or not Truth exists and is absolute and we need to strive to know it and corespond to it as best we can. we know how we ought to behave and treat each other but choose otherwise. the one gentleman was wrong when he said there are perfect people. it is thinking like that that can lead to an eletist- bioshock society.

6066d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

viral infections tend to do really well in warm enviornments.

6070d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

good point. the clintons [both of them]and just about everyone, were very vocal about the immediate need to take action against the regime of saddam and his weapons of mass destruction. time after time ol' butcher of baghdad said- i got weapons! no i dont! and refused to let inspectors in. i remember thinking that if a suspect was cornered by the police and after refusing to take his hands out of his coat pocket, he still held his hand pointed at the officer, he stands a pretty good chance at...

6070d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i didnt know this was already a topic. i saw it coming a mile away though. the first time i downloaded the hd trailer over xbox live my friends and i all agreed " wow- those graphics look beautiful so far!" after that it hit me and i said that there would be alot of stupid people that will be enraged that a white 'police-type guy' is shooting alot of black people. i figured that it wouldnt matter that this virus thing is infecting the people in this location and making them into zom...

6070d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah- some people think free game systems should come with the welfare check. poor customer service not withstanding. hey - there you go- give it away and they cant complain.....nevermind. ive known too many people on welfare to believe that.

6081d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

my elite has been freezing up now and then. especially if the surface of the disc is not in prestine condition. my buddie has had his 360 since launch. about a year and a half ago he had a water pipe break above his entertainment room. he came home and found water running ovre his new hdtv and 360. i ran over with a shop vac to help with the cleanup. when i picked up the 360 and tilted it sideways water literally flowed out of it. of course we figured it was dead but we put it in front of the...

6081d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

am i the only one that thinks the tageting reticule is backward in this game? the reticule becones smaller when moving- supposedly meaning your shots would be less accurate. stand still and the reticule circle opens. meaning what? that your bullet should land where exactly? it should be reversed like in g.r.a.w. .

6086d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i think you need to read my comment a little more slowly, my friend. when i made comments about the sport bike i QUOTED a typical liberal rant against them. (""""" ; too fast, etc.""""&q uot;) i clearly spoke in defense of your right to have and own a sportbike, and not only that, but to also ride aimlessly for pure enjoyment while your efficient engine sips away fossil fuel. i think i do understand freedom better than you would suppose. i guess i b...

6086d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i got a real big backyard and i live in the country. my point is that if i paid for my gas to put it into my backhoe and then dig holes only to fill them up again- guess what? its my buisness what i do with that gas i paid for. no ones talkin about running construction equiptment in the middle of the night and no one is talkin about using that gas to burn down your house. i am just making a statement about freedom. is that your sportbike in the picture? imagine if that bike became illegal to ...

6088d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

mass effect was a very good game. first one of its kind that i could actually like. it was beautiful and had enough action to keep it going. the sci fi story was pretty good too. i can assure you that the nudity is 3/4 of a buttcrack and 1/4 of a boob with no nipple. not exactly hardcore. i am dissapointed in fox. i would have expected this more with cnn but fox is only a little better when you get down to it. i always hope that when someone starts this crap about m rated games being played b...

6089d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

if i want to put the gas i purchase into a big, safe, powerful vehicle to drive my family in- its nobodys buisness. if i want to buy gas to put into my giant construction vehicle in the back yard because i like to dig holes and then fill the dirt back in again- its still nobodys buisness. and why should i feel bad about making use of fossil fuel when its still not certian that it even makes any impact on the world at all, let alone a negative one?

6089d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

thats the game plan. part of it anyhow- tax as much as you can.

6091d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment