CRank: 5Score: 2080

i want addresses and cc info swept clean first and foremost. i dont care about trophies and console war bullshit

4896d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

when is the real us release date?

4897d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but you can still buy hardopy to this day as far as music and video. i just want hardcopy whatever form it is

4898d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

my previous post:

i say sweep all personal data and whatever else if that's what it takes. some may disagree but i think addresses, names, and birthdates shouldnt be required for psn. just verify that youre over/under 18 and have a Data Wallet type software within the ps3 operating system for to encrypt/decrypt user's cc data and store it on the ps3's hdd only. so email, password and manual cc data input or auto with data wallet is all that woud be needed. the les...

4898d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

i say sweep all personal data and whatever else if thats what it takes. some may disagree but i think addresses, names, and birthdates shouldnt be required for psn. just verify that youre over/under 18 and have a Data Wallet type software within the ps3 operating system for to encrypt/decrypt cc data and store it on the ps3's hdd only. so email, password and manual cc data input or auto with data wallet is all that woud be needed. the less personal info stored on there(sony's) servers...

4898d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hardcopy is always better. the product is in the buyer's hands which is the closest to thing ownership as one could get. i keep saying this to those who want dd only. dd is NOT the way to go. i dont care about how trendy dd is, ill take harcopy everytime. its like paper dollars vs gold/silver. gold/silver has intrinsic value while paper dollars(money note confetti) do not and if the dollar falls youre f****** while gold/silver would be widely valued to any economy. i wish people would thi...

4898d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

anyone who knows about this stuff please answer:

if sony doesnt even know our passwords thats great right?
and, whats the chances of the hackers actually getting our psn account info?

4898d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

^ lame

4899d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


dont read my comment then. tbh i dont even own an xbox roflmao!!!!!!!!!!! i only have a ps3 roflmaox2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! shouldnt let some random comment get to you light that. (crunches on a cheeto) you got SERVED!!!!! (lightening flashes, thunder booms, i give the stare of victory as i moonwalk beyond your field of vision)

saga continues.........

[year 2051,] (you tell your grandchildren the legend of 'GamingSinceIwasL...

4899d ago 4 agree20 disagreeView comment

psn still not up yet? again, if xbl wasnt so stable and reliable at the moment i'd be kinda mad. back to halo reach.

edit: why the disagrees? im just happy to be able to play on the great xbl especially since psn is down. im a gamer and arent we all? be happy for me. (crunches on a cheeto) think ill download some demos off xbl then play a litte l4d2 online multiplayer co-op. hope psn comes back eventually

@lee_ten: i have a router and i type fast and...

4899d ago 14 agree53 disagreeView comment

psn not back up yet? (crunches on a cheeto) good thing xbl is so stable and reliable at the moment or i'd be kinda mad

4899d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

best console graphics next to crysis 2 and fight night champion(btw fnc is wack)

4901d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

if you fail to provide your end of the deal to sony as a costumer, see if sony will say,"you're only short 1 cent? here we'll go ahead and give it to you". idiots, thinking sony loves them. you are money to them just like you are to every large corporation. yes i know psn is free, but that's part of the package of buying a ps3 and as of now that advertisement isnt being fulfilled over a prolonged period. so yes, we do deserve compensation regardless of what fanboys' ...

4901d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

but free psn is part of the package with the ps3 and is a reason why many opted for it over the 360. so to be technical sony does owe something back to consumers. i for one just want psn back up and healthy and thats enough for me unless this issue goes on for over a week or something

4902d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...that and the fact that most sp campaigns are so short that most gamers aren't willing to spend $60 on it when they can get more hours for their money in online multiplayer. games like fallout, crysis 2, oblivion, rdr, borderlands, saints row, assassin's creed...etc are worth $60 to me because the sp campaigns are so long. something like vanquish should not be $60, but more around $30. be realistic with prices and i bet we would see more sp games being supported which sets a foundat...

4902d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

props cause this game gets hard

4902d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

fun and challenging game. only downside to me is that the online co-op is restricted to your friends list and you and your buddy have to share the same camera

4902d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

now, this is a fresh fps

4902d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

wutup mayne. bosshoggin on n4g leanin like a m********** haha

4902d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

looking forward to this more than bf3. tired of the stale modern military shooters. only thing they upgrade seems to be graphics and sound

4903d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment