
CRank: 5Score: 29870

NG Sigma 2 w/ extra play modes, extra characters, and coop mode. You can fit all that on blu-ray. Assuming NG 2 filled up the dvd, then you'd need to get those extras as dlc.

5661d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Except the homo comments in this situation applies to work environments. Now that's something else.

5661d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you're a consumer w/ a 360 that has a harddrive and your 360 fails on you, you can send it in the coffin to MS for a replacement.

Of course, if your warranty expired already, chances are you probably don't want to fork in money for a refurb. Most likely you're betting your chances on a new $199 arcade model since you have a harddrive already anyway, and hoping it's a newer revision.

5661d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

MS needs an entirely new hardware qc/qa department. They obviously weren't doing their homework.

5662d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Funny how this generation of gaming consists of media & consumer complaints every other month, with a little dash of double standard to top it off.

5662d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Funny thing is people have been saying this new pay for bandwidth scheme has been going on since October 2008 and that there hasn't been any real change to the way PSN handle and distributes content.

And you know what? Have any developer officially come out and make a PR statement about how PSN charges them for bandwidth usage? AFAIK, the only place that started this whole charging for bandwidth info was MTV. Why hasn't there been news of what the publishers think of this o...

5662d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And he's comparing Oblivion from both consoles. From what I recall, I picked up the Oblivion for my 360 a long while ago and I think it was ported to the PS3 months later.

With Fallout, the install base of the PS3 increased and since the game was released for both consoles simultaneously, the numbers are a better representation than the Oblivion numbers.

Maybe instead of using Valkyria Chronicles you should use WKC #s.

5663d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@above, I think you're misreading his comment

5663d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmm, I want my halo wars for free please. =)

5663d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MGS4 can't go on the 360 w/o editing some cutscenes. The game practically has Sony (PS3, PSP) & Apple (ipod, G5) advertisement in it. You'd really think MS would want an MGS game advertising for their competition? Now sure MS can tell Konami to remove those objects, but they'd also have to take out that blu-ray & cell reference in the game.

5663d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I recently popped in GT4 to get some snow driving going on and I nearly forgot how many tracks there were in GT4. I guess PD wants GT5 to be better than GT4, and the only way to do that is to have more cars and more tracks. And we all know how the tracks in GT5p looks like, so trying to get the GT4 tracks at the level of GT5p or better probably does take a long time.

5664d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

As long as they meet their margins I guess they're happy.

5664d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well despite YoY decline in sales for Sony, it's still pretty strong considering the price point and our current economy situation. Under our recession, if I wanted a video game system for myself or for the family, I'd pick the cheapest one out there since obviously money is an issue.

In the eyes of a consumer, I think we'd see the $199 price point of a 360 vs the $399 of a PS3, and tell ourselves we can purchase 3-4 other retail games if we took $399 and spent it on Microsoft...

5664d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

bubbles for you. a lotta insight there.

5665d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

If they did not see their recent RE5 sales figure in JPN, they should start now and consider the possibility of making this game multiplat.

5665d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey Shepard, USC HC dept laid off the entire cardiology dept! Nobody got the option to accept lower wages or have their bonuses cut. They were all gone! Even those that worked for 15+ years!

So what if Sony laid off / fired people before? Other companies do that!

The point of this article is Sony "freezing" bonuses and such. What of that you don't get?

5666d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment


from your stance, it appears you prefer it that Sony lay people off. Gee, don't you wish your supervisor laid you off instead of cutting your bonuses huh?

5666d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

well aside from the pretty pictures, so far in GT5p the only lighting I've only seen was noon-time lighting. How does the game look in the afternoon? At night? Early morning? No clue. That's something other racers like PGR and NFS has. Maybe that's why it seems so "lifeless" because we haven't seen a scene of GT5p at 6pm.

5674d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Playstation "Network" didn't really start until the PS3 came about and it wasn't even on the PSP until firmware updates later. Frankly you can use the same PSN id on the PSP. I also don't see how PSP could have increased the number of PSN id accounts. There's really nothing you could do with a PSN id on the PSP.... of course this will change with the PSP getting the Playstation Store in its XMB. This may lead to increases in # of accounts, but like I said one could technical...

5675d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea probably one of those extra activities you have to sign up and do, just like back when the PSP came out and you could get one for free if you signed up with stuff. The PS3 could be had for cheap. Dell did sell the PS3 for I believe $319.99 a couple weeks ago but it sold and expired quickfast. PS3 for cheap. Possible. PS3 for $183. Hmm.

5676d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment