
CRank: 5Score: 43470
114d ago Show
114d ago Show
114d ago Show
114d ago Show

The original trailer was CGI but the actual game manages to surpass it and shows just why MS are the only ones capable of actually gaming a powerful console that shows a next gen leap. Unlike PS5 which seems to only be able to produce PS4 looking PS5 games.

121d ago 11 agree38 disagreeView comment

Awesome though i hope the collection is around 30/40 dollars as any higher would be unfair for those of us waiting for the anti gamer EGS exclusive deal to expire.

124d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Agreed the commercial failure of FFXVI/FF7Rebirth show that PS gamer don't buy games only cinematic woke games.

131d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

They should of never of made those exclusive deals with Sony. If SE made FFXVI/FFVIIRemake/Rebirth available on PS/PC/Xbox/Switch Day 1 they would of sold 20/30 million copies of each game and would mostly likely would not of lead to layoffs.

Exclusive games to any platform is not only anti gamer but they are toxic to the gaming industry. All games made by Sony and other companies should be made multi platform.

131d ago 9 agree31 disagreeView comment

Excellent and also it's obvious that Square Enix is regretting taking Sony's money with the commercial failures of FFXVI/FF7Rebirth and are more willing to partner up with other companies that offer more money/sales.

I fully expect SE to break the contract with Sony and release Part 3 of the FF7 remake trilogy on Day 1 on PS/Xbox/PC/Switch 2 with the Switch 2 being the main platform for it to be developed on and than ported down/over to PS/PC/Xbox.

132d ago 5 agree27 disagreeView comment

Why should i have to buy a low powered console like the PS5? Since MS is releasing their games on PS than us gamers should call on Sony to release their on Xbox as it's only fair.

137d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

'Sony owns the ip' Doesn't matter as we gamers have to demand that Sony make all their games multi platform as again it's unfair to gamers to locked us out from playing certain franchises because of silly exclusivity.

138d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Now Sony bring the game to Xbox as it's ungamer to keep titles like this locked to PS5/PC.

139d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Not wishful thinking at all as both FF 16 and Rebirth are both not selling well on PS5 and shows that PS owners are not that interested in JRPG'S. SE will have to recoup the cost of the games by releasing both game and all future games on as many platforms as possible.

Exclusives are a cancer in gaming so i don't understand why gamer would want a franchise like the FF franchise to die off because of PS fans not buying them.

145d ago 7 agree29 disagreeView comment

They should of released it on Xbox and PC as PS5 owners don't seem to buy JRPG'S. Also they could of made a deal with MS to have it on gamepass Day 1 with MS giving them a few billion to make up for sales.

Hopefully the new CEO of SE will cancel all exclusive agreements with Sony and make Part 3 and all future SE games multi-platform.

145d ago 11 agree40 disagreeView comment
162d ago Show

Awesome i can see them getting native 4k with 120 fps per second on XSX as well.

178d ago 3 agree13 disagreeView comment

I don't see the point either as 99% of devs aren't even bothering to optimize games properly and it will be made worse with the PS5 Pro as devs are getting lazy.

178d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

With Xbox's 12 TF the will easily run 4K with a locked 60FPS through the entire game.

180d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

Awesome i really want to play this game on Xbox. I hope it's on Gamepass as i don't want to give Square Enix any money as they cheated us Xbox gamers out of a Day 1 release alongside with PS.

180d ago 3 agree19 disagreeView comment

Doesn't sound like it's a worthy upgrade imo. With Xbox looking like they will be releasing their next gen console in a year or 2 Sony gamers will be stuck playing games on outdated hardware.

186d ago 26 agree76 disagreeView comment