CRank: 5Score: 4690

Please Naughty Dog find a way to incorporate all the new maps somehow into adding to the already incredible single player experience.

I am sure they have hours of unused dialogue on the cutting room floor. Perhaps they may even have the odd motion capped cut scene that was not used.

If it was not to the detriment of the narrative or pacing of the single player experience adding these extra maps into perhaps additional chapters would be a welcome addition.

5270d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Try switching the numbers around and you will get closer to what this games score should be.

5270d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree buddy they are the lesser evil.

Heavens above wheres the monster raving loony party when you need them to add a sense of normality to proceedings.

5270d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To get the best visuals for Alan Wake on xbox 360.

Please use an Etch a Sketch.

5270d ago 13 agree3 disagreeView comment

Have you ever heard of the expression 'one swallow does not make a summer.'

While i fully respect your voting decisions, just because Nick Clegg performed well in a live television debate, i don't believe this justifies him to become the next Prime Minister.

Take a good look at their manifesto policies on Europe, Trident, immigration, banking, foreign policy, health-care and home affairs.

His second in command Vince Cable who is looked upon as the second...

5270d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

My apologises for straying off topic but it does pertain to those who are interested in comic books etc.

I just saw the movie 'Kickass.'

Sadly for those expecting a 4 to 5 star experience you will be disappointed.

The good news is i would rate the film 6 out of 5.

Top notch in every department from acting, screenplay, humour, pacing, music and lastly the over the top action and violence is brilliantly handled.

A must watch and t...

5271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

For Basil-Rathboner Prague and Budapest is where the action is located.

For Murderdolls and Wrathman and all the other bot fairies Thailand is where the action is located.
( Thai lady boys 2 for the price of 1 -- For just 20 US dollar they will dress up like Milo.)

*Disclaimer -- i heard the above Thailand info from a reputable Xbotter source but as i prefer women i thought i would share this info to spread a little bit of love, peace and harmony to those disgu...

5273d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's a pleasant surprise for this corpulent gravy stained PR man to show a modicum of humility for a change. (Doesn't alter the fact that he is so fat that when he sweats he can be used as a steam roller.)

The main reason they outsold the PS3 in the United States is because they have a 100 dollars price advantage on their base model.

Also as you rightly point out, PS3 for the month has been suffering from stock shortages not just i hasten to add in the US but world-...

5273d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

What Mr Houser really means.

Having to constantly compromise our vision to fit on the lowest common denominator ie DVD9 has been a bloody nightmare.

5275d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

You may know how it ends as you say that you've read the book and SolidMGSnake says he saw it coming a mile away.

That completely misses the point.

Others have not read the book and most may wish to see the plot unfold without having the narrative deliberately sabotaged for them.

Eiffel i am glad it won't stop you from enjoying the game and nor should it.

But this tit for tat nonsense of people deliberately spoiling games for others is an ac...

5278d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dont read the top comment on the site, there is a possible major spoiler.

5278d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

$h!t the turdbox dropped 326 units.

I hope we see an article about this catastrophic % drop.

Remember last weeks bs article about a 20% rise.

It's % rises of small potatoes you flopbox baboons.

These numbers represent roughly an 89,000 pounding over 2wks.

Translate that to roughly say 178,000 over a month.

Take away 15.000 for monthly flopbox numbers.

Sony is currently taking Micro$h!t for about 163,000...

5281d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ha Ha Ha.

Fantastic comment my friend. Great stuff.

I did wonder why that fat spotty 14yr old kid i saw in the street had a fully grown brown moustache.

5281d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This may be to get Gabe Newell on side.

Quick Sony get the chicken nugget buckets, cake, biscuits and chips on order!!!!!

Oh i nearly forgot ---- A large DIET Coke as well.

5281d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

These young whippersnappers should start to look up more sensible pursuits on the web.

I use mine to browse PORN!!!!!!!!

(I am now nearly blind but on the upside, i now have arms like Popeye.)

5281d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would like to think Sony has enough class and professionalism not to respond to this turds statements.

Howevever this would be a good one.

"There's things i love about the xbox 360 but their $h!t 54% failure rate that they have KNOWINGLY passed on to the consumer is not one of them."

5289d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would love to add to Greenturd's greatest hits.

By launching him face first through a plate glass window.

5289d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

If brains were dynamite.

You wouldn't have enough to blow your hat off.

5289d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

A poor experience says Greenturd.

Let me go to my Google translator.

'We dont have browsing facilities on xbox 360 but our competition does, hence we must down play it and say its $h!t like we have have been saying about 3D technology.'

This guy is a tolal w@nkst@!n and does NOTHING positive for the games industry.

On my poor experience web browser i have over 40 hollywood blockbusters all FREE on my PS3 hard drive.

Some example...

5289d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have a 500gb sat drive in my PS3 (I paid about 38.99)

I don't fill it full of 'trash.'

I fill it full of porn!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5294d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment