
CRank: 5Score: 7080

BTW, MS will have a larger area because they'll have a large section for COD: Ghosts.

MS hosted BO2 last year and will be doing the same this year for Ghosts, and BO2 took up a massive area.

4070d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

This is a standard e-mail that Amazon sends on pre-orders, based on their own estimates.

I've had the same for games and other products that have been dated very far in advance.

In addition if the item has no date at all after a few weeks you'll get an email that appears to imply that it will never arrive and how things are taking longer than Amazon would like - but alas this again is just the fact the item has no date and a long time has passed since...

4072d ago 21 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is a pointless article.

Who cares how it looks made in CryEngine 3, it wouldn't run on the PS3 like that so it is a moot point.

It isn't like ND would be incapable of making a game that looks as good as, if not better than these screenshots.

4074d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Fish is whiney.
Beer is whiney.

I dislike both, I don't know what side to pick.

4075d ago 35 agree3 disagreeView comment

This is using the Vita as a controller, not playing PS4 games on the Vita - but playing PS4 games _using_ the Vita as the controller instead of the DualShock 4.

All games will have Remote Play unless it requires the camera.

4076d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Someone must have bought a Wii U and is trying to justify it's presence once next-gen is here.

For sure great gameplay is great gameplay. Some mobile games are fun to play, indie Vita games can be great to play and neither of those are graphical marvels.

But graphics are important.

Look at the reaction Watch Dogs received last year and The Division received this year.

For the most part people were going holy shit the grap...

4082d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Should we moan about plug sockets in the wall too?

Because they're never where you need them and you only get two. But if you're using up all four HDMI ports then you're using up five plug sockets.

Of all the things to moan about this seems pretty trivial.

4087d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah this will mostly be playing Farmville on Facebook.

4088d ago 8 agree9 disagreeView comment

This is an article because it is informing the Xbox One has sold out.

It has nothing to do with when it was available compared to PS4. It isn't a race and it nor do the Xbox One and PS4 have the same allocations.

No one knows the allocations so you should not insinuate the performance of either console by the fact it is sold out.

4089d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

@mwjw696 your manager was lying to you.

Retailers will make much more than $2 on a brand new game. They do not make 3-4% profit on a game.

Nor do the console makers get almost half.

4089d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you mean the lightbar in the controller all that is is an LED. That will cost a few cents.

The costly (by comparison) technology is in the camera not the controller for Move.

4089d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

They would have had a target price is what Jack means and they would work out their projections and budgeted specs based on that price. Likely $399 was that target price and MS granted them free-range to use it.

However, they would have had a contingency plan to manoeuvre on price if MS low-balled them, for sure.

4089d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The article has taken the quote wrongly. What Tim is saying it lots of studios are currently using UE4, and whilst there isn't a great deal of titles out there now come late 2014 you'll see the fruits of all those studios' work.

Not that there will be none at all until the end of 2014.

Knack isn't the only one coming soon. Daylight is Q1 2014 and is also UE4.

4091d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This isn't true, Knack is using UE4.

4091d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

More expensive in the UK than the PS3 was at launch!


4122d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, the trouble is I don't see how this applies.

Because, from the article...

"The consumer has a right to wholly re-sell what they own without paying any sort of fee, licensing or otherwise, to the original company… and the second-hand buyer can buy without needing to pay a separate fee to the original seller"

The seller will not be paying a fee to GameStop or MS or the publisher.

The buyer will not be paying...

4130d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

I call fake based on the wires.

Theives work in a hurry. They don't take time to carefully take out the cables and then place them right back where they should be.

4132d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

@Darrius Cole no you are wrong.

Sliding scale. He buys one, trades it in.

I didn't say he bought ten, traded them in then used total sum of money to buy new.

You don't buy 10 games at a go, you buy them on release.

Because in your scenario his own money spend is actually $600.

You have misunderstood what I have laid out, and it can be confusing so I don't blame you, but trust me. I have it correct...

4132d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm surprised Pachter said this. Because he is wrong and you'd think it would be in his area of expertise.

Whilst it is true that some cannot afford new games and that someone can trade in their new game to get money to contribute to another game, if you completely block used games developers would earn more money.

Why? Because retailers make profit on used games.

If used games were blocked then people would be forced to buy new, and ...

4133d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

Correction - Activision just advertised COD Ghosts.

Just as they have done for the past few years. Nothing new here.

4137d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment