CRank: 5Score: 1380

No you're right. She looks like she's taking some testosterone in order to make the Russian Olympic hockey team.

2721d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

haha got to upvote the D&D reference..

2721d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment
2721d ago Show
2721d ago Show
2721d ago Show
2721d ago Show

Dragon....No I'm not going to be disappointed. As long as MS sells enough for it to want to keep the brand alive, I'll be happy.

Sony did an impressive job this gen. Hats off to them.

That being said, this new system is going to sell well. If you think majority of people who are not sony loyalist are going to chose the base or pro over the scorpio, then you should be a sport and pass whatever it is you're smoking.

2721d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment
2722d ago Show

Sony isn't taking the sales lead once scorpio drops. I don't expect MS to sell as many units overall for this gen, but I think your ignoring reality with your statement.

2722d ago 1 agree19 disagreeView comment

Lets look at history:
PS2 beat out the xbox due to the xbox arriving late in the cycle.
the 360 kicked the ps3 all over until very late in its life. Had the RROD not happened, it might not have been close.
The x1 struggled because MS shot themselves in the foot. They pretty much begged sony to take the base they had built up with the 360. Not the only reason for ps4 success, but it is one of the big ones.

Sony isn't some unbeatable giant. If M...

2722d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

scorpio isn't and incremental upgrade. I highly doubt telling people to wait 2-3 years for the ps5 is going to curb scorpio sales.

2722d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Huh? faulty logic stevo.

Major 3rd party developers are not snubbing MS and releasing on both systems. So PS4 game sales are not causing xbox to be excluded. Sure there might be a case here or there, but we've not been left out in the cold on a regular basis. And those JRPG's we don't get are most likely based on the fact xbox customers have never really supported those types any way. FF15 sold terrible on the x1 if not mistaken...

2722d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wonder if history will ever correct the bad rap MS got over that whole drm thing. There really was a lot of good things that would have come with it.

I'm convinced that the backlash wasn't 100% organic. All these gaming sites and "journalists" lost their minds over it. I'm of the thought there were some businesses who depended on physical media behind some of the outrage.

2722d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Ahhhh you're recollection of resolutiongate is fuzzy, but I'll refresh you for any newbies that might have missed the whole thing.

It wasn't that 900 was good enough on it's own, it was that 900 was good enough when compared to 1080. Meaning, the difference wasn't so big that it warranted all the hate the X1 was receiving at the time. The differences in power between the ps4 and x1 was not huge, but it was made out to be bigger than it was. This slight edge ...

2722d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment
2722d ago Show


Any version of the games coming out is going to be an "OK" version when compared to the scorpio regardless of what they do.

Maybe they rely on upscaling so they can have as big of a world as the scorpio version. Maybe they checkerboard it. There's a lot of tricks they can do.

Funny thing is though, the ps4 and x1 both don't offer that big of differences when it comes to world size etc. in games compared to t...

2722d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I would say you're right if MS has said they're not following what we know as a next gen system anymore. For MS, they've changed their generational model. The system hardware-wise is a generational leap. The only difference is that it's BC and FC. Every other box of what is a next gen system is checked. Sure, it's part of the X1 one family, but it is the next generation for all intensive purposes.
They stated they want to give the best of PC and console platforms...

2722d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


I'm not saying that I don't play SP and MP, what I'm saying is MS could release 100 IP's and it wouldn't matter because personally I wouldn't have the time to try them all. It's not an either/or choice, it's how you manage the time allotted. For instance, I dumped a lot of time into DA Inquisition, but I did still manage to play Gears MP, just a lot less of it. Now I'm playing a lot of RB6 at the expense of some other games I woul...

2722d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment
2722d ago Show

Lol "isn't far more capable..."

You're looking at this the wrong way. Right now, games coming out on the x1 are striving to hit the highest benchmark to compete with the ps4. When the scorpio drops, they won't have to do that.

They can take a lot out of the x1 version in order to meet the requirement. Remember, Phil only said the game has to "play" on all systems. He did not say they have reach a certain ...

2722d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment