
CRank: 5Score: 21760

Who gives a F*#! anymore! There is no "Console War" this generation is clearly sony's to lose at this point. You love the xbox one? Play it...You love love your ps4? Play it. We are nearly 2 years in this cycle and all that matters is the "Games", which are getting better in quality.

3248d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is destiny 1080p on xbone?

3631d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

You are 100% correct. So many insiders I get them confused. Superdae also stated that one console would be more powerful than the other and would begin to show within 2yrs or so... Let's see those first party games at e3... Ohhhh boy

3667d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That Cboat was definitely the truth. He mentioned playing early versions of home front 2 and a sequel to sleeping dogs prior to his arrest. Although the latter hasn't been announced yet. This kid was giving us "Factual" info about current events over a year ago. That guy was incredible source of leaked info..wow.

3667d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im really having a hard time seeing this alleged downgrade. It has not been specified which platform that recent trailer was running on. If the attached video is what this game looks like on ps4 then most of you need to go gave a couple drinks with stevie wonder, as he may understand wtf ur seeing.

3739d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

I thought maybe I was misreading the article myself? It does say GameCube right? Lol..

3943d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's "Tekken vs Streetfighter" people..The second game in the capcom/ namco deal..Which was due around 2014...You heard it here first.

3994d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

What a piece of garbage! Was that really a vita game? Oh my... Vita is gonna drown with announcements like that.

4024d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Lmao! He's gonna be joining that famous twitter guy whom told gamers to "deal with it!" Referencing xbones always online last month..What a epic fail from rare! Wtf!

4024d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Regardless of which system you own, unless u have both systems your gonna lose out on exclusives. This is why i don't understand these arguments on this site. Trust me each system is gonna have at least 2 games to die for.

4032d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Let me just say i am a huge sony fan but purchased both consoles ps3 and 360 this generation and enjoyed both. In the end my ps3 stood king in my living room in the end "only" because of all the single player exclusives, my preference. Now going into e3 everyone who doesn't believe microsoft is gonna have an awesome showing is "delusional" at the least. It is a prelude to a console launch and microsoft throws money around like no other. With that being said, I am 100% ...

4034d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

E3 is 11 days from now and the wait is pretty unbearable so far. The reason being the uncertainty behind the ps4 & xb1. I want answers on june 10th, yet that is the the biggest fear that they hold out yet again and keep gamers in suspense until closer to launch. This may very well be the case and one or both companys may distract us with all the "exclusives" on e3 and have us disregard the bigger picture, used games and always online.

4035d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Of course microsoft is trying to establish themselves as a direct competitor to apple, that has been their intention from the moment they entered the gaming/entertainment business. Apple had essentially cornered the market and profits in the "Billions". Iphone's and ipad's are in nearly everyone's household, game consoles have never had that ability but through them you can garner more attention as microsoft has and now looks to back pedal on the gamers and appeal to a &...

4035d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im sure microsoft will reveal some nice "exclusives" at e3. That won't change the fact that they are gonna kill second hand gaming and require us to be online to play our games. It's gonna be a sugar coat, they will say "you wanna play these exclusives?" then agree to our "new" terms. Then the choice is yours. I am absolutely sure most gamers are goin to give in, unless sony offers another viable option..Only time will tell.

4035d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think sony will not over price themselves as that may lead other gamers to lower priced competing consoles. History would absolutely rear it's ugly head if they where to price the ps4 over $500 dollars. I believe gamers are going to be pleasantly surprised at sony's aggressive and appealing price points for their next console. Sony is going to be aiming to recover gamers who have defected and lost confidence in the playstation brand. We must all remember the majority of gamers curre...

4147d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment