
CRank: 5Score: 380

Nintendo franchises are leaps and bounds better than Sony's. That's the sad truth for you sonytards.

5804d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

I don't get why Sony is advertising this game. The only thing that they are doing is losing money, because this game is going to BOMB.

5815d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

that goes to killzone 2

Put away your fanboy googles kid.

5815d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

Killzone 2 is crap also dude. Just wait and see, game is going to get panned by critics, just like Socom Confrontation.

5815d ago 3 agree15 disagreeView comment
5815d ago

BTW, game got a 5/10 from GameDaily and 4/10 from GamesTM.

Sony published games are the very definition of mediocre. (Heavenly Sword, Lair, Resistance, Folklore, MotorStorm 2 and more!)

5815d ago 10 agree37 disagreeView comment

And another AAA game exclusive for the PS3.

Damn, looks like I will have to buy this console!!

5815d ago 4 agree21 disagreeView comment

Best RPG of the current home consoles BY FAR.

Good job Lionhead.

I wonder how many millions this baby is going to sell. 4?

5815d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

Can't wait to pick up Fable 2, game that also got 5/5 from Xplay.


5815d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

N4G shows their ignorance. Again.

Guess what pathetic sonytards? Like most of the PS3 exclusives, this game is mediocre. No retards, GameDaily isn't ignorant because they scored bad a game for your beloved console, they did it because the game is crap, simple as that.

Other reviews for this game:

1UP: C/A+
GamesTM: 4/10

I guess that they are also ignorants, right?

5815d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment

So that's why the demo was so crappy.

5829d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment
5829d ago

Fable II = GOTY

5829d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment