
CRank: 5Score: 4040

What, u guys just need to hit Google translate to understand what he is trying to say. Troll to English: "so this thing isn't going to help me finally lose my virginity? I won't buy it then"

4848d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dude, not so fast! Wait 6 months for the new one thats exactly the same, but has a few pieces of corn in it.

4974d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with you 100%. The ipad is just an oversized ipod touch and it blows me away how people still run out and buy it like crazy. Sometimes I think steve jobs could take a dump in tin foil, wrap it up, and sell it as ipoop and people would still line up weeks in advance to buy it. Dont get me wrong, I do think apple does make good quality products for the most part, but at the same time it is the "cool" or trendy thing right now to rock apple products.

4974d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't worry what I am doing with my Move, but start worrying more about where all your bubbles went.

4974d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I absolutely loved kz2. It might even be my top fps of all time. Without even being in the beta, I can tell that kz3 is going to be lightyears better. Is co op confirmed? I forgot...

4982d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I heara lot of people defending kinect and talking about how much its going to sell, but has anyone on this site actually bought one? If so how is it? And please be honest.

4982d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

IIf u retards r dumb enough to give this site hits than more power to them.

4989d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My problem with people like u is that u hate on MAG BECAUSE its a ps3 exclusive.

5257d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and come back to it in a year. Natal is going to fail. it is not the future of gaming, i promise u that. it is MS last chance in the console war. they have lost money on their last two consoles. if Natal isn't received well by the consumer (which i honestly don't think it will be), then i believe it would be their last chance in this console war.

without a great lineup of games this next year i feel like MS is putting all their eggs in one basket to spark an interest in xbox360 a...

5352d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

all we have seen for ourselves was the joke of a demo at E3 when the avatar had a seizure after trying to show the bottom of his shoe. other than that u guys are just letting ur hopes and dreams get u a little carried away. developers can say whatever they want but until i see a final product, im going to hold my judgement.

and by the way, i would bet my life that u have never played eye of judgement.

let me guess, ur always trolling because u have no games to play?...

5352d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

i honestly laughed when i read that!

5352d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

its not i good sign when u say a game is all around good but yet has a weak campaign. shouldn't the sp matter?

5353d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i played the #@$% outta the first 2 halo games. i enjoyed them very much, but when a game doesn't take steps forward and just settle to sell on hype alone it bothers me. u think ms doesn't know that people will buy anything halo just because of the name? look at halo wars for example. u cant tell me that it didn't get those #'s because it was that good of a game. if u did u would be lying. i'm not going to say that Reach is not going to be a good or maybe even great game, but i will say it pr...

5353d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

heavenly sword, uncharted 1 weren't on the same level as 360 games? lol, ur living in a fantasy world my friend. even motostorm 1 had better graphics than most 360 games and this was when developers still didn't have the ps3 down. now that they are learning from each other the ps3 is pulling away from the 360, and its happening real fast. i'm not too worried about the ps3 getting maxed out in a couple years as much as u should be worried that the 360 is already maxed out.

5353d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

u forgot littlebigplanet.

5354d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

saying that UC2 is a "good" game without the graphics. i would be willing to bet he hasn't even played it. there isn't one aspect of the game that isn't great imo. i can tell u this, i played halo 1 & 2 ( i played 3 for a short time and wasn't at all impressed) and thought the sp campaign was a joke. i never for once got into the story or though master chief was a cool character. he seems very much lifeless and cookie cutter.

5354d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

it doesn't surprise me that u think the xbox line up is better. even though i know deep down inside u really don't believe that...

its almost like u will get excited for a game just because its an xbox exclusive. it doesn't have to be anything too special, just has to be an exclusive. i mean, alan wake for example should be better looking than killzone2 or uncharted2 (or at least uncharted 1) for as long as its been in production, but from all the videos and screen shots it cant ...

5354d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

but isn't it funny how now that the ps3 games are starting to really pull away from the competition in terms of graphics all u hear now is that its all about game play and they graphics aren't that important. but before all the m$ fanboys used to say how much better the multiplats looked on xbox (even though they were same to the naked eye) i'm starting to think that some people will say anything for argument sake just so they don't have to admit defeat. wait till psn gets voice chat on the n...

5354d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

u dont own a ps3.

5354d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

this holiday season is all about MW2 if u only own an xbox. ps3 owners have an abundance of games to play and many of them exclusives. i enjoyed MW very much but at the same time i have a HUGE selection of games to play and to purchase before i get to MW2.

5354d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment