CRank: 5Score: 3080

Sounds like a great deal. I might pick it up

5021d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Um... Where Zafina from Tekken 6

5093d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I guess one reviewer wanted to feel special so he decides to give it a 9. Anyway Team Ino!!!!!!!!!!!!

5093d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Of course. Sonic is so cute and is one of the best platformers out there. Oh and Sega I want my sequel to Sonic Heros. That was the best sonic game they made and no that wasn't sarcasm.

5098d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Just because newegg sold all 10 kinects they had available to preorder doesn't make this a great article. I still think "Move" is a better deal.

5098d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL this article would actually be funny if someone filed a lawsuit over this.

5098d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

Title is kind of misleading. I think most of those people were most likely not cheating. They probably earned those credits fair and square. So i totally would understand why someone would be mad. I think bungie should of just patched the problem and leave everyone credits the same.

5103d ago 6 agree35 disagreeView comment

Gamefly is a ripoff. Do you see how much money they charge to rent things. This guy should try blockbuster online rental service. It really good. It way cheaper than gamefly and it great. It getting better everyday.

5103d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ugh I am seriously upset right now. 3/4 of the people complaining was not even gone to play the game. Changing the name from Taliban to opposing force is honestly stupid. They still gonna look like the Taliban forces so was it really worth it. EA, you don't have to please anyone except us gamers. If we not making a big deal out of it. You shouldn't care because the people who are complaining ain't even gone to buy the game. So you shouldn't even try to please them.

5103d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That exactly why I didn't buy it. There too many games coming out in october and in november. DC universe online, Sims 3, Naruto ultimate ninja storm 2. So Move just got moved to the back of my buying list. lol im so funny.

5109d ago 3 agree25 disagreeView comment

Well here a few reasons why im not excited.

- There a lesbian kissing scene. Eww just degrade women more.

- Lack of Respect for women.

- And an old ugly main character who thinks he cool.

5109d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

And PS3 can do Steam, mod support, and keyboard+mouse aiming. It not sony fault developers don't implement those features into their game. Also It not a huge difference graphics wise on the PC. So you seriously need to come up with some better reasons.

5109d ago 5 agree18 disagreeView comment

Im surprised developers still make games for it. I understand in order to make a game you have to use a PC but you don't have to make the game available on that platform. With all of the piracy. I just don't know why developers try. If you not making a MMO. Don't even bother making a game for the PC.

5109d ago 5 agree42 disagreeView comment

I played the demo and i loved it. It was really cute and fun. Im gone to buy it later

5109d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well most girls wouldn't want to date a guy who can't support her or himself. Most poor guys are immature and childish. Also It a guy duty to support his GF or wife. So you seriously need to stop with those gold diggers comment.

5109d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Well he definitely has to be cute. He has to have short hair. I hate guys with long hair. If he has red hair. That a huge plus. He has to be funny and he has to be a huge gamer like me but i don't want him to be nerdy. That a turnoff. So I would basically like a cute guy with short red hair and he would basically be funny and can support me.

5109d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

This is great. Im so excited right now. The only characters i care about playing is Karin and Ino. Im gonna be the #1 Ino player in the world.

5110d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

And how am i trolling. I really don't like to play old games. Lack of checkpoints, savepoints, graphics, difficulties and the list just go on and on. I personally think more teenagers like myself won't find that stuff interesting. Anything before the PS1, i don't even bother playing.

5110d ago 5 agree24 disagreeView comment

Ugh losers. Where the proof . You know pics, videos, etc. You know i really don't care about what this guy has to say. This loser just want attention!

5110d ago 82 agree39 disagreeView comment

Well im not a kid but who would want to play those old RPG anyway. Just look at them. Enough said!

5110d ago 8 agree40 disagreeView comment