Currently enjoying Bad Company 2 online, awesome fun


CRank: 5Score: 30080

...own personal hands on time with the demo. I think the mixed reviews show that this game is not for everyone but the majority are very positive with some very good scores in there too.

I personally thought the demo was great fun, easy to play and so I will be basing my purchase solely on my experience of the game. Definitely picking up day one.

5591d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

....was pretty cr@p. I wonder who posted it (looks at contributor), that explains it.

5591d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

....take any sort of criticism. 82 is still a great score. Learn to live with it. Is this review going to affect your experience when playing the game?No of course not.

People need to learn to take the good with bad and just enjoy the game. Not everyone has to think Killzone 2 is the best game ever, and if they think that, then it does not mean they are a so-called xbot, it just means they didn't enjoy the game as much as some of the other reviewers.

5591d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

....just went and looked in the Open zone. Sorry but they really are giving PS3 fans a bad name. Pretty sad and pathetic. Oh well.

Anyway on topic....I played the demo, really enjoyed it and so I will be picking the game up.

5593d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment will sell very well. Judging by the amount of pre orders for the game. I will definitely be one of those sales come launch day. Can't wait.

Edit, 'I hope it sells well just to shut xbox fanboys up', there was really no need. Shouldn't you really be saying you hope it says well because its a fantastic title, and deserves to sell well?! Its a pity people can't seem to enjoy games unless they feel like it has got one over on the competition.

5595d ago 13 agree4 disagreeView comment

....those screens are in game. Concept art? replay screenshot? maybe. If the game does look like that though then wow, it looks astonishingly good.

5596d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

.....I am not going to speculate on what it is or what it isn't. One things for sure, I cant wait to see what it is.

5596d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

.....'I think a more accurate statement would be that UNREAL ENGINE has reached its limit on the 360', I agree with that statement 100%. We need more graphics engines specifically designed to take advantage of the consoles power. I believe the Unreal Engine has been pushed as far as it can really go with Gears 2.

I am however really excited to see how Alan Wake turns out on the 360. If more developers tailored their graphics engines to the console specifically, I feel we would be...

5596d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

....why would the graphics be downgraded?! They are exactly the same, I do however think the character models look better but other than that I haven't really noticed.

5597d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

....been playing it all morning. Definitely best bit of downloadable content I have ever bought. I am really enjoying it at the moment, only 10% through. Billy is an awesome character. Absolute headcase.

On topic, took me around 2 and a half hours to download. Not as bad as I thought it would be.

5597d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

....loved the comment. Bubbles for you.

5597d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...downloading it right now. Can't wait to give this a go. Pretty damn good for the price.

5598d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

...that the actual review itself could be seen as valuable as they are giving the pros and cons of the game, but the score at the end, I would not pay much attention to. A lot of the time they contradict each other.

I would prefer a written review with no score, letting me decide whether or not to pick up the game after reading the pros and cons, therefore making an informed decision.

Far too many people ignore the actual review and focus on the score, therefor...

5598d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

went and some ms points today ready to download in the morning. Should be fun.

5598d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

a better save system.

5598d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

....the customization was great fun. I can't wait for Forza 3.

I am a massive Nissan Skyline enthusiast and the two cars I really want in this game are the Nissan Skyline R33 GTR and the new Nissan Skyline GT-R r35. I would be so happy. For some reason the R33 is always missed out of racing games whereas the R34 and R32 are both present which I find to be a bit strange.

Sorry about going a bit off topic, good to hear Forza 3 should be with us by Christmas though.

5598d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

... 'Old IP's sell to the same crowd', while I can agree in some respects with that comment, I believe it depends on the game itself.

Take Killzone 2 as an example, if what you say is true then that doesn't look good...since Killzone 1 was average and sold pretty average. Because of the fact the sequel is such a massive improvement over the first it is appealing to so many more people (hence the massive amount of preorders) and the same can be said regarding any sequel regardles...

5598d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is a recession going on, companies are going out of business and Microsoft open their own store, and they are in trouble?! how exactly?!

Just as outlawlife said 'someone explain....please'

That article seemed like a poor attempt at bashing Microsoft. It has absolutely nothing to do with games, xbox 360, PS3, Wii or the games industry and yet it is on News for gamers?!

Nineball2112 - Poor effort.

5598d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

...I couldn't care, I have played the demo and really enjoyed it. Therefore day one purchase. Simple really.

5599d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

...a great game, is a great game, regardless of console. Killzone 2 is exactly that, a great game, deserving of the great scores its been getting and I will be definitely picking this up day one.

5599d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment