
CRank: 5Score: 4090

Exactly. The fact that they even mentioned it during a business meeting, I would interpret that as they are going to support it, but they won't see any of the money this financial year, probably because if the console launches in March, Take Two won't see any money from game sales until weeks later ie. it will not be counted this fiscal year, or that the console release date is late March.

Seriously reaching with that headline #clickbate.

2970d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I responded to the bad press the Wii U is getting in an article one month ago -

In that time, almost daily, N4G has been inundated with fanboy articles that have labelled the Wii U as doomed, a failure etc etc. But here are a few facts to consider. The Wii U has been launched in a vastly different economic situation from the previous...

4223d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

What about the actual title? Do you race ridges? No. Lol.

4641d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wonder what ridiculous VIP multi-pass WarnerBrosIA will cook up for these releases.

4724d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

A few months ago it was revealed that in the UK, an ex-employer of mine, Tesco, would be getting exclusive DLC in the form of a challenge map which is 2-3 hours of gameplay. The problem I had wasn't that it was DLC, but all yo ugot was a code to unlock content already on the disc. I wrote Rocksteady an email. No reply.

Now this - removing 1/10 of the single player game if you don't have internet access? While I'm sure a great many gamers have immediate access t...

4727d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

(PART TWO - 4000 characters N$G, really?)

But they only own these games. They play games like I do to be entertained and to have fun, but their tastes are different. I like a good story and a decent offline experience. They prefer the online multiplayer because they can interact with their friends. I don't hate them for it; we play for different reasons, but for the reasons mentioned above, its unlikely they will play any other game. Now what kind of gaming industry would w...

4732d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not a fanboy of CoD or BF3 (I will be buying neither), but I was very interested in the response to this debate, and I think a lot of things get lost in the snide comments of fanboys.

From what I can tell, the 'hate' has little to do with console bias, but is a direct attack on Activision and the attitude they develop games under. While there is an argument for the 'if it's not broke, don't fix it' approach, where would games be if every dev...

4732d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Another Nintendo bashing article from Myona, who seem to write attention grabbing headlines just to cause annoyance.

And yet another article on N4G predicting the demise of Nintendo. There seems to be a great many number of people, presumably fanboys of Sony or Microsoft, who want Nintendo to fail. Why? Because the Wii, a less powerful console, managed to outsell both the PS3 and the 360?

Nintendo may release the same titles for their consoles, but Mario ...

4751d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

@KRAN - I was very tempted to buy Skyrim (after the awesome Xenoblade I could rock a couple more excellent RPGs) but at the same time, I vote with my wallet. If Bethesda are going to act like bullying assholes then I won't be handing them £40 for F all. What's next - no one is allowed to develop a side-SCROLLing beat-em up?

It may sound a bit petty, but it's the only way companies will learn. I also cancelled my pre-order for Batman Arkham City when Rockste...

4756d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

As soon as I saw this was another Myona article I didn't bother reading. I commented on an article written last week entitled "Wii U no longer exciting, Apple’s iPad prove it," also by Josh Holt, which was quite blatantly using a headline to get people to read the article, which I imagine was similar to this one; poorly written, terrible grammar. In my comment I called Josh Holt out on it, only to receive a reply from Amir Ariff, the Editor-In-Chief, stating he had written the a...

4768d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Does anyone else find it funny that Zavvi have an advert on the Eurogamer article page for Batman: AC. Eurogamer advertising FAIL.

Anyway, here's an email I sent to Rocksteady upon reading this. Might sound petty bu this has annoyed me to the point I wont be buying the game, no matter how awesome it is. Vote with my wallet.

To: [email protected]
Subject: Batman: Arkham City - Tesco exclusive content
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 19:21:47 ...

4776d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

... i agree with you that the original article is silly in that BR has carved itself an audience, primarily because of the PS3, but not entirely. Therte are people, like you say, who love new tech and jump on the bandwagon.

But for the rest of us who are watching our savings at the moment, or even those who just like to enjoy a film from the couch rather than with out noses pressed against the screen, it will always be a matter of money.

As for the much improved ...

5794d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...but in my mind, the reason DVD was able to enter the market and be accepted so quickly was because there was a significant difference between the previous leading format (VHS). It was digital rather than analogue, you were able to skip to scene points rather than rewind/fast-forward, you could add additional material to the disc and even over the movie itself (commentaries). With all these advantages, DVD was welcomed.

Blu-Ray brings high-def. That's it. It brings a slighty ...

5794d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why is this guy, WHO HASN'T EVEN PLAYED THE GAME, ripping on it? Is it his time of the month? When did game journalist become so ridiculous that reviews could preview a game with bad word of mouth after having seen the screenshots?

According to other sources (yes, the pinch-of-salt Surfer Girl), Boom Blox is set to be one of the best 3rd party titles on the Wii this year.

6072d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Why are all the GoldenEye stories of late mostly blaming the project's demise on Nintendo? Since GoldenEye originally appeared on a Nintendo machine, does it not make some amount of sense that it should be released on the Wii instead of the 360? Why do Xbox owners suddenly feel that it is their right to have this game exclusively on Xbox Live? Because Microsoft said so?

I also believe that in the five or six years Rare have been at Microsoft, they have not come close to the co...

6092d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't think so. It took me a week of playing (probably 10 hours) to finish every level with a platinum scoring. It has the addictiveness of duck hunt, and couple that with the zapper itself which I am now using with Resident Evil: UC and Ghost Squad, and it is well worth the £20 spent.

6104d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here in the UK, Dixons (when they have the Wii in stock) are punting it off with a PSP. Yes, that's right, the marketing brains at Dixons have decided to combine Nintendo's console and Sony's handheld, rather than a DS, which would, lets face it, make a whole lot more sense.

The entire package is a Wii plus three games (Mario & Sonic at the Olympics, Mercury Meltdown Revolution and The Golden Compass) plus a bright pink PSP.

Presumably Sony is paying Dixons ...

6135d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe I'll set up my own website so N4G can link me and waste my readers time with hackneyed articles such as this. As well as having the spellcheck turned off, the list leaves a lot to be desired. SMG should be in the top three, as should Wii Sports. Yes, it might be free with the console, but of all the mini-game collections out there it is still by far the best, simple and addictive.

I would disagree with ps3freak18 - WarioWare, despite being a collection of short games, is ...

6140d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Read the article. The only quote comes from two postings on Product Reviews own board, while the second source is this rather vague ambiguous reference:

"Some Wii owners also say that many of their friends and themselves only have one Nintendo Wii game."

Who are these Wii owners? How many friends?

Actually - forget that - show me some actual data, some actual numbers that have not been snatched from the air or made up.


6174d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

...that make me wish N4G had a better editorial policy.

6175d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment