
CRank: 5Score: 2630

Xbox 180 got 5 weak reasons to buy their system..... while ps4 got 10 reasons...

1 better graphical capability/better specs
2 better exclusive games (not timed exclusive)
3 no shovelware (forcing videocams on our throat)
4 focused on gamers since day one (no 180 turn)
5 games can be played streaming through psvita.
6 ps4 almost half the size of xbox180
7 better look/design/probably more efficient too given their track record. <...

4102d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

to all sony fanboys like me lets all unite and ban this ass kissing(microsoft),money hungry sites namely GAMESPOT, GAMESPY and 1UP. they are dumasses which does not have the right to be called review sites. they are all microsofts puppets! especially that guy AARON THOMAS he is full of crap because he is trying to destroy something that a lot of people put their heart and soul on perfecting a game like ratchet and clank
i must tell you guys right n...

6179d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

to all sony fanboys like me lets all unite and ban this ass kissing(microsoft),money hungry sites namely GAMESPOT, GAMESPY and 1UP. they are dumasses which does not have the right to be called review sites. they are all microsofts puppets! especially that guy AARON THOMAS he is full of crap because he is trying to destroy something that a lot of people put their heart and soul on perfecting a game like ratchet and clank
i must tell you guys right n...

6179d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

to all sony fanboys like me lets all unite and ban this ass kissing(microsoft),money hungry sites namely GAMESPOT, GAMESPY and 1UP. they are dumasses which does not have the right to be called review sites. they are all microsofts puppets! especially that guy AARON THOMAS he is full of crap because he is trying to destroy something that a lot of people put their heart and soul on perfecting a game like ratchet and clank
i must tell you guys right n...

6179d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

to all sony fanboys like me lets all unite and ban this ass kissing(microsoft),money hungry sites namely GAMESPOT, GAMESPY and 1UP. they are dumasses which does not have the right to be called review sites. they are all microsofts puppets! especially that guy AARON THOMAS he is full of crap because he is trying to destroy something that a lot of people put their heart and soul on perfecting a game like ratchet and clank
i must tell you guys right n...

6179d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

to all sony fanboys like me lets all unite and ban this ass kissing(microsoft),money hungry sites namely GAMESPOT, GAMESPY and 1UP. they are dumasses which does not have the right to be called review sites. they are all microsofts puppets! especially that guy AARON THOMAS he is full of crap because he is trying to destroy something that a lot of people put their heart and soul on perfecting a game like ratchet and clank
i must tell you guys right n...

6179d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

to all sony fanboys like me lets all unite and ban this ass kissing(microsoft),money hungry sites namely GAMESPOT, GAMESPY and 1UP. they are dumasses which does not have the right to be called review sites. they are all microsofts puppets! especially that guy AARON THOMAS he is full of crap because he is trying to destroy something that a lot of people put their heart and soul on perfecting a game like ratchet and clank
i must tell you guys right now it is the most awesome game i have ...

6179d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hey firstknightT it seems like you need a ps3 because you are turning green with envy... hahahahahaha. i know a lot of people are gonna try and put ratchet and clank down because like firstknightT over there, they know that the ps3 has something special going for them and they are scared, real scared that the ps3 is gonna start dominating the console scene again with the price drop and the release of ratchet and clank TOD. wait a minute... its already 11pm its time for me to go to gamestop an...

6180d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

unbelievable to see that these (gamespot)guys went this low to suck microsofts ass! they are even worst than 1up. the only question than I can think of whenever I see reviews like this is how much money they got for doing this! anyway this site(gamespot) is now officially a dumbass review place which is not worthy of my time because they are very bias towards microsoft. never again would I visit their site ever again... so to all ps3 fanboys out there lets unite and ban this site for good. pe...

6180d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i cant wait to play this game!.. woohooo! this is a game that would start the ps3 dominance in the gaming market. its a good thing i preordered it. alrighty!! im gonna play it tomorrow. and about that review from 1 up they have been kissing microsofts ass from day 1. werent they one of those review sites that gave halo 3 a perfect score. DUH! WTF!! are they blind or something! at least now all ps3 fanboys knows what site to avoid... peace out dudes! AAAHUUUUU!

6181d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i just got mine today and let me tell oh boy! its a no brainer... its a beauty to behold. only thing i can say get it while you can. i mean white color with darth vader on the back.. precious. wow! wow! anyway back to the topic. i think the psp lite will do better than before probably around 2 to 3 times more than the old psp but to be able to surpass ds would be a another story. it is a mighty task indeed but hopefully with new colors better controls and new accessories it would be on top of...

6195d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

this price drop, white color and the up and coming "ds3sixaxis" is gonna own all of gaming... just with that white colored one makes me wanna buy a ps3 all over again. by the way backward compatibility won't affect its sales because everybody already owns a ps2 and its as simple as that... peace out and have fun but if you wanna fight me lets do it on the skies of warhawk and the streets of tekken. AAAHUUUU!!!!

6195d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

xbox 360's flagship title and the game that really matters is just 5.4 in the campaign mode. after 3 years in development and this is what they got lame story + lame graphics = lame game. xbots are just blinded by the media who owns and controls them thats the main reason why they bought it in the first place.

6198d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow!now you can really say that xbox 360 is inferior machine. its like this being ahead by a year and all they can show up is 2 games on 1080p WTF! while ps3 has 24 and counting! wow! again.

this just shows the advantages of having blueraydisc on your side. yayyy! as i said blue ray all the way! beat that xbots!!! flame on!!!

6199d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

go go go blueray all the way! wooohoooo!! seems like after a year xbox has no choice but to have blueray disc player add on and further off around 2009 or 2010 xbox 720 that plays blueray disc games... its soooo nice to be on ps3's side. future proof!! AAAHUUUU! nuff said!

6200d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

did i hear halo 4 on ps3.... hmmm sound interesting. if it is its gonna have better in everything, graphics(1080p), single campaign would be longer(around 20 to 30 hours) and no rrods. its all possible because of blueray disc. that's it come on bungie jump in and join the sony bandwagon and make a truly next gen game without limitations. wooohooo. peace out dudes. AAAHUUUU!

6203d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

HALO 3 DID NOT MEET MICROSOFTS EXPECTATIONS TO BE THE GAME OF THE YEAR... FAR FROM IT... HALO 3 just showed limitations of xbox 360 capabilities namely WTF! only 640p in 3 years in the making WTF! excuse my french.. hehehehe!
my friend told me he was scared turning on his xbox 360 console for more than 8 hrs because it has become apparent that if you put a good game that makes the xbox 360 work it breaks. why all this precaution when the reason for buying a console is to enjoy it and ...

6203d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

HALO 3 just showed limitations of xbox 360 capabilities namely WTF! only 640p in 3 years in the making WTF! excuse my french.. hehehehe!
my friend told me he was scared turning on his xbox 360 console for more than 8 hrs because it has become apparent that if you put a good game that makes the xbox 360 work it breaks. why all this precaution when the reason for buying a console is to enjoy it and not be paranoid about rrods that can happen anytime. uuurhg!
a single player camp...

6203d ago 11 agree10 disagreeView comment

more like rocked fanboys head. gave them headaches.. halo 3 just showed limitations of xbox 360 capabilities namely WTF! only 640p in 3 years in the making WTF! excuse my french.. hehehehe!
my friend told me he was scared turning on his xbox 360 console for more than 8 hrs because it has become apparent that if you put a good game that makes the xbox 360 work it breaks. why all this precaution when the reason for buying a console is to enjoy it and not be paranoid about rrods that can...

6203d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

more like rocked fanboys head. gave them headaches.. halo 3 just showed limitations of xbox 360 capabilities namely WTF! only 640p in 3 years in the making WTF! excuse my french.. hehehehe!
my friend told me he was scared turning on his xbox 360 console for more than 8 hrs because it has become apparent that if you put a good game that makes the xbox 360 work it breaks. why all this precaution when the reason for buying a console is to enjoy it and not be paranoid about rrods that can ...

6203d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment