CRank: 5Score: 37450

Ghost squad is an amazing on rail shooter and you could probably pick it up for ten bucks by now. Absolutely not a looker but the Wii zapper is custom made for this game.
Interstingly (maybe) you can kinda' play akimbo if you can keep your targeting reticules under control well.
My favorite set up is to use the Wii zapper (gun) for a basic machine gun and a Wii remote in my other hand (as player two) as a pistol. lot's of fun! Some pretty cool unlockables round out...

5039d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And so begins the Wii's last march uphill. This is gonna be a great time to be a Nintendo fan!

5050d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Software is going to be the defining factor. Sony released the eyetoy during the old PS2 days did it change gaming the way the Wii has? Of course not. It's all in the Software which of course the eyetoy lacks to this day. Ever read anything about Nintendo and market disruption? That'll clarify anything you need need to know about Move and Kinetic.

5059d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

GBA 2001 + GCN = failure? This dynamic duo made a ton of money for the big N. Don't believe the hype. The GCN turned a profit day one like all Nintendo home video game consoles. Microsoft lost four billion dollars on the original Xbox. Bill Gates would call that an "investment" every one else would call that a... colosal failure! Sony chugged along in first but that's all over now. Public perception is everything.

5091d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

For Reflex and World at War. Activision, fix it or we're done doing business.I'm sick to death of watching my bro's getting shot in the back and I can't even say, "Look out.". Tcon? Tlameo. The one fps that provides Wii speak support is in my mind unplayable. Just because it isn't fun. Everything about it screams mediocority. Now HVS is pimping Tcon2... good luck!

5094d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I used to dislike Morgan Webb and thought she was unattractive. Then I saw her in that red dress on E3 and she looked very hot, yummy! I used to call her Olivia Munn's mother, now I call her gorgous!

5099d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

At least G4 is giving Olivia Munn's mom some work...

5124d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We can only hope!

5146d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Reflex and World at War NEED TO BE WII SPEAK ENABLED!

5195d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Final Fantasy II. Awesome! I gotta get me some Wii points!

5214d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The funy thing about this game is the single player experience is excellent! No small thing. Is it impossible to tack on a voice option to both these two great Call of Duty games? Can anybody technical enough out there explain how this could be possible.

5278d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but the lack of Wii speak is criminal. Strategizing is impotant and communication between team members is so crucial to this kind of game and not to have anything justs sucks so bad. Is there anyway for some kind of voice communication to be tacked on to these two important Call of Duty Wii ports? (World at War and Reflex) Anybody?

5322d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Awesome! You just gave an excellent reason why Wii owners should be intersted in trying this game! When you play any f.p.s. on the PS3 or the 360 you're playing it the same way w/ a very similar controller, very pretty pictues for the kids but when you play a f.p.s. on the Wii the controls are obviously very different which makes the experience different and in my mind superior. NecrumSlavery, (if that is your real name) It's hard for me to say this, 'cause I paid fifty buc...

5338d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You do not understand,
A hardcore Nintendo gamer doesn't neccesarily crave blood and guts.
It means they get excited about the next Pikmin game or Kirby game, they've been into gaming for a while. A casual Nintendo player is someone who's first gaming system is probably a Wii they love Wii fit or probably never even ejected the tech demo out of the disc drive! I think what Nintendo has been trying to do w/ some varying degrees of success is turn the casual gamer into the...

5387d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

As a Wii owner this is a day one purcase but no Wii speak is a horrible ommision. It really hurt CODW@W on the Wii an awesome WWII spuad based f.p.s.'er with no way to communicate. So friggin' dumb, my buddies about to get shot in the back and all I can do is... nothing.

5387d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Should be implemented in every wifi enabled piece of Wii soft ware. Period. COD5 especially but MK WII also... Where's thw browser update I could really use one.

5596d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I actually love friend codes. If writting down twelve numbers helps me avoid the ocean of ten year olds that plauge Xbox Live sign me up. I was playing a Xbox Live game about a year ago and this child just keeps sayin' the N word over and over. What's my choice quit the game I was enjoying or listen to this kid spout racism? Screw that I'll take friend codes any day of the week.
Friend Codes allow us to communicate with people we want to communicate with and allows us to not commun...

5639d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People that complain about ACCF being the same as the GCN version. Being able to play w/ friends via wifi plus the added ability to actually to converse w/ friends online is an enormous step forward. You wouldn't have the right to dream about these upgrades in the old GCN version. Either way. Some people don't like this iteration of AC but I can assure you there are thousands of people out there that love it, me included.

5639d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MOHH2 looks like a hobo threw up on my best set of Nike's but ahhh, it controls well. What a moron. There is no FPS that can remotely touch Call of Duty World at War on the Wii period. What's great is that everybody knows that IGN is code for Public Relations bull crap anyways. What a dumb review I completely disagree. Then again maybe Kid Icarus was announced at E3 and everyone in the whole world + the internet just "missed" it. I have top secret "inside" information stra...

5696d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hard as a frickin' diamond. I just can't imagine what the 360 vers. looks like but Jeezus this is the #1 BEST LOOKING Wii GAME EVER. I HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TOO DO ANYTHING SINCE COMING HOME EXCEPT PLAY THIS FRIGGIN' GAME, WOW. Throw MOHH2 in the F'ing trash and BUY THIS GAME. I was all anxious about not seeing any reviews before purchase but I am dizzy w/ glee.
Condorstrike your are 100% correct I agree w/ every word you say. Treyarch, boot polishing time, so many lazy crappy putrid ...

5696d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment