
CRank: 5Score: 1420

Ummmmm guys what is the big fuss over?? The only difference between the games is that it seems like color on th e360 is darker an dthe color on the ps3 is lighter. I saw NO difference in graphics, and those who state otherwise is OBVIOUSLY a hardcore, obnozious fanboy.

6161d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

oh NOW people want to start praising the PS3, saying that its an incredible gaming experience, when a souple of days ago people were still saying how it sucks. People are to two-faced nowadays!!

PS3 here I come!!!!

6195d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ok fanboys can stop getting up set now!! Halo 3 is AMAZING!! BUT it barely beats out Halo 2 in terms of graphics.

The gameplay is pretty much the same (not that they needed to change it or anything), and the new weapons and environments are great!

My friend bought it at 12 am on 9/25 and I went to his house, they were playing it and I said, is this halo 2 or 3 you guys are playing? (yeah they look that much alike!)

6204d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

uh oh I think this article is gonna make a lot of fanboys upset......

6204d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think Nero is Vergil (Dante's brother). Just think aobut it, if you beat Nelo Angelo aka NERO Angelo in DMC1 you don't know what happened to the body, all you know is that he left the pendant behind. AND if you pay attention when Nero says, "Be gone!", or "Crash" while attacking, Vergil ALSO said those things in DMC3!!! Not to mention his voice sounds very similiar to vergils!!

6208d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow I can NOT believe tha tpoepl are STILL hatin gon this game! THis game is sooooo top notch its not even funny! Go to gametrailers .com is you doubt me. PS3 is a hell of a machine

6218d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It exceeded people's expectations and yet 360 fanboys STILL find something to B*TCH about!! THe next thing you know the A.I. is gonna shine and I can bet my bottom dollar that fanboys are STILL gonn cry about something, lol

6225d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"How far will a Sony fanboy go to prove the PS3's woth to a fan?"

He'll go just as far as a 360 fanboys would to post and article about it. That answer your question?

6225d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

this is not even all that bad, now that rude comment pointed a Kojima now THAT was low.

6226d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

well guys, sorry to say, but its the truth. It only looks slightly better than halo 2 and it STILL plays the same. We have all seen the videos and can admit that. Its still a pretty good game nonetheless, but its no huge leap. oh well.....

6226d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

the ONLY difference is the clouds which look a TINY bit better on PS3. That it guys lets move on....

6227d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ooooooohhhhhhh come on guys are you serious????? All the people that were b*tchin about the controls and they were this damn simple!!!?????? You guys that bash this game have got to be THE PETTIEST people on this green earth!!! WOW you guys really should grow the hell up, and be real with yourselves. You haters make me sick........WOW!!

6227d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

umm excuse me, how did heavenly sword fail???? It averages 8-9 so to you thats failure?? Please don't let the fanboy in you start talking

6228d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I've made my choice, I really need to hurry up and buy a PS3!! I can't take this anymore!!! lol

6228d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

well thats your own fault, but from the looks of things, it looks like YOU"LL be the one missing out my friend. U know you can't deny that the game looks awesome.

6228d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow now this game is gonna kick som a**!!

6229d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah blah blah blah man. WHy are you tring to compare two completely different games??? Really are you mad at sony or something?? Whats with all the pissed off 360 fanboys lately??

6229d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have had MANY experiences with white guys say really racist remarks while playin halo 2 online.

This white guy almost got the sh*t kicked out of him at my school for yelling racist remarks over the headset while playing Halo 2.

People are just stupid..

6230d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol you MUST be a die hard 360 fan, because for your reply it looks like your pissed!! LMAO

Why else would someone write such and insulting message To Kojima??? hmmmm lets think, well maybe its because the 360 can't get MSG4....all odds seem to be pointing in that direction don't you think?

You really need to take a deep breath man, its JUST video games!!!
stop crying so much

6230d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its sad that the 360's success depends SOLELY on just one game.

DOn't forget, fanboy, that the PS3's success depends on a VARIETY of games from different genres(which the 360 is terribly lacking) Not JUST shooters!

Now should I spell that out for you fanboys or say it slower for you to understand that??

6230d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment