CRank: 5Score: 65320

The Nintendo online service is rubbish and should be free. I wouldn't even take a free subscription.

2006d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

I cant wait you get this on day one.

2008d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Psvr is so amazing and I'm glad Sony are releasing amazing games for it. I'm glad so has faith in their product that they released a proper vr unit with high quality games and not a vr unit that's made out of cardboard with rubbish games.

2009d ago 27 agree6 disagreeView comment

This game looks amazing and I cant wait to play it

2009d ago 30 agree4 disagreeView comment

How is it possible they still have exclusive games when they are so ahead of everyone else with an abundance of exclusive titles already. I cant wait to play this

2009d ago 49 agree39 disagreeView comment

PlayStation 4 Total Sales: 93,622,127

Xbox One Total Sales: 41,805,569

Switch Total Sales: 31,691,220

2010d ago 20 agree7 disagreeView comment

Wicked. Best car racing simulator available

2012d ago 44 agree10 disagreeView comment

I've been waiting for the redesign for a while.

2013d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

I can't wait to buy one.

2016d ago 0 agree16 disagreeView comment

That's very nice to here so hopefully a lot of developers do this.

2017d ago 19 agree50 disagreeView comment

Amazing game. Hopefully Sony makes another killzone with the tone of killzone 2.

I don't know how guerilla games made these games at that time working with such little specs because those ps3 killzone games rivals a lot of new games this generation. Playing killzone now on a ps3 seems like magic. Now I see why horizon zero looks flipping amazing on a regular ps4.

2018d ago 29 agree4 disagreeView comment

This looks very good. Hopefully it has online co-op

2020d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It looks amazing and I can't wait to be playing it because BF V is amazing. It's technically the best shooter recently released and it would be good if others can be as good or better than BF V.

2021d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

This game isn't even worth talking much about because of how bad it is. It would be on the ps store for probably 10 quid but full price on a switch. This game needs a lot of work to be even remotely mediocre and wouldn't even be noticed on any other gaming system if released. The game is bad judging by the released demo and hopefully the quality is increased. Some people would buy a rubbish game at full price when there are amazing games to support instead. Zone of the Ender's 2 l...

2023d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

The game is rubbish and needs a lot of improvements. I know the switch doesn't have a lot of compelling games to play but this game is far from being a good game. I dislike switch fans who will hype games that aren't good

2023d ago 3 agree15 disagreeView comment

PlayStation is such a amazing console that makes amazing exclusive games that people see an amazing exclusive such as days gone and isn't impressed. If any other gaming system had days gone it would be getting a lot more praise. I'm getting days gone first day.

2026d ago 18 agree3 disagreeView comment

I have the game and I can't wait until it's proper finished. I'm thinking it'll be in a year or so. Probably end of year 2020 but I'm quite happy with all the updates I've played and seen. The ambition is just amazing for this game.

2026d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Wicked. Now they need to release this soon. I wonder how the switch version will be since its portable. Imagine being an adult with a Mario shirt on Sat in a park with friends and family on a bright sunny day playing BF V on the switch. S/ounds amazing.

To each his own but a lot of people need to realize that this game is best played on pc. I saw console version of this game and i think it doesn't do the game justice at all.

2027d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice. Awesome representations in a lot of PlayStation games

2027d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well this sort of opinion is common amongst Nintendo fan addicts. Haven't you read about Nintendo switch having the best games and best looking games which a lot of fan addicts agrees with. The switch has never shown a game that surpasses the best looking ps3 games but some believe Nintendo makes the best looking games now. Just realise these people are special and different then move on.

2027d ago 47 agree19 disagreeView comment