
CRank: 5Score: 13420

Dumbest article of the week, congratulations.

4213d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

My ZombiU loadings actually got faster after the last update, I haven't compared the OS itself yet.

4216d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I really doubt the consoles' generations will stop before the 10th, there's so much to yet be improved. Oh wait, I don't have to argue, Pachter said it.

4217d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh look! Bullshit!

4217d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

When they all come out I will tell you, but I have a Wii U and I love it.

4218d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

AMD is great, and think about it like this. If the hardware is similar, the ports will be easier to make for the developers, and also, will be better.

4227d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

After comparing the Need For Speed screenshots for the X360 and the Wii U versions I believe Wii U's version has a high chance to be like the demo(as stated by a rumor a couple of days ago), that's why they haven't cancelled it yet, it would be just really dumb to release the same game that went that bad, it still in development by Demiurge Studios though, hopefully they won't screw up like Gearbox. Only time can tell.

4229d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Nintendo made a big mistake by releasing a console that is only slightly more powerful than the PS3 and xbox 360" Slightly? Wii U's hardware is custom by Nintendo, you can't compare it with other consoles and have precise results just by it's numbers. Wii U is powerful and will be quite in pair to compete with other 8th gen consoles graphically, at least until they have about 1 year left until 9th gen starts, just my opinion.

4229d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

Seriously? Who is and how do you know this?

4236d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I believe it's quite possible, I'll keep my avatar as a sign of hope. Powerful hardware doesn't mean a lot, they "rushed" with the current version, Wii U's version still in development and can improved. I mean, why wouldn't they cancel it after so many poor reviews? I hope it's true.

4237d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I only have one thing to say. Ubisoft made a really stupid decision.

4245d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well that is bad, they should fix it soon, I don't know an effective way to do this without causin some "trouble" for Nintendo, like someone lending an ID to a friend to share downloaded games, and stuff, that would make Nintendo lose money, but come on, they're Nintendo, they can easily think of something that solve this without giving them any disadvantage :/ This was a pretty bad screw up

4245d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well, it is, but will obviously be the weakest when Sony/MS announce their consoles, but it doesn't means Wii U won't be able to compete graphically with them. My point in the last comment is that the games don't need to have the best graphics to be amazing. I'm terrible with words, sorry.

4249d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

If you want to play a game because of it's graphics, buy a good PC then, If choose a certain console because it's "more powerful", you are not a gamer, stop looking inside the console and look at the things it offers(like the games, services and gameplay, of course good graphics counts too, but barely 10% of what a console really is), you shouldn't care to much about the number of pixels on screen(I believe all consoles will be 1080p this gen) or jaw droping visuals. The...

4249d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

Really good article, but I believe they won't split Miiverse in 3DS and Wii U versions, because that second image suggests it'll be one big service for both systems, one of my thoughts is that It'd be confusing to have 3DS games in Wii U's Miiverse and vice versa, but It could be simply solved with a filter. The friend code thing is the only problem, but It can all be adapted with a big system update. Also, there will be a smartphone version for the Miiverse, implying it will ...

4251d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not a fanboy but the only consoles that worth buying for me are the Nintendo ones, I really love many of it's IPs. I'm from Brazil, I'm doomed as a gamer, games here are pretty damn expensive(3DS games here are about US$80). I have a pretty good PC and mostly things I can play on PS/Xbox I can play it in my PC with better settings. Nintendo is all about inovation and I also like that, but I agree they could have done a better job with Wii U's hardware without affecting...

4251d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I believe the graphics are like that because you are able to play the Wii U version co-op with a 3DS version, it's just the HD remastered version of the 3DS with better rendering and stuff, then it makes easier the simultanious display of the game in Wii U/3DS multiplayer(I'm not saying this is good, I don't know how that works). I hope it runs at 60fps on Wii U. And I hope they don't make Super Smash Bros. 4 for Wii U with the 3DS version's graphics.

4255d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In terms of hardware, that is kind of obvious, Wii U is having a head start in the markets thought, but let's not go deep in that and focus on the main topic. They will be more powerful than the Wii U, that is a fact. And I know the Wii U's tecnology doesn't innovate like the Wii or the 3DS did, but it's well applied and a great evolution, the gameplay is pretty good and there are many other possibilities. I believe Wii U will be quite "in pair" to compete with the o...

4271d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Imagine Super Mario Galaxy: Trilogy, with SMG 1, 2, and a new one, all in 1080p, or a new Metroid, maybe even a new DK or Kirby(Air Ride 2? Please!). It'd be awesome!

4280d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game should be complete and without glitches or bugs in the launch day, IF a few player find any problem with the game, they will add a patch to fix it, It should be rare to download a patch. They shouldn't rush to start selling a game like they do. And I don't see any problem with the DLC, but I only think the game should be COMPLETE in the launch day and when you buy it, you should have to download(and pay) only for EXTRA CONTENT.

4301d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment