
CRank: 5Score: 7430

I read this article a little while ago but I couldn't post cause my brain got mad and divorced me. I spent awhile looking for it and finally after promising it a few rounds of Killzone2,hard liquor and allot of porn, It took me back. But it warned me never to try to even attempt to understand an article like that ever again.

5549d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have heard from a few people that the demo is pretty crappy. However some of those people still got the full game and said the full game is much different (and better) then the demo. I have no idea because I bought the full game without even playing the demo. I took a risk on a title I never heard of and I am glad to say it was a great move. Valkyria Chronicles is one of my favorite games. VC2 will be a launch day purchase for me no question.

5549d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It won't be hard to enforce. Things are a bit different in China. They are pretty harsh toward people who don't follow even minor laws. You can go to jail in China for distributing non-authorized Christian literature. The sentence may range from three to five years imprisonment.


5564d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

REALLY I would never have guessed that 2.9 came before 3.0. Thank you for helping me understand.

5565d ago 28 agree0 disagreeView comment

Every now and then a truly fun and interesting game comes along. While PS3 has had a few already. I must say that Valkyria Chronicles is my favorite so far.

Paid $59.99 plus tax for it and it is worth every penny.

5584d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

orphan rapefest game will be made into a real game in japan.

5613d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Makes you wonder what other hidden content a website might have.

5614d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

To be fair to SCEE. The US has far less rules on how you can run a contest then in Europe. You have to remember that the US is one country so for the most part they only have to have one set of rules for the entire contest. In order to run a contest in Europe you have to make sure that your contest is oked by every country. It can be done but it's just not as easy to do in Europe as it is in the US.

5625d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Doesn't stealing a bible sort of defeat the purpose?

5627d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So says the lord.

5627d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I care more about women then videogames so I'll ask this in a way that makes me happy. Which would you rather? Sex with 25 amature, buck toothed, $2 hookers or Sex with 5 of the hottest women on earth who also happen to know all the best moves in the sack. Im sorry but quantity is never better then quality.

Having more games doesn't mean crap to me if I don't like most of the games in the first place.

5636d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well mine is just a few letters from my first and last name along with the number 7. I was given a random email address based on my name, back when I first set up my email account and since I know it by heart I use it on lots of things. Sorry to be one of the number people but I just really don't want to have to remember a bunch of different Names for every site I go too. So I went with the one I know best.

5654d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can just about guarantee that if you have played more then a few hours on this game, that you have had a DEV on your team at some point. DEVs are always playing thier games looking for ways to improve things. Looking for cheating, etc. Also you would be surprised at what kind of things a game can keep track of. Just because we can't see the stat does not mean it's not thier. Im sure the DEVs can track not only kill count but where each kill happened.

Should they fix the glitch...

5656d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft as a whole has failed over the last two years. They gave us Vista, Zune, and 360. All 3 of which had major problems. Microsoft needs to slow down and pick a market. They are getting into way too many things and it's costing them dearly.

I did not buy a 360 even though it had some games I really wanted to play. I refuse to spend my hard earned money on something that has such a high chance of breaking down. Someone above said that thier "solution" was to buy 2 ...

5657d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sex is a natural part of life. How many of us have had or are going to have sex compared to the number of us who have or going to kill someone. I really don't get why sex is looked at as such a bad thing. I can buy a book that has a sex scene, I can buy a movie that has a sex scene. In either case you can find plenty of these where the books and movies are not porn. The sex scene was simply used as part of the plot. In allot of cases the scenes where tastefully done and not offensive. Why ca...

5659d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mr. T and Chuck Norris will pity fools and rip out hearts all across the land. And the world shall know fear.

5671d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Still got my Black Label copy of FFVII. The case is cracked and I don't know where the book is but all the disk play just fine. It may not be in a very good condition as far as collectors go but as a 11 year old, game that gave me hours of enjoyment, and could still give me hours of enjoyment if I choose to play it again it's in great condition.

5711d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

To those that enjoy RE's controls, great. However I dont and will not be buying this game. It's my personal choice for me and me alone. Why are some of you so angry that some of us just don't like the same things you do? Anyway to those of you who can enjoy this game with it's current controls. I wish you the best and hope the game is great fun for you. As for me, I'll be scaring myself silly with F.E.A.R. 2.

5711d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just don't cross onto my corner or i'll cut you. I been whoring it up since long before PS3, all you new whores better learn your place.

5926d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im not surprised that the game doesn't need a powerful CPU. RAM and GPU are much more important to most games then the CPU. I do think that any computer game player should be using a Duo Core machine but an entry level Duo Core machine with 2 - 3 gigs of RAM and a mid range GPU should be fine with most computer games out.

A great PC build would be

Pretty much any Core 2 Duo or AMD X2
3 Gigs RAM

6003d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment